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Bloodlines (2.4)


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I totally support this hack. I've seen the FEE3 video and I've to say... cool graphics so far, nice story, interesting and fun characters, cool animations and music, entertaining gameplay (which is actually something that some hacks lack).

Great job so far, I hope to see this completed someday.

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Well, having a puppy fight alongside you is a strange and new concept

(Even I still couldn't grasp how this would work for a premise in an FE setting at one point

but as you showed many different concepts through screenshots, mugs, concept art, animations, and all sorts of many different ideas regarding demi humans along with other mythical monsters outside the very dimensions of Fire Emblem itself. I began to believe that you are doing something that can break the mold of every Fire Emblem mythos ever conceived)

sorry for sounding like a kissass here but surely I'm not the only one who thinks this....am I #5evralone#

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Humans are boring lol, and from a gameplay perspective. New classes such as these and the ones that you'll see in the patch can really change how a player (and me) goes about level design. It's real fun to do and been a blast to design chapter, story-wise etc. That being said, chapter 1 is really caked with a lot of cool shit, I'm hoping that the other 3 chapters can measure up!

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If there was a thumbs up on here I would've thumbed up your comment right here, Ghast.

I agree that just putting the whole fire emblem thing the same old human/politics against dragon in final chapter

plot point gets a bit tiresome. I've tried to make a hack before I realize I didn't have any creative ideas for anything different to bring to the table at some point but the thing is that it felt lacking. Even the more amateur hacks out there that are being attempted are a bit bland like it was missing something. apart from Tabasco Sauce

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IMO Ghast, it's far more important for the first chapter to be amazing, because that really hooks a player. Even if the next 10 are just kinda meh, the first chapter is the first impression and you do not want it to be lower quality than what follows.

It's part of the reason why I don't enjoy some of the other so-called "good" hacks/projects, because they may get good later on, but why would I want to spend a whole hour being completely bored by boring gameplay, or filler story, or tedious dialogue? Better to be good right out of the gate and knock my socks off than slowly build up to goodness.

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I only got to Chapter 2 so far but here's some things I noticed.


There's an extra "just" here. The grammar (not sure if that's the word for it) in the script seems a bit wonky in general.


The text doesn't display quite right in the hint house in Chapter 2. Plus it shows the hint from the prologue again.

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. The grammar (not sure if that's the word for it) in the script seems a bit wonky in general

As a writer/creator (though not the writer in question here) I feel like if you're not sure of the word for it, and can only describe it as 'wonky' without elucidation, that this isn't really helpful feedback.

(I don't know what's changed since my last playthrough - I know a number of characters speak in vernacular or approximate a dialect, but huh.)

Edited by Siuloir
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As a writer/creator (though not the writer in question here) I feel like if you're not sure of the word for it, and can only describe it as 'wonky' without elucidation, that this isn't really helpful feedback.

Fair enough.

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On chapter 1-3 and everything looks good so far, except from a few minor things:

Sadaati also likes to heal people with full health in Chapter 1-3, instead of healing INJURED units, so I dunno what that's about.

I also got a black screen while skipping the text in the leftmost village (of the two on the bottom left) on the 1-3 chapter.

I'll try and get beyond where I am and see if I notice anything else that's wrong, but I'm bad, so it may take me a while.

Edited by Trueblade
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On chapter 1-3 and everything looks good so far, I noticed a minor oddity with Malcom's map sprite, but it just looks a little odd, it's not gamebreaking.

kinda hard to see in this image


much more obvious in the second one, above Agalli's map sprite, there's a blackish shape that only appears when selecting Malcom


I'll try and get beyond where I am and see if I notice anything else that's wrong, but I'm bad, so it may take me a while.

It's known

it's in the readme

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