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Bloodlines (2.4)


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keep in mind that this is still prologue- chapter 4, but like i said, better writing, better graphics, new music.

Big thanks to Sqawl for his work on the palette and music changes, he went really fucking hard in the paint for this update patch.

Also to Sol, who freshened up a lot of mugs!

Please read the readme because it is also updated :D

Enjoy! If you want to LP this, I insist you do so! I would love to see your reactions and what not! That being said, feedback is always appreciated.

Edited by justawhitegirloninstagram~
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Yay! I was wondering when the 25th was going to start :P

EDIT: The download isn't a UPS..? Got it working but I had to manually add the .ups extension. Can't imagine that was intentional.

Edited by Toa
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sorry about that, peeps. Agro lemme know that the talk conversations with Bram and Dewey were backwards (only in chapter 1, thank god), but they've since been fixed hahaha fml

Edited by justawhitegirloninstagram~
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Cool... Will try and finish my play through of the earlier patch, then try this out to get a sense of the change made.

Your work ethic on this is excellent to see, my East Coast brother! :D

*gets back to actually designing/working on that animation* >.> <.<

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Cool... Will try and finish my play through of the earlier patch, then try this out to get a sense of the change made.

Your work ethic on this is excellent to see, my East Coast brother! :D

*gets back to actually designing/working on that animation* >.> <.<

that sounds like a good idea! Thanks dude, really appreciate the comment. I'm happy about the update, hopefully ya'll are too !

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100 subscribers! (Thank you to all who have been supporting me!)

I was trying to think of something Bloodlines related to celebrate the occasion. But ionno wat to do. any suggs? or maybe something else unrelated to hacking entirely?

again, thank you all who support my channel! It was a great thing to see :3


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...so do you have maybe a list of changes from the old patch to 1.2? (I may have missed one you already posted)

Gotta say again, the art, the story, the world are all very cool from what I have seen and played so far... This game is definitely one of the more unique on the forums.

...and one of the best I've played so far, for what it is worth. ;)

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If Rallel attacks with his animations on, the game freezes, but the HP bars still flash. Not sure if this is just affecting me or not

Great hack, Ghast! Loving the portraits in this game

EDIT: Oops, a typo. My bad

Edited by DodgeDusk
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...so do you have maybe a list of changes from the old patch to 1.2? (I may have missed one you already posted)

Gotta say again, the art, the story, the world are all very cool from what I have seen and played so far... This game is definitely one of the more unique on the forums.

...and one of the best I've played so far, for what it is worth. ;)

i never made a change log hahaha i just rolled with it, Man thanks though means a lot. To hear that is very encouraging to keep going.

If Rallel attacks with his animations on, the game freezes, but the HP bars still flash. Not sure if this is just affecting me or not

Great hack, Ghast! Loving the portraits in this game

EDIT: Oops, a typo. My bad

whoa, yeah im getting the same issue with Rallel too wtf hahaha,,, lemme try and fix that real fast.

Also thank you! I appreciate the love. Honestly it means a lot to actually hear feedback. For a hacker it means a lot, it truly is a motivator. If I never got feedback idk if this hack would continue :\

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Also thank you! I appreciate the love. Honestly it means a lot to actually hear feedback. For a hacker it means a lot, it truly is a motivator. If I never got feedback idk if this hack would continue :\

I can totally relate to that :L Sometimes people just need a little reminder of the good work they're dong

Now that I've finished, I'll just give my personal opinion on the units and the hack in general


Bram was... okay. He filled a nice niche in the roster purely because he was the only one-range unit I had that could take two hits. Unfortunately, he never seemed to kill enemies in two hits, unless he was using Ashyx. His Resistance is nice, though. A decent unit


Oh, Dewey, your base Strength truly made you difficult to use. As you can probably guess, he was relegated to chip damage very early on, and never found himself getting kills during the last two maps. His teeth ripping through armour is brilliant, however. Overall, I found the poor pup pretty lacking. I guess little puppies just aren't meant to kill. Or take two hits


First off, I want to hug you for making a Bow Lord. I also want to hug you because my god, he's brilliant. Great killer, who ended the lives of both grounded and airborne enemies rather quickly. Well, except for Kadvas, but admittedly, I played the last part of the fourth chapter rather poorly. Please, don't change anything about him. Kind of frail, but that honestly doesn't bother me


Agalli, also known as The Fuzz, was rather mediocre. Has a nice niche as a magic user, since enemies in general in this game don't seem to have much Res, so he ended up, like Dewey, delivering that much-needed chip damage. I personally think he needs that Bolt tome perhaps a chapter earlier, but that might just be me. Extremely frail


Thieves being Thieves. I don't really think there's much to say, to be honest. Getting me that 2,500G from that one mini boss was very nice of you, though!


You should rename Kael to Junpei, since he's da man. Seriously, this man ended up becoming my best unit, by a long shot. Natural bulk, amazing offence, and the Speed not to be doubled by Seeker is truly a feat. His HP doubling some of my units is absurd, and I love him for it. He may need toning down. Or maybe I jsut got lucky


At a time where the Slap Patches were running out, this fair maiden comes along and makes my life a whole lot easier. Surprisingly, she has the second highest HP out of all my units. Which is nice, when coupled with her decent Defence and high Resistance. Much appreciated, and joins at an appropriate time


One Nilou joined, Agalli started to dwindle in usage. Stronger magic and better defences really helped out in the last chapter. Supported the team rather well


Another healer? Yes, please! Oh, and he can attack? Hold me. Natural anti-magic user, with the Speed to double most enemies, and the Magic high enough to put a serious dent in them. Deliver that much-needed chip in the last chapter. So good, that he freezes the game if he shows off his stuff!


Very nice. Despite only using her in one chapter, her movement made her pretty crucial in protecting the NPC (whose name I have forgotten. Sorry!) and fighting off them bad guys. Lance usability is much appreciated, as well as being a natural physical tank


Oddly enough, there were times when Nilou could recruit you, and times she couldn't. The one time I finished the chapter I didn't manage to recruit her, though let's say the... events that occur made her playable afterwards. Not much else to say, sorry


Uh, hello...?

The hack itself was pretty interesting, in my opinion. The plot after finishing the last playable chapter has left me wanting more, and I cannot wait for the next patch to get released. Couple of spelling mistakes and grammar errors, but I'm really not the best at criticising such things. Slightly nitpicky, but the transitions from Bram's thoughts to Bram actually saying something can be rather quick, and didn't really feel natural. Perhaps have something happen once his thoughts have finished (have someone address him, or maybe close the current speech bubble then open a new one?). Couple of automatic skips in the textboxes too, but that's probably just an oversight. The difficulty was pretty up there in the last two chapters (I'm not a great FE player, mind you, so take that however you like it). I personally think my units didn't turn out that great, so that might've made things more difficult

Overall, I think the hack is pretty great, so far. Keep on doing what you're doing, Ghast! And, of course, that includes all the others who have helped you

ah, the priest animation doesn't have a ranged attack, ill edit the script right quick and fix that up!

Oh, my

Edited by DodgeDusk
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I can totally relate to that :L Sometimes people just need a little reminder of the good work they're dong

Now that I've finished, I'll just give my personal opinion on the units and the hack in general


Bram was... okay. He filled a nice niche in the roster purely because he was the only one-range unit I had that could take two hits. Unfortunately, he never seemed to kill enemies in two hits, unless he was using Ashyx. His Resistance is nice, though. A decent unit


Oh, Dewey, your base Strength truly made you difficult to use. As you can probably guess, he was relegated to chip damage very early on, and never found himself getting kills during the last two maps. His teeth ripping through armour is brilliant, however. Overall, I found the poor pup pretty lacking. I guess little puppies just aren't meant to kill. Or take two hits


First off, I want to hug you for making a Bow Lord. I also want to hug you because my god, he's brilliant. Great killer, who ended the lives of both grounded and airborne enemies rather quickly. Well, except for Kadvas, but admittedly, I played the last part of the fourth chapter rather poorly. Please, don't change anything about him. Kind of frail, but that honestly doesn't bother me


Agalli, also known as The Fuzz, was rather mediocre. Has a nice niche as a magic user, since enemies in general in this game don't seem to have much Res, so he ended up, like Dewey, delivering that much-needed chip damage. I personally think he needs that Bolt tome perhaps a chapter earlier, but that might just be me. Extremely frail


Thieves being Thieves. I don't really think there's much to say, to be honest. Getting me that 2,500G from that one mini boss was very nice of you, though!


You should rename Kael to Junpei, since he's da man. Seriously, this man ended up becoming my best unit, by a long shot. Natural bulk, amazing offence, and the Speed not to be doubled by Seeker is truly a feat. His HP doubling some of my units is absurd, and I love him for it. He may need toning down. Or maybe I jsut got lucky


At a time where the Slap Patches were running out, this fair maiden comes along and makes my life a whole lot easier. Surprisingly, she has the second highest HP out of all my units. Which is nice, when coupled with her decent Defence and high Resistance. Much appreciated, and joins at an appropriate time


One Nilou joined, Agalli started to dwindle in usage. Stronger magic and better defences really helped out in the last chapter. Supported the team rather well


Another healer? Yes, please! Oh, and he can attack? Hold me. Natural anti-magic user, with the Speed to double most enemies, and the Magic high enough to put a serious dent in them. Deliver that much-needed chip in the last chapter. So good, that he freezes the game if he shows off his stuff!


Very nice. Despite only using her in one chapter, her movement made her pretty crucial in protecting the NPC (whose name I have forgotten. Sorry!) and fighting off them bad guys. Lance usability is much appreciated, as well as being a natural physical tank


Oddly enough, there were times when Nilou could recruit you, and times she couldn't. The one time I finished the chapter I didn't manage to recruit her, though let's say the... events that occur made her playable afterwards. Not much else to say, sorry


Uh, hello...?

The hack itself was pretty interesting, in my opinion. The plot after finishing the last playable chapter has left me wanting more, and I cannot wait for the next patch to get released. Couple of spelling mistakes and grammar errors, but I'm really not the best at criticising such things. Slightly nitpicky, but the transitions from Bram's thoughts to Bram actually saying something can be rather quick, and didn't really feel natural. Perhaps have something happen once his thoughts have finished (have someone address him, or maybe close the current speech bubble then open a new one?). Couple of automatic skips in the textboxes too, but that's probably just an oversight. The difficulty was pretty up there in the last two chapters (I'm not a great FE player, mind you, so take that however you like it). I personally think my units didn't turn out that great, so that might've made things more difficult

Overall, I think the hack is pretty great, so far. Keep on doing what you're doing, Ghast! And, of course, that includes all the others who have helped you

Oh, my

maaaaan. Your Bram didn't turn out good, and you kael was blesseddd. my agalli usually turns out insane hahah well i guess that's just how it is. good suggestions too, i'll transition better and stuff! I'm really glad you enjoyed it. This was feedback i've always wanted to receive-- feedback on characters, story, and suggestions that aren't stupid. it means a lot! I'm happy you enjoyed it!

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just updated the patch to let you know

So i found out that rallel doesn't cause a game over if he dies, which isn't supposed to happen. that's fixed, also his animation is fixed!

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