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Which gender for MU character is the best pair with Chrom?

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O.O How would you do MaMU x Chrom?

FeMU x Chrom because they have an S support. But... MaMU x Chrom? WAT

...Idk, I remember sawing some pics with Male!MU x Chrom, on dA, tbh...

((Dunno, if I should ship it, since Awakening involves marriages..))

~ .~

Edited by Tide of Waves
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Do you mean gameplay wise?

If so, well, you get an S support with a female avatar and Lucina becomes more broken. Morgan gets rightful king.

But if you just pair MaMu and Chrom, you still have an A support, which is pretty good and you're free to pass your genes to another children that may need them more than Lucina.

As far as pairing goes, FeMUxChrom is a silly anime cliche. I found it entertaining, but I aknowledge tha it is a pretty bad support and that scenario cannot seriously lead to a marriage. I do find that the scene in chapter 21 is really emotional when the avatar is Lucina's mother.

MaMU support with Chrom has him going really protective of Chrom.

I personally have a bias for FeMUxChrom, but I don't think there is a better pairing in this game. You can say that a support convo is objectively better than another, but every one has their own set of values and preferences that will makes them choose a particular pairing(or they just want to optimize).

Long answer short: whatever floats your boat.

Male Avatar. Wasn't there something in the Future Past DLC about Grima saying Chrom loving Avatar and he only says this when he's using Male Avatar's body?

And I'm pretty sure Grima says the same line when you have a FeMU.

Edit: Went to check

Father? ...Father! Where did he go?
He must have escaped to his own world... The former owner of this body appears to still have a faint hold on it... Damn him/her! I wanted to savor killing Chrom all over again!
I would never let that happen!
Heh. You know, the man/woman who used to control this body loved your father. He/She would have died to protect Chrom. And in sending Chrom away just now, his/her spirit has finally perished. ...Now the games will cease. The only world in which you'll see your father again is the WORLD OF DEATH! ...Mmgh? What?
It can't be...
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Do you mean gameplay wise?

If so, well, you get an S support with a female avatar and Lucina becomes more broken. Morgan gets rightful king.

But if you just pair MaMu and Chrom, you still have an A support, which is pretty good and you're free to pass your genes to another children that may need them more than Lucina.

As far as pairing goes, FeMUxChrom is a silly anime cliche. I found it entertaining, but I aknowledge tha it is a pretty bad support and that scenario cannot seriously lead to a marriage. I do find that the scene in chapter 21 is really emotional when the avatar is Lucina's mother.

MaMU support with Chrom has him going really protective of Chrom.

I personally have a bias for FeMUxChrom, but I don't think there is a better pairing in this game. You can say that a support convo is objectively better than another, but every one has their own set of values and preferences that will makes them choose a particular pairing(or they just want to optimize).

Long answer short: whatever floats your boat.

And I'm pretty sure Grima says the same line when you have a FeMU.

Edit: Went to check

Shio: well, I know it's a marrige game, Fem!MU with Chrom, or Male!MU with Chrom tho, but do they like the pair, even tho it's not gameplay?

Edited by Tide of Waves
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I prefer male because the only reason I pair the two together is early 100% AT on Avatar since Chrom gives +Lck and an A support gives the same stat boosts as S, and it gives me stronger marriage options later (even if I do Avatar-F, I rarely marry Chrom because Lucina already gets everything she needs from Sumia, Olivia or Maribelle).

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The support with the male Avatar is much better, imo. But for gameplay reasons, obviously the female. And I dislike the Chrom x Female Avatar pairing. xP

Also, about that dialogue from Grima, how can the Avatar have loved Chrom even if they're married to someone else? That makes no sense to me. Even if Grima just meant friendship-wise, it's still odd that he'd use the love term instead of just saying the Avatar simply cared a lot for him.

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Also, about that dialogue from Grima, how can the Avatar have loved Chrom even if they're married to someone else? That makes no sense to me. Even if Grima just meant friendship-wise, it's still odd that he'd use the love term instead of just saying the Avatar simply cared a lot for him.

Nothing odd about it. Love is not required to be romantic or sexual. And you can definitely love more than one person. And it's a much more potent thing to say than "cared a lot for". One can love their parents, or their children, or their friends, etc.... Do these things not make sense to you, or is it something else? I don't see how it's even possible to get hung up on this unless you think people are only able to love one person in their entire life or think you're incapable of loving someone else just because you're married.

A lot of people enjoy the changed context in a lot of the game if you're married to Chrom (marrying Lucina does this too) which is only possible if you're female. If that's you're thing, cool. It certainly makes things different, but that doesn't automatically mean better. I prefer the relationship of the Avatar and Chrom if they're not married, personally, regardless of the Avatar's sex. Between the two, I do prefer the supports Chrom has with the male Avatar by miles, like many.

Gameplay-wise, obviously the female is at an advantage because she can get Galeforce an S-Rank with him.

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Nothing odd about it. Love is not required to be romantic or sexual. And you can definitely love more than one person. And it's a much more potent thing to say than "cared a lot for". One can love their parents, or their children, or their friends, etc.... Do these things not make sense to you, or is it something else? I don't see how it's even possible to get hung up on this unless you think people are only able to love one person in their entire life or think you're incapable of loving someone else just because you're married.

Yes, but Chrom and the Avatar aren't family (aside from marriage, obviously), and I don't think friends regularly say "I love you" to one another. It's pretty much always left to couples and family members. But you're right, one can certainly love more than one person, that's true.

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Same thing essentially.

gameplay wise= female avatar

writing/supports=male avatar

I wish they had gone for a more serious tone with female avatar, but alas, they didn't. It's a little disappointing since the two avatars are essentially the same person, but their supports give off this entirely different vibe and reflect an entirely different personality from each other. It's probably why I prefer the male avatar a lot more over his female counterpart. Oh well... What's done is done, I guess.

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Yes, but Chrom and the Avatar aren't family (aside from marriage, obviously), and I don't think friends regularly say "I love you" to one another. It's pretty much always left to couples and family members. But you're right, one can certainly love more than one person, that's true.

Regularly? Generally, no. But it's far from unheard of to tell particularly close friends you love them at some point. Chrom and the Avatar clearly develop a very intimate friendship which probably encompasses loving one another. Chrom wouldn't be so opposed to the Avatar sacrificing themselves at the end otherwise.

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Regularly? Generally, no. But it's far from unheard of to tell particularly close friends you love them at some point. Chrom and the Avatar clearly develop a very intimate friendship which probably encompasses loving one another. Chrom wouldn't be so opposed to the Avatar sacrificing themselves at the end otherwise.

I suppose. I wouldn't say I don't love my best friends, so you're right. That'd be foolish.

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Now that I think about it, I think I have another reason to prefer MaMU. The scene with Lucina may be somewhat powerful for some (though I kind of look at it as "so wait, you don't care about your mother like you care about your father?"), but here's the thing. If Lucina was so determined to not have FeMU go with Chrom...

Why didn't she just injure her really badly or something? Or cut off her hands, or cripple her in some other way? Do something to make it so that she'd HAVE to not go with Chrom to fight Validar? I mean, the same sort of applies to the MaMU scenario, but here, it's especially ridiculous that matricide was seemingly the first thing Lucina thought of.

I mean, Lucina seriously doesn't try to at least talk to FeMU about maybe not going to Validar? No teary eyed message about how "MOTHER! This is suicide! If you go there...Chrom will die! And you will become Grima! Please, don't make me lose both my parents all over again!", or something like that? It really does almost seem like she didn't care about FeMU as much as she cared about Chrom. I mean heck, check out this line...

Lucina: If Father is right, then we can change our fates. If this dark future is to be averted, sacrifices must be made. I am sorry, Robin! I know this is matricide, I... I know that...

I mean, the girl doesn't even call FeMU "Mother"! She just calls her by whatever name you gave her! I mean, she changes her about killing her no matter what option you choose, but it still just seems...weird.

Edited by FionordeQuester
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I mean, Lucina seriously doesn't try to at least talk to FeMU about maybe not going to Validar? No teary eyed message about how "MOTHER! This is suicide! If you go there...Chrom will die! And you will become Grima! Please, don't make me lose both my parents all over again!", or something like that? It really does almost seem like she didn't care about FeMU as much as she cared about Chrom. I mean heck, check out this line...

I mean, the girl doesn't even call FeMU "Mother"! She just calls her by whatever name you gave her! I mean, she changes her about killing her no matter what option you choose, but it still just seems...weird.

To be fair, I get the feeling that Lucina loves Chrom more than any of her other potential mothers. Not just her, but all the other children (except possibly Noire and Nah, but especially Gerome) seem to love the parent that they're linked to more than the optional one. Also, I think Lucina also calls Chrom by name at least once in that same scene.

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To be fair, I get the feeling that Lucina loves Chrom more than any of her other potential mothers. Not just her, but all the other children (except possibly Noire and Nah, but especially Gerome) seem to love the parent that they're linked to more than the optional one.

While that may be, it still seems a little absurd in this case.

Also, I think Lucina also calls Chrom by name at least once in that same scene.

It's this line...

If you hold any love for Chrom, then let this be done...

And she says that in all three of the optional conversations. Almost like she's accusing either her mother or her husband of not truly loving Chrom if she's not willing to let herself get butchered. And while I'm sure she's got some issues coming from an apocalyptic timeline and all of that...it just doesn't really gel with me that she'd go THIS far just to save her dad, and for that matter, have so little faith in her own husband. That's one of the reasons why I prefer MaMU to the FeMU, and also why I don't really like the idea of MaMU marrying Lucina. It doesn't seem like it makes sense in the context of the story.

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While that may be, it still seems a little absurd in this case.

Personally, I think it just runs in Chrom's family to not be very good at thinking things logically. When you think about it, there were several ways to take care of Validar without running the risk of having MU kill Chrom, as you noted. But Chrom seems fucking insistent that MU face Validar because he trusts MU that much, and Lucina's first thought is "MU must die".

And she says that in all three of the optional conversations. Almost like she's accusing either her mother or her husband of not truly loving Chrom if she's not willing to let herself get butchered. And while I'm sure she's got some issues coming from an apocalyptic timeline and all of that...it just doesn't really gel with me that she'd go THIS far just to save her dad, and for that matter, have so little faith in her own husband. That's one of the reasons why I prefer MaMU to the FeMU, and also why I don't really like the idea of MaMU marrying Lucina. It doesn't seem like it makes sense in the context of the story.

I can see your point, and to be fair this scene is what made me somewhat dislike Lucina's character. (Not that she tries to kill MU, I can actually forgive her state of mind. What bother me is that when it's her own mother or husband, she can't go through with it, puts her own emotions above what she considers "for the good of the world". But anyone else's husband, wife, or parent can go die, even if they are somehow related to her.) But everyone has different opinions on this scene and the characters and their interactions and whatnot.

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