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Finally completed it!


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Title says it all really, finally finished the game on hard, found grima was one of the easier battle though. With Cordelia paired up with Olivia for mobility, Sumia making a gap to grima and moving chrom, and MU dealing most of the damage to grima himself, I found you could two turn it :/ anyone else find the last mission a bit easy?

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I've never used Walhart, is he a good unit to go for?

I'm a bit very biased, and I love him to pieces, but I'll say he's a very good unit, granted I do love grinding, so I run characters through every class that they are able to reclass and promote too!

Edited by Berret
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I have literally beaten the last chapter in one turn on Normal. WITH NOBODY BUT ELINCIA PAIR UP!MICAIAH. A DLC CHARACTER.

So yeah, Grima can be really pathetic on lower difficulties. It's honestly kind of sad. I dunno about hard mode, though.

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Have Fred kill the Myrmidons, while Chrom and Avatar finish off the Barbarians. After that, there's a trick you can use that involves Chrom and the Avatar baiting the rest of the enemies from the water on either side of the bridge.

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Normal/Hard Grima is a pushover. Lunatic(+) Grima, on the other hand, is incredibly easy to underestimate and is kind of ridiculous without LB, even if you've been grinding. 99/53/53 defenses, Dragonskin and Pavise(+), 70/90 atk (80% Ignis), and ~110 modified Avo are nothing to shake a stick at.

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What's LB? I didn't grind too much on my hard run, so I may not have got it

Limit Breaker, a DLC skill from Rogues and Redeemers 3. Raises all stat caps (except HP) by 10.

EDIT: ninja'd

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You don't HAVE to have it. I mean, there have been Luna and even Luna+ runs without any grinding [all done by people much more skilled than I. I ground(?) the heck out of everyone once I passed chapter 4 first time around]. The DLC certainly makes things a lot easier on you, though. I'd recommend "The Golden Gaffe," "EXPonential Growth," and "Rogues and Redeemers 3". You can farm gold and EXP with the first two, and "Rogues 3" lets you get Limit Breaker, an extremely useful skill in Lunatic and Luna+.

Edited by Rollertoaster
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The only chapter I found particularly challenging on hard was 6, having to save Ricken and Maribelle. Just started a Casual Luna run to ease into the difficulty. It's a whole new level of pain...

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The only chapter I found particularly challenging on hard was 6, having to save Ricken and Maribelle. Just started a Casual Luna run to ease into the difficulty. It's a whole new level of pain...

Saving Ricken and Maribelle is made quite a bit easier if you do Paralogue 1 first to acquire the Rescue staff from it.

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Agh, I don't have any of the DLC :/ will I need some?

No, the game is still very possible, it'll just take a good deal more skill.

You don't HAVE to have it. I mean, there have been Luna and even Luna+ runs without any grinding [all done by people much more skilled than I. I ground(?) the heck out of everyone once I passed chapter 4 first time around]. The DLC certainly makes things a lot easier on you, though. I'd recommend "The Golden Gaffe," "EXPonential Growth," and "Rogues and Redeemers 3". You can farm gold and EXP with the first two, and "Rogues 3" lets you get Limit Breaker, an extremely useful skill in Lunatic and Luna+.

You do know that with the Lunatic boosts, you won't be able to beat RaR3 without other DLC or an insane amount of grinding Golden Gaffe for exp, right? Everybody there has 1+ Breakers, multiple capped stats, and hackforges. Everyone.

It's slightly more possible if you have a Shadowgift unit with access to all classes, but the only way you're getting that without more DLC is Aversa!Morgan who comes very late.

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