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The perfect Swordmaster

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So I want my avatar to be the best swordmaster as possible. Any tips minus the best and worst stat? (In my playthrough, he has plus hp and minus luck, yeah...

I know it's bad)

So I was thinking:




All stats plus 2


Others I was considering: (Vantage, Wrath, Sol, Luna, Swordfaire)

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My personal recommendation:

Limit Breaker





Another Astra/Lethality. *Sigh*

Just a side note: Swordmasters are very weak in this game. Their only advantages over Assassins are Mag, Def, and Res. Magic is going to get you +2 damage from Ignis... but Assassins have +2 strength in the first place. Def/Res aren't going to be of large consequence for a class that is meant mostly for dodging. Assassins also have access to bows.

Edited by Gaius217
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Here I got a good one:




Limit Breaker

Swordfaire/All Stats +2/Counter/Agressor/Wrath/Miracle

This is more of a counter set,as mainly it is for purposes to do a lot of damage from Vengeance,and if you get attacked Vantage will save you then Vengeance will activate doing massive amounts of damage.Limit Breaker for the extra 10 everything,Armsthrift so your weapon doesn't break,then the 6 options. Swordfaire for the extra damage for a sword because you're locked to swords,all stats +2 for the extra boost in all stats,Counter in case you get damaged even more,Agressor for an offensive use of Vengeance,Wrath because when Vantage activates you get +20 crit,Miracle to leave you with 1 HP so Vengeance can defeat everyone in your path,your choice.

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Don't do Ignis, lack of magic

Swordmasters have decent Mag for any non-Magic using class. And ignis can be used ANYWHERE. Without Mods, and with LB, you're going to be doing at least 5 more damage (Pavise+, Dragonskin), but usually +22. That's not even factoring in rallies.

Edited by Gaius217
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Wrath isn't very good

And Luna and Vengeance probably shouldn't be running together

Maybe AT for one, swordfaire or all stats +2 for the other

Why not Luna and Vengeance? Can only one activate?

If not, you realize Vengeance's activation rate is 100% for a capped Swordmaster with Limit Breaker

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Only one can activate at a time

Plus vengeance on a SM isn't too good since they can mostly dodge everything and they don't have very good ranged weaponry

My logic was that Vantage, Wrath, and Vengeance are a good combo.

Perhaps, armsthrift instead of Luna? Or maybe all stats plus two?

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Only one can activate at a time

Plus vengeance on a SM isn't too good since they can mostly dodge everything and they don't have very good ranged weaponry

They have the Amatsu and Ragnell so they're pretty set if they have Armsthrift,but yeah being dodgy is kinda a problem,but they're defense isn't great so you may as well go for it.

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Armsthrift sounds nice. I'll have a strong unit who will deal extra damage back (more the less hp he has), will attack first when less than half, and crit will increase. Dodging is good but taking no damage is always a good thing.

Crit plus five or all stats plus two instead of armsthrift would work too, maybe...

Edited by Roy: Marquess of Pherae
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I'm actually running a VV, SF, LB, AT Swordmaster as my current MU.

Its not min max-y, but destroying levels with a spear chucked Amatsu is pretty damn satisfying. (seriously the way they throw amatsu wat) I might try a different class once I get a ragnell

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My logic was that Vantage, Wrath, and Vengeance are a good combo.

Perhaps, armsthrift instead of Luna? Or maybe all stats plus two?

Wrath isn't that useful on any class, and VV is really meant for classes that have a wider variety of ranged weapons

if I were to use a swordmaster, I'd probably have LB, AT, Luna, Aggressor, and maybe vantage or swordfaire

Because Swordmasters are so dodgy, they will rarely be under half health. When this happens, yes, they will do lots of damage. But a luna set will allow for good damage even when at high health. But it's really up to you

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I'm now thinking maybe...Wrath, Vengeance, Limit Breaker, Vantage, and Luna

Luna has priority over Vengeance, and will put you into a pinch if it procs when Vengeance is needed. V/V only works well on Sages, as Swordmasters don't have access to any good 1-2 range weapons (Ragnell/Amatsu are NOT good). No 1-2 range braves either. Wrath is just... bad.

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Luna has priority over Vengeance, and will put you into a pinch if it procs when Vengeance is needed. V/V only works well on Sages, as Swordmasters don't have access to any good 1-2 range weapons (Ragnell/Amatsu are NOT good). No 1-2 range braves either. Wrath is just... bad.

How about Levin Sword xD...*cricket chirps* Ragnell is good though...

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I'm not even quite sure what to do, now. So many options... :KnollRoll:

But that's why I have you people I guess.

So...LB, A2, Luna, Aggressor, other... maybe?

Is that good? I am confused because there really are a lot of different set ups that could work.

Edited by Roy: Marquess of Pherae
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- LB

- Luna

- Swordfaire

- Ignis/Aggressor/Armsthirft/Vantage

- See above

At say 60 skill, ignis increases your chance of a proc from 60% to 84% which is a pretty meaningful jump. Aggressor is great if you have a galeforce wife (get the +10 attack boost twice per turn rather than once) and still good otherwise. Armsthrift for convenience, vantage for general usefulness.


- LB

- Vantage

- Vengeance

- Swordfaire

- Armsthrift/Aggressor

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I'm not even quite sure what to do, now. So many options... :KnollRoll:

But that's why I have you people I guess.

So...LB, A2, Luna, Aggressor, other... maybe?

Is that good? I am confused because there really are a lot of different set ups that could work.

If you aren't doing VV its easy

Limit Breaker




DPS Proc of choice (not lethality)

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Limit Breaker




DPS Proc of choice (not lethality)

Armsthrift? *Facepalm* You're better off leaving that skill slot to almost ANYTHING else. Aggressor should only be used in a situation where you don't already have a -faire skill equipped. The only real "choice" that you have when choosing procs are Luna, Ignis, and Vengeance. Vengeance isn't as useful unless it's in V/V, which only Tome-Wielding classes can take advantage of, leaving that slot for Luna or Ignis.

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