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【東方】 Yet Another Touhou Draft


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Hmm, maybe I can start an Easy mode draft, maybe, to get more people into it.

or just us again because we don't need more people

whaaaaaaat I could've gotten a score of 69

oh you

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What did Fera do???

He literally told me that he forfeits this round and that I was to not give him any points. He also told me why, but I'll leave that to him to explain. :V

In case you haven't noticed, most of my chosen shot types have PERSUASION NEEDLES in some form, so it's not that I liked the homing charms. I just thought that since they weren't all hititng the bosses so... (when being centered on the boss, there would be a bit of excess on the side, and that was a non).

Yeah, I did notice that. xD

However, while you're right about the fact that the persuasion needles don't actually all hit the boss, it still does significantly more damage than the homing charms. Go give it a try, the difference should be pretty obvious. xD

I think I caught all the spells???

I'm pretty sure you did, yeah. You just took a little long on them 's all. xD

I can't consistently any of the cards that aren't Sekibanki's or Wakasagihime's.

Spell Practice goes a long way! Even if you can't come up with a 100% capture rate, it'd still be an improvement if you could capture some cards at least semi-consistently so that you reduce your overall bomb usage.

Auto sign me up for the next draft please.

I will if I remember to. xD

So, if it's okay with VAMPIRE-CHAN, I might open an Easy Mode Touhou draft.

I don't mind, but if you guys really want another draft right away, I can just host another one. xD

I wanted to tweak the rules a bit anyway (and yes, EASY MODO will be allowed).

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He literally told me that he forfeits this round and that I was to not give him any points. He also told me why, but I'll leave that to him to explain. :V

Yeah, I did notice that. xD

However, while you're right about the fact that the persuasion needles don't actually all hit the boss, it still does significantly more damage than the homing charms. Go give it a try, the difference should be pretty obvious. xD

I'm pretty sure you did, yeah. You just took a little long on them 's all. xD

Spell Practice goes a long way! Even if you can't come up with a 100% capture rate, it'd still be an improvement if you could capture some cards at least semi-consistently so that you reduce your overall bomb usage.

I will if I remember to. xD

I don't mind, but if you guys really want another draft right away, I can just host another one. xD

I wanted to tweak the rules a bit anyway (and yes, EASY MODO will be allowed).



Oooh, okay

SLow and steady wins the race

Oh right


But Iwanna be responsible. :<

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If enough people would like to play, I guess it's technically possible to expand the draft to allow 8 players by making each shot type available twice.

But Iwanna be responsible. :<

Uh, if you insist, then go ahead. I'm not stopping you. xD

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If enough people would like to play, I guess it's technically possible to expand the draft to allow 8 players by making each shot type available twice.

Uh, if you insist, then go ahead. I'm not stopping you. xD

That sounds kosher.

Yay <3

What, you're not in the draft?

I might be in it, if it's an EIGHT PERSON draft, but not if it's a 4 person, to let someone else play, SO YEAH.

I can provide scathing commentary!

Yeah, do that thing.

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well i would definitely prefer easy! and I'm definitely down for it, it's not like I have much to lose and give me more incentive to play. Oh one more thing I have no idea about all the shot types so yeah...

Edited by metalsnowman3
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If you somehow find yourself with exactly seven people and need an eighth player, I'll join if I'm allowed to play Hard Mode. :V

EDIT: Actually nvm, that's a terrible idea. xD

Edited by Scarlet
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