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What outfitsdo you like on your Characters, on certain classes?

Tide of Waves

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Mine in No order.

1. Myrmidon/Swordmaster/Assassin

2. Tactician

3. Mercanary(Male)


5. Dread Fighter

6. Dark Filer

7. Wyvern Rider/Lord or Griffrion?

8. Manakete(Nah, and Tiki)

9. Bride

10. War Cleric

11. Lord/Great Lord(Chrom, and Lucina)

12. Trickster

13. Hero(It's okay)

14. Dark Knight

15. Caliaver?

((Lots there))

What's your favorite outfit, in Awakening?

Edited by Tide of Waves
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Mine are loosely in order.

1. Myrmidon

2. Thief

3. Swordmaster

4. Wyvern Lord

5. Great Lord (Lucinas version specifically)

6. Grandmaster

7. Dark Flier

8. Mercenary

9. War Monk (not the war cleric)

Not a big fan of....


Great Knight



or Bride

Edited by TrollHunter
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In no order...

1.) Mercenary

2.) Dread Fighter

3.) Warrior

4.) Barbarian



7.) War monk

8.) Hero

Not a fan of

1.) Anything Nowi

2.) General because of the tiny tiny feet, they look weird. :/

3.) Bride

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I think Frederick is freaking sexy in the Dread Fighter outfit. :3

I also like the way my Avatar, Kelli, looks as a Dark Flier. I really like the Great Knight model too, at least the one for the guys. I haven't seen a female one yet. Nowi's outfit is also cute, imo, even if it is a tad revealing for her. :P

Worst is Knight and General. They are just hideous looking. :/

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I like the look of the Great Lord, both Chrom and Lucina. The Dread Fighter has some really cool animations (Luna/Lethality being my favorite), and the Bride's animations are pretty cool as well. The generic Tricksters look cool (dat sweet hat), and so do the generic Snipers (dat eyepiece). War Monks/Clerics are good, and Sages are really well designed. The Wyvern Rider/Wyvern Lord Luna/Lethality animation, the one that looks like a drill-move sort of thing.

If you'd indulge me, I have a good list of character design choices I DON'T like, though.

The Armor Knights and Generals look like it'd be impossible to do anything, especially the generic model with the helmet thing. The Great Knight gear looks bulky and awkward on anyone except Frederick and Kellam. NONE OF THE FEMALE MOUNTED CLASSES WEAR PANTS. OH GOD THE CHAFING. The way the ground shakes when armorknights/generals move is silly and distracting. I don't like the wrist blades on the Assassins, it seems like they would just get in the way. I don't like how Chrom goes around chopping and slashing with a rapier, which would really not be effective. I'm not a huge fan of the mercs' redesign, I liked them better when the wielded greatswords (I get that that wouldn't be possible since every weapon has its own battle model, though), and the arm shield things are kind of strange looking, same for the Hero. It works on the Bow Knight, though. Speaking of Bow Knights, I hate how all the horseback units jump around all over the place when they attack with melee weapons. Something feels... I don't know, "off," about the male Grandmasters' sword animations. I'm also not a fan of that one Grandmaster/Tactician crit/skill animation, the one that's like an uppercut with a sword. The armorknights'/generals' luna/lethality animation is just ridiculous (the one where the armorknight dives headfirst into the enemy. The knight's (I really have a lot of complaints about what remains my favorite class) animation for when they are healed is silly looking, as well. Okay, that's it. I've finally gotten to vent all my complaints about the character designs and animations from this game.

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@ Rollertoaster: Agreed on the female mounts part. Urgh.

Class designs I liked regardless of charcter: Dread Fighter, War Cleric/Monk, Valkyrie, Male Dark Knight, the Great Lords, Male Grandmaster

Character-specific: Fred's Great Knight, Sully's Great Knight (because it lets her gain pants, the only female GK model to do so)

Stuff I don't like though:

Aesthetically I'm really sick of all the thigh-high stockings look (thigh high boots don't bother me I just hate stockings and it's so overused), so every class that does that is automatically out. While skirts are somewhat acceptable on foot units since the Romans did it (though I'd have preferred if they looked something more like roman tunics instead of being so tight like Hero's for mobility purposes) it is not acceptable on mounted units and battle panties are even less so. And then clamshell rocket launcher Generals are just what. A lot of the female armor, not just peg knight, it seems, use boobplate and boobplate sucks major ass.

But whatever I redesign shit all the time anyway

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Dread Fighter and Bride are amazing.

Great Lord is cool on both Chrom and Lucina.

Dark Flier, Hero, Paladin, Assassin, Wyvern Rider/Lord, General (yes you read that right), are some others I particularly like.

I dislike:

War Monk (except on Libra; blue looks seriously awful)

War Cleric (except on Lissa and Maribelle bc custom)

Swordmaster (mostly just the useless swords)

Sage (except custom robes; again the blue generic design looks bad and especially bulky)

Warrior (ehhh...looks awkward on not-Basilio)

I'm neutral on the others.

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Miriel and Emmeryn's Sage dress (with the slit) look beautiful. It doesn't work for Lissa at all, though, she's too "cute" to pull it off.

Henry's Dark Mage outfit is too cute, and I just refuse to reclass or promote him. 8U

Brady and Laurent's Sage outfits make them look terribly handsome, black is such a sexy color.

The Tactician coat is simply cool and fantastic-looking, but I really hate the ridiculously bulky look of the Grandmaster coat. That armor is not needed.

Lucina's outfit is absolute perfection; her whole design is, and Viewtiful Joe put it in the most eloquent way possible. I wish I had a link to his analysis, because it is spot on.

The only outfits I dislike are the stupidly sexy ones. Olivia and Nowi have it worst. Olivia's especially, since it's bullshit that she's supposedly so shy and demure, yet she goes around half-naked. It's not funny, it's just disgusting blatant fanservice. I wish she got something similar to Tethys or Lalum; at lease they wore pants. And as for Nowi, blatant loli-bait, need I say more?

The Hero, Knight, and Great Knight armor and design are also rather bad-looking to me. 8U

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1. Dark Flier (Especially on Sumia & Severa)

2. War Cleric (Only on Maribelle)

3. Bride

4. Falcoknight

5. Dancer

6. Wyvern Lord (Cherche)

7. Griffon Rider (Panne)

8. Manakete (Tiki)

9. Mercenary (Severa & Gregor)

10. Trickster (Anna)

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Almost- Valkyries/Troubadours have pants, and I heard GK Sully does too but haven't seen for myself. However I agree 100%.

I judge most of the classes by whether I think they look better or worse than their previous incarnations. The ones that stand out are Dread Fighter (better), Knight/General (much worse), Hero (worse), and Wyvern Lord (worse normal attack animation, much better critical/proc animation). I think Sages in general took a bit of a hit, they look more professional but less cool (Miriel and Emmeryn are good, though). Also, Bride Nowi has what I think is the only unique animation set in the game for a DLC class, which is cool (her victory animation is very nice).

Forgot Berserkers. They look like chumps, especially smaller characters (and Vaike, for some reason).

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Well, GK Sully has something on her legs. But whatever it is, it doesn't extend to the crotch area. But it's hardly noticeable as long as she is on the horse.

Sorry, that black texture does in fact cover her legs entirely.

Anyway, I love the Tactican outfit. I really like that coat.

This extends to the male Grandmaster outfit. The addition of this spanish armor thing makes it look pretty badass.

The female version is except of this due to boob plates and lack of pants or even the smallest skirt and the addition of those metal stockings.

I like the Sniper with both genders. Again, the armor. Too bad the class has no use.

Bow Knights, Sages (minus the Emmeryn recolors) and the male Sorcerer are also pretty good.

Edited by BrightBow
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and I heard GK Sully does too

Yeah, she does. I'd actually never noticed it before, either, because Sully is useless as a Great Knight. It still ends up looking bad. Slightly more functional, yes, but still pretty bad. Edited by Rollertoaster
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The only outfits I dislike are the stupidly sexy ones. Olivia and Nowi have it worst. Olivia's especially, since it's bullshit that she's supposedly so shy and demure, yet she goes around half-naked. It's not funny, it's just disgusting blatant fanservice. I wish she got something similar to Tethys or Lalum; at lease they wore pants. And as for Nowi, blatant loli-bait, need I say more?

Hm, I agree with you on Nowi but I don't really think Olivia's outfit is that bad in comparison to other dancer outfits. I guess Lalum and Tethys are technically wearing pants, but they're transparent and overall, they show off about as much skin as Olivia does. I can see the argument behind "Olivia's outfit is too fanservice-y" but I don't see how the others are better.

Personally, from an in-universe perspective, I don't feel like it's out of character or impractical for Olivia to wear a revealing outfit, but that's just me.

The Dark Mage outfit definitely falls under "stupidly sexy", though >_<

More on the general topic of the thread: I like the Trickster outfit best. They just look so cool. I just wish we could have the same hat on our units that enemy Tricksters have!

Edited by baticeer
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Oddly enough, Bride.

My least favorite is General, not because it is bad, but because it breaks my heart. Do you remember the GBA games, where generals had so much armor that they had to use frickin CHAINS to reel in their weapons? Or how they would use those chains to spin their weapons before a critical hit?


:sob:I just want my chains...

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Yeah, the chains were awesome, and they actually continued up through the DS games. I remember 2Chainz, my avatar general from New Mystery of the Emblem. He was bro level.

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Yeah, the chains were awesome, and they actually continued up through the DS games. I remember 2Chainz, my avatar general from New Mystery of the Emblem. He was bro level.

What? No, the chains stopped with the GBA games. No chains were present in the DS games.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm pretty sure there are no chains anymore. I'll check later on when I'm playing a level with generals. (FE12 is great btw)


1. Dread Fighter: Cool animations and the red aura was a nice touch.

2. Wyvern Lord: Pretty damn intimidating

3. Barbarian: Really cool and doesn't use skinny model


1. General: What have you done to this cool class.

2. Berserker: The skinny model ruined everything, and I love this class stat wise.

3. Trickster: Wish you got the hat and should've used different animations.

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