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Heroes have critical bonus...?

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ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?!?!?!?! :angry: SNIPERS GET CRIT BONUS BUT SWORDMASTERS DON'T?! They have lost there minds! I thought that it was weird but cool at the same time that snipers and halberdiers also got crit bonuses in FE10 but swordmasters DESERVE to have the crit bonus. Now swordmasters are just like myrmidons.

Edited by DragonBladeSniper
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The very first swordmasters didn't have a critical bonus. =/ Maybe NOA will give them a critical bonus when they localize FE DS like they did in Path of Radiance...?

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Just be thankful that Swordmaster can cap SPD at 30 and not 26(like Heroes), when you see some of the enemies in 5* you will see why -_-

Then again, Swordmasters major problem is that they're stuck with just mainly Swords which lacks of ranged weaponry. Heroes on the other can use Hand Axe which can do 1-2 hits.

Edited by Mitsuru Kirijo
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