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Pick my units!

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I'm looking for 9 units, excluding Ephraim, who will be used anyway.

EDIT: Include class, por favor. If not I'll just decide that myself











Edited by Siegmund
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but rennac comes as a rogue

Hero!Gerik because fuck the Ranger class.

And... uh... SAGE!LUTE.

you're welcome.

you're so generous.

Also Swordmaster for Joshua, because duh. (and you have Rennac for Picking, so no need for Joshua to Lpick)

Edited by phobia
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god why must you always be wrongjk but srsly why not Druid

I don't like the Shaman tree much. The Speed sacrifice isn't worth it, IMO, and I prefer Light magic from Sage or the extra move with Mage Knight. I have a bit of a grudge against dark tomes that are not called FE7!Luna or from FE13. Same goes for axes, which has it even worse with me. Except FE13 to some extent.

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