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Sully + Vaike + Sol = Healing every turn?!


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Either I must be getting EXTREMELY lucky, or this pairing is giving me a virtually invincible Vaike, because he's been doing Sol almost EVERY SINGLE ATTACK, ever since he picked it up. Meaning he almost always heals damage and can't be killed unless he's OHKO'd or something.

Vaike and Sully both have high skill stats in my file, and Sol's trigger rate is skill divided in half. Sully must be giving Vaike a skill boost.

Has anyone else had wickedly awesome scenarios like this? lol Just imagine what could happen when I make Vaike a Berserker and he gets Axefaire. o.o

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  • 2 weeks later...

If Vaike is still a Hero, his maximum skill is 47. As a Warrior, that cap is reduced to 43. I assume Sully is a Paladin, (as it's really one of her only viable class options, IMO) so her max skill is 42. The pair up bonus should boost Vaike's skill stat to just over 50. So, theoretically, Sol should activate once every two attacks Vaike makes, so about once per fight if he's doubling (twice per fight with brave weapons). So yeah, if he activates Sol most every attack, you're getting pretty lucky.

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If Vaike is still a Hero, his maximum skill is 47. As a Warrior, that cap is reduced to 43. I assume Sully is a Paladin, (as it's really one of her only viable class options, IMO) so her max skill is 42. The pair up bonus should boost Vaike's skill stat to just over 50. So, theoretically, Sol should activate once every two attacks Vaike makes, so about once per fight if he's doubling (twice per fight with brave weapons). So yeah, if he activates Sol most every attack, you're getting pretty lucky.

You're a little late. I reclassed Vaike to Berserker ages ago. :P (for Axefaire)

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