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Which Voice option do you like the most?

Tide of Waves

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I like the JPN voices better myself despite only understanding what Rey translates, but some ENG voices are great and I can understand them of course. I don't use JPN voices because of that bug which resets your choice if you soft reset, but I really like that they gave us the option.

Speaking of Avatar voices? #3 for me.

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I like the JPN voices better myself despite only understanding what Rey translates, but some ENG voices are great and I can understand them of course. I don't use JPN voices because of that bug which resets your choice if you soft reset, but I really like that they gave us the option.

Speaking of Avatar voices? #3 for me.

My MU voice are Fem!MU Voice #1, and Voice 2(If JPN)

Male!MU Voice #2 xD

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I generally skip everything anyway

I guess there is the first run and english wins because I understand it and doesn't glitch in an english game

But it doesn't matter on subsequent runs because I skip everything that doesn't have to do with player phase gameplay

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With the limited voice acting in this game, I'm fairly indifferent. When we get fully voiced supports and whatnot (PLEASE IS) I'd rather english, mostly so I can hear the voices In a language I'm familiar with. (I've got a pretty limited japanese vocabulary)

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I like the Japanese voices because it sounds like you're watching an anime. The downside is that I can't understand what they say and the voices sound kinda bland compared to the English voices. So I use English most of the time, but sometimes I switch to Japanese. It's a nice change from hearing the same phrases over and over again.

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JPN, because Tomokazu Sugita is reason enough.

^This, basically. I also love Miyuki Sawashiro's work on MU (it sucks that they left out the shota voice in the American version ; ;).

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When watching anime, I'm pretty 50/50 when it comes to sub vs dub.

In video games,playing in japanese feels much less immersive to me so I always play in english, but I might play in JPN a little bit out of curiosity.
So obviously, I play Awakening in english. Plus it as a lot of VAs I like.

As for the Avatar voice, I go with the first one.

Edited by LeDom
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English, I can understand it. Although listening to all the ummms and OKs sound funny when someone else is playing and your doing something else.

Also English Cynthia has the cutest giggle


Also mother and offspring pair has different set of critical quotes in the English version as opposed in the Japan voice set

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I like both, but I primarily use english since I can actually understand it, I like most of the english VAs, and I'm too lazy to reset the japanese voices each time I reset. As for Avatar voices, I like Voice 3 for both male and especially female (I love Michelle Ruff, and I'm so happy and honored that my MU can be voiced by her =3).

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I prefer the English voices, since I can understand it. I like things I can understand. If we're talking about the avatars' voices, I guess I prefer voice 1 on both male and female, although I've tried out all of them.

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While I usually prefer watching subs of animes, I prefer usually play games in english simply because not everything is subbed in a game. I played Xenoblade in english just because I loved hearing the banter between the characters during battle. And it's pretty much the same thing in Awakening. I love hearing the battle quotes.

On a side note, the only little nitpick I have about the japanese option is that every character says dual attack/strike when doing one. The game is already pretty anime, but this one goes a bit too far, since I find it OOC for most of the cast. In fact, the only one for whom I think it really fits is the one that kept it during the translation: Owain.

For the avatar, it's voice 1 for both of them.

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Japanese voices all the way. I can't stand 99% of the English voices, ESPECIALLY Inigo, his voice turned out the worst.

I don't mind Inigo's, but Virion... *shudder* Ugh...

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