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Dragon laguz and their children (spoilers)


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We were never given a reason to assume that Laguz somehow can't cast spells. So why would Sephiran need a special reason to be able to use Tomes? The only requirement we know of is the ability to speak the Ancient Language.

Then why can't Leanne, Rafiel and Reyson use tomes? After all, all three of them know the Ancient Language quite well.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Then why can't Leanne, Rafiel and Reyson use tomes? After all, all three of them know the Ancient Language quite well.

Just because they don't doesn't mean they can't. Why doesn't Pelleas use Light Magic? He's a mage and speaks the ancient language so he can, he just uses Dark magic instead. The Herons can use magic they just don't because they're part of a very non violent society and the one among them who has a more aggressive streak has been living among the other bird trype recently where he would have no opportunity to learn it.

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Then why can't Leanne, Rafiel and Reyson use tomes? After all, all three of them know the Ancient Language quite well.

Probably for the same reason Ike can't use tomes: They never learned it. People don't need a special reason for not being mages. Especially when said people can cast magic by simply singing.

I mean, those are just 3 herons. Before we saw our first Beorc mage back in PoR, we were introduced to at least 11 named Beorc characters who all couldn't use tomes, not counting bosses and non-playable NPCs but still counting Greil in addition to Marcia, Rolf and Mist. So the fact that the mere 3 herons we meet never used tomes means absolutely nothing.

And just a reminder: Galdrar that have destructive effect do indeed exist, as we saw in PoR Chapter 17. But remember how Tibarn lost his shit when Reyson tried to use one. Despite Tibarn being all too happy to punish the Beorc, he made it clear that he wouldn't allow Reyson to proceed and lectured him about how he would warp his very existence by using such Galdrar. Which says a lot about how opposed herons are to this kind of thing but it also shows that if Herons really wanted to wreck some shit, they still wouldn't need tomes for the job.

Edited by BrightBow
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Because they don't want to, because Herons are pacifists.

The problem with that statement is that Sephiran is a Heron laguz (albeit one who has lost his powers), and, as he demonstrates at the end of RD, he is definitely not a pacifist.

Oh, by the way, it's possible to have your Herons kill enemies using the Magic Card items (so much for being a pacifist, eh?).

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Sephiran's personality had gone through a massive alteration throughout his long life. He most likely did start out the way other Herons do, but changed drastically. He even went through multiple suicide attemps.

And like BrightBow already mentioned, whilst the herons do posses the ability to cast offensive magic (one way or another), it doesn't change the fact that they are, at their core, opposed to violence.

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The problem with that statement is that Sephiran is a Heron laguz (albeit one who has lost his powers), and, as he demonstrates at the end of RD, he is definitely not a pacifist.

Oh, by the way, it's possible to have your Herons kill enemies using the Magic Card items (so much for being a pacifist, eh?).

Pacifism isn't some kind of genetic trait. They have a culture of pacifism, that doesn't mean every member automatically and fully has to subscribe to those beliefs. Though given that I would probably still class Lehran as a pacifist. He has very strong beliefs and is still willing to stand in someone's way for them but that doesn't stop him being a pacifist. The text book definition is being opposed to violence and war which is something that very easily describes Lehran. A pacifist is not someone who is completely unwilling or unable to hurt another, it's someone who opposes violent means to resolve situations and is unwilling to resort to such. Everything from Lehran's past, reason for fighting, timing of his fight and even the nature of his fight supports this fact. He is standing in your way because he has no other choice and during battle chooses more to run away and let his spirits attack rather than attack you himself. He isn't focused on killing Ike's group, he's trying to stall time to await Ashera's judgement. Overall I'd be more willing to describe him a pacifist then I would Reyson despite Reyson being a full heron with no combat ability.

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