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Fire Emblem Shadows of the Descendant *Need COOL AID HERE!*


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So I've recently typed out a full story. Well actually a script since I got that one mixed up from my other written out plot holes, but any who moving, it'll follow up as a story

when it is played out right. The way I sought them all out in my dreams when I went to sleep everyday, and it totally haunts me because it didn't happen, and I want this to actually

happen. So this main character will start out as Vagabond class which is none other than ME just to really know what kind of person I am capable of to go through tough times.

We all went through rough times when starting out with nothing. Some of the story isn't 100% true because I made up some of them, so don't cry too much just cause some aren't

really true, but it would be kinda messed up on why this character has no one to support other than his own. No one to rely on and survive on your own instinct by doing what it's

right to survive rather than kill to survive. Hopefully there will be three main characters involving their own personal somewhat same goals. Unlike MageKnight404's hacks adding

Eliwood as a third main character as an insulting joke. I wonder why he doesn't add a Shagaal, Shane Walsh, Governor Philip Blake, or anyone even Serpent Kenji Oja character

as the third rotten antagonist who would turn against his or her own friends. But instead, Eliwood just to pissed off some who may loathe this character because it doesn't fit in as

much of his other two hacks being prototypes. At least his latest one isn't a total letdown aside of the title "Sacred Dawn" not being a creative title which I wonder where he got

that from? Fire Emblem 8 & 10, I presume. In any case, I'm not here to debate or judge about his work of art, but I want to start that isn't made up of 100% pure horse crap from

the front lawn. Later on, there will be firearms in the next project involving with the Serpent Clan since they didn't die in Battle Realms but kept killing more Hordelings with

Serpent Kenji outliving everyone who is weak enough to stick along the douchey path. They will be twists and some humorous moments. This story probably takes place after the

massacre of Sigard's forces being slaughtered just like the Zerg Campaign of True Colors. I miss Fenix! :'( I think this project has four acts with new classes on each path. There

is also going to be mind control plot holes, but no time traveling BS. This isn't Terminator, Back to the Future, or even Doctor Who. No time travel! I would appreciate if any of you

could give me some hacking advice because I'm stuck to begin and proper function of Fire Emblem hacking. It's hard enough when I've watched MarkyJoe1990 Fire Emblem

hacking videos, and I totally fad out when trying real hard to understand what he's saying. I really tried to make some changes, and I get the dreaded black screen of death!

Apparently, I didn't insert the correct spots and result into the game in a black screen because I faded out during MarkyJoe1990 tutorial hacking videos. :/ Give me some COOL

AID of advice! Not AIDS to kill off this project, okay! :D It would be cool if I was the antagonist with an epic boss theme which I have a lot of them in mind. :P

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This is very difficult to read. How can we expect competence in hacking if there’s no competence in the inital writeup?

Text automatically wraps here, so you don’t have to hit enter whenever you hit the end of the line. 

To start with, you talk like you’re 12. So there’s that. 

A Vagabond is basically a hobo (unsuprising) which is a wonderful start to what I can already tell will be a riveting story.

You go right into insulting another creator without any break in your thoughts. 

You’re attempting to use firearms in a fantasy setting. Setting aside how mechanically broken that would be, There’s really no reason for them to exist, considering how easy a fireball is to conjure up. 

You’re pulling refrences to other works in what are presumably other forms of media, apparently without any rhyme or reason.

You speak of mind control plot holes, when you obviously mean plotlines, and then totally out of the blue mention the lack of time travel. Nothing anywhere else there brought up time travel, and yet there it is.

The next part looks like you used google translate for. I can barely make out that you had some kind of difficulty(?) with learning to hack. 

Your closing lines suggest to me that you’re totally going to ignore any kind of criticism.

And the final thought, You’ve already established you want to be the protagonist, how would you also be the antagonist.

And on a more personal note, your taste in anime is terrible.

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This is very difficult to read. How can we expect competence in hacking if there’s no competence in the inital writeup?

Text automatically wraps here, so you don’t have to hit enter whenever you hit the end of the line. 

To start with, you talk like you’re 12. So there’s that. 

A twelve year old can talk as fluent as an adult. They can also write fine. They're also pretty smart.

What, does everyone think twelve year old kids are dumb now?

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A twelve year old can talk as fluent as an adult. They can also write fine. They're also pretty smart.

What, does everyone think twelve year old kids are dumb now?

Would saying 5 year old have been better? The implication was pretty clear, I thought.

Oh well.

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Would saying 5 year old have been better? The implication was pretty clear, I thought.

Oh well.

5 year old would make sense, yeah.

I'm sorry for nagging on you like that, I just don't get why a 12 year old wouldn't talk normally.

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Pixel's 12 himself, Lisandra, hence the animosity.

As it stands on this hack idea, it doesn't sound very... good. It's also hard to read due to terrible formatting and a lot of rambling in general. Try putting more thought into your hack and maybe try again later?

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Pixel's 12 himself, Lisandra, hence the animosity.


but yeah I have no idea where you're coming from here

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1. Throwing insults is not welcome here. Do it elsewhere.

2. This is also a duplicate topic. I'd lock it if I could, but I don't have mod powers in here. Please respond in the other topic here until I can get in touch with someone who can close this.

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