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Heroes of Light and Dark?

That's in Awakening?

'Light' and just 'Dark' don't go together well.

Awakening calls FE1 "Shadow Dragon" while Mystery of the Emblem is just Mystery of the Emblem. Remakes aren't in the bonus box.

What do you think of Dark Dragon and the Sword of Light then?

Edited by L95
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Awakening calls FE1 "Shadow Dragon" while Mystery of the Emblem is just Mystery of the Emblem. Remakes aren't in the bonus box.

What do you think of Dark Dragon and the Sword of Light then?

Considering we have a remake called 'Shadow Dragon'... :smug:

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My main justification for using the terms chosen for Awakening is simple: Hey, Awakening is a canon game which got translated. Simple as that really. It's in there, it's official. Cool beans. Let's use that.

I guess Smash is official too, but I don't really trust those sources, since many times Smash has translated terms inconsistently with both the English FE games and with itself (Sword of Seals versus Binding Blade. I mean, yeah, the Sword of Seals in Melee refers to the sword, and not the game title, but splitting hairs here). I also do get the sense that the folks who translated Brawl didn't really double check how the English FE games translated some terms (for example, it refers to Alondite as Ettard, its Japanese name...which also refers to a completely different sword in the English version of Radiant Dawn). So my policy has been to basically note them, but not move pages over them.

As for game titles, I think Awakening gives us names for everything except FE1. FE12, and technically FE7 since they didn't give it the subtitle back. I also noticed over the years that unless they are specifically talking about the differences between original and remake, Nintendo and IS and such tends to refer to Shadow Dragon and Dark Dragon and the Blade of Light interchangeably, and likewise for Mystery of the Emblem and New Mystery.

The policy on this sort of stuff has been "Japanese until we get something official in English" but I admit that has probably proven to be more of a hassle in the long run (for one, the Japanese names are harder to type and remember, at least for me).

Sorry for the trouble.

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So here's something I'm doing right now:


Yup, grabbing the models from Models Resource, putting transparency there, and uploading these to the wiki. Sure, they aren't as...animated...as say in the screenshots or whatnot, but it's better than in the screenshots methinks. Not everyone will be doable since not everyone is up on the site, but hey! Progress!

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Yeah, calling both FE1 and FE11 Shadow Dragon (or both FE3 and FE12 Mystery of the Emblem) would be dumb.

I'm considering calling FE1 "Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light" to reflect the translation choice for FE11, but otherwise, eh.

I guess that gets into another point: If we are going to translate the Japanese only titles, what are we going to call them? New Mystery's fan translation is pretty much accepted, but FE1 and 7 are in a little bit more in dispute. From what I've seen at least.

Anywho, models eh? I've never really thought of that. I admit, the default T pose does sit kinda eh with me, and I do like the more "natural" look of the screenshots, but that's just my stupid opinion and I can see a use for having this all the same.

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Brawl didn't really double check how the English FE games translated some terms (for example, it refers to Alondite as Ettard, its Japanese name...

Not in my copy, it doesn't...

Then again, I have the PAL version, and maybe they corrected it.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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For those curious, I have started implementing the newest template for the FE4 children. I forgot to add a Holy Blood section, and figured it'd fit best right beside the Starting Class section. Nifty, huh? I do think this makes it look a lot cleaner...don't mind if it doesn't load right right now, wikia has a weird issue with cache (as some of you may remember from the Awakening templates I tried to show here and there were problems there). I'll fix up the other FE4 kids later on, after the cache caches up and whatnot. And then...I'll need to think of what template to overhaul next. Hm...any ideas from any of ya'll on what could do with updating?

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(Though I think I misunderstood what RJW meant, as I thought he meant something along the lines of FE1 and 11 having the same name due to localization but idk)

That was what I was talking about.

One thing I'd do is use the modern names for things like Live Staff or the various skills. Just makes sense, you know?

The patch available on Serenes (the one with Serlis) as well Gharnef's patch (the one with Seliph) both use modern names for items and skills with just a couple of differences.

Also, I recommend combining growths and base stats into that new template. Like add Growths below base stats

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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I think we considered doing that before with the Awakening stat, but chose not to for whatever reason?

I am not sure why we are using the "outdated" names. I think on all the other pages, we just use the English names. Probably just someone not checking what other pages were doing and no one noticing it. I think we note the outdated names on the page for the item/skill itself, but on character pages, it's just confusing.

I think we still use old names for skills though. Should we start changing those?

I didn't know the FE4 template was going to be done already. Do you need any help implementing it Xeno?

Edited by Otherarrow
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@Otherarrow: Up to you if you wanna help on that. I don't know if you got through all of the Awakening characters or not. Would save me time on doing that and allow me to focus on the next thing, which is probably the FE4 Children Growth Rates, which is probably going to follow the FE13 Children Max Stats Modifier table.

@Ranger Jack Walker: The reason the Growth Rates aren't included are A) I'm trying not to copy Tana's Manor or the other FE wikia, and B) It wouldn't fit in nice and neat with the other template at all.

As for names: Rule of thumb is to use the name that is the most recent AND most reoccurring name. This is how the Final Fantasy Wikia handles names (granted, they have a lot more games in that series but...I digress).

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Yeah, I got done with the Awakening templates (...eventually). I'll start on the Genealogy stuff in a bit.

As for names, we use the English versions as the page name itself, but as you see some of the Japanese names are on pages.

I think the only name we don't use the latest name for is Great Shield...because that is a big mess of things naming wise. Great Shield in The Sacred Stones, Cancel in Path of Radiance, and Pavise in Radiant Dawn and Awakening. I guess Pavise is the most recurring, but that is still pretty ridiculous.

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I really appreciate that too. The Awakening stuff would've taken me quite a while to do too, and that means I wouldn't have gotten around to getting other things done like all of those images that got uploaded nor these other templates. @_@;;

It's also technically Big Shield in FE4, don't forget! :v

But yeah, go with Pavise since it's the most recurring and recent name. We still need to decide on the names for the games too. Maybe you can ask in the IRC with Jim and them what they think on the issue?

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Pretty sure it's Big Shield in all the Japanese versions. :V

But yeah, we probably should move it to Pavise. Unless anyone has any reason to object to that.

I'll ask about the game names if I remember.

Starting on the gen 1 characters for the template.

EDIT: Oh yeah, the table looks much better.

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I can do the table later if need be. For now, here's something I decided to cook up for Terrains!


Why yes! An actual table for Terrains! And don't think it'll be limited to just ONE page either. I plan on expanding the Terrains page to have a table that lists all of the Terrains and their bonuses for each game. This is something that it should have already...this site seems to have the data, so if it's not too much, perhaps I can use that data to forge that table? Of note, I did notice on this site (Serenes Forest) that um...Sacred Stones has Def bonus listed as 20 instead of 30 (the screenshot I have of a Gate for that game even says 30, so unless what the game is showing is false somehow...). Thought I'd point that out for anyone that's dealing with the site data. ^^;;

Anywho, any opinions on this matter? It's a little something that'll help...of course, as you can see, I don't have all of the data, so a lot of these articles are still going to be stubby but...maybe someone can help on them? ^^;

Also, there's no data on Awakening's Terrain at all even on Serenes, so I don't even know what to put on any of these pages concerning that game. @_@;

Also, Otherarrow, you may discard the first poll as it's no longer needed. It does seem like it got tied up between now and when I did the template, but since the template is already done...I think it's better than a table, let's say...does seem the second poll up there is pretty even too.

EDIT - Who knew there was some data for Awakening about? This is all I got from Gamefaqs:

Gate (Def + 3, Avo + 20, Heal + 20)
Woods (Def + 1, Avo + 10)
Village (Avo + 5)
Fort (Def + 2, Avoid + 20, Heal + 20
Mountains ( Def + 2, Avoid + 20)
Stairway (Avoid + 10)
Pillar (Def +1, Avoid + 10)
Cliff (No Bonus, Air Units Only)
Peak (Def + 3, Avoid + 30)
High Ground (Only Air Units)
River (Only some units can pass)
Lava (Can be flown over)

Doesn't give that much detail on some stuff though. But hey! It's data!

EDIT #2 - To show this on the Terrains page, here's how it looks:


Note that each of these are split into subsections based on games. If anyone can help with naming all of the terrains from Awakening in particular (the English names of course) and any bonuses with them, that'd be really REALLY swell x_x;;

Edited by Xenomic
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Pretty sure it's Big Shield in all the Japanese versions. :V

But yeah, we probably should move it to Pavise. Unless anyone has any reason to object to that.

Move it to Pavise.

"Big Shield" sounds stupid anyway.

The kanji 大 (dai) before a word can mean "Great", "Super", etc.

天空 and 大天空 being named "Aether" and "Big Aether" instead in Smash Bros. would have been a great laugh. Nyahahahahahaha!

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Sorry for the double posting, but here's what the Growth Rates look before:


And after (now):


Unless you guys prefer something else for the Growth rates??

I know you're trying not to copy Tanas Manor but a tabbed version really does work better. Especially since the base stats are not presented in a table format like the growth rates are here.

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I am all for tables on the Terrain pages. It really does seem like the best way to show how the bonuses change between games and such. I am not sure there is a better way to do it really. But yeah, we do actually have to get that data too...

As for the poll, I can't remove the first question without making the poll unanswerable, I'd have to completely delete the poll and make the second question into the first question and folks have already voted.

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