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【東方】 Yet Another Touhou Draft


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I have to disagree with the best soundtrack as well. Faith is for the transient people is my #1 favorite Touhou boss theme, Suwa Foughten Field is among my favorites too, while Mysterious Mountain and Candid Friend are also really nice. Even the stage themes (Grave of Being, Primal Scene of Japan, Fall of Fall, Gensokyo the Gods Loved) are really good imo.

I said "not the best", not that it isn't good! However, as far as I myself am concerned, it's hard to beat the soundtrack of SA or DDC. There's only a single track each I dislike in SA (Be Of Good Cheer, in part because it's so unfitting for a Stage 5 Boss Theme in what is literally hell) and DDC (the Stage 3 Boss Theme).

Pushed back? Don't you mean pushed forward?

I don't think so, but... ...in any case, the deadlines are now one week later than before, let's just put it that way instead. xD

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Usually when a deadline is "pushed back" in English that means you have more time to accomplish it. When something is "pushed forward", that means it is due sooner than it would have been. So I think Raymond had it right, tbh.

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Damn, Proto wasn't kidding when he said he put effort into MoF.

wait a sec mof doesn't even have any lolis lol

I only just now noticed that this post implies a relation between me putting effort and lolis. Care to explain, Fera?

I said "not the best", not that it isn't good! However, as far as I myself am concerned, it's hard to beat the soundtrack of SA or DDC. There's only a single track each I dislike in SA (Be Of Good Cheer, in part because it's so unfitting for a Stage 5 Boss Theme in what is literally hell) and DDC (the Stage 3 Boss Theme).

I don't think so, but... ...in any case, the deadlines are now one week later than before, let's just put it that way instead. xD

Well, my reasons for disliking Be of Good Cheer are related to how it always invokes strong desires to violently exterminate double-tailed black cats. Accompanied by lots and lots of despair.

Usually when a deadline is "pushed back" in English that means you have more time to accomplish it. When something is "pushed forward", that means it is due sooner than it would have been. So I think Raymond had it right, tbh.

Ah, I see, alright, thanks for clarifying.

Anyhow, MoF Analysis time!

[spoiler=Fera MoF Draft Analysis]Stage 1 - Oh, wow, Marisa is really fast. And that is some nice spread too! How the heck did you get to display the Faith meter on top of your character? Your Stage 1 scoring wasn't quite optimal, but eh, it doesn't matter too much for the overall score.

Minoriko - Shotgun placement seems to be more trouble than it's worth. It led to a very quick battle though.

Stage 2 - You didn't get the first Extend before midboss!Hina. Also, Marisa's speed+spread makes the pre-midboss part much easier than with ReimuB. Killing them before they could shoot was executed quite well. Item collection for the big fairies was also done very well. Not sure why you bombed to the last big fairy though.

Hina - High power, fast battle.

Stage 3 - Faith preservation in the opening was excellent. Marisa's speed even allowed you to collect everything too. You did lose some Faith afterwards, but you were able to preserve most of it during the circular bullets part, where I always have trouble maintaining Faith.

Option placement seems soooo useful for the part after Nitori. The spread also helped a lot for the streaming part, except you didn't have to stream because of that.

Nitori - Those options allowed you to hit Nitori while you dodged her second spell wherever the hell you wanted to go, which was nice. Monster Cucumber, however, seems to have lasted longer than whenever I captured it, possibly because she often moved outside the option shot range.

Stage 4 - Bombed to the first big fairy, most likely for Faith preservation. Bombed to the next big fairy as well, again, faith preservation. Both twice to Momiji, okay, those were for survival. I guess Marisa has a harder time with Momiji because of her bigger hitbox + high speed.

Bombed to two of the three big fairies, which allowed you to kill all three of them with minimal faith loss. Bombed twice to the crows for score, though I think you should've moved straight up above the PoC after bombing to ensure maximum, or at least higher, point value. Those bombs also kept you at 3.70 Power for Aya.

Aya - First spell captured, that was good, though it took a while because you didn't put much effort into staying under Aya. You relied entirely on your options. How the heck did you capture Tree Leaves so easily? I've always tried to do the same thing, but I always got trapped by dense criss-crossing leaves!

I can understand why you're having trouble with Illusionary Dominance (going as far as comparing it with Sinker Ghost). According to RAYKITTY~, it's easier to dodge in the bottom-left corner of the screen, and I've had a high capture rate by following that advice.

What I can't understand, though, is how you died to Aya's easiest spell. Then again, it's probably due to bigger hitbox + higher speed.

Stage 5 - Starting Faith is so low, ouch. Bombed twice before the midboss for items, cool. Midboss!Sanae was taken care of easily, but I think you were moving too much for a micrododge wave. More bombs after the midboss, resulting in high item collection, and proper Faith preservation.

Sanae - Bombed during her first spell. It looked like you weren't even willing to try! The bomb during the second spell was also unnecessary, because you could have safely avoided the knives. Her third spell lasted far too quickly with that option spread! ReimuB needed to deal with two waves instead of one! Sanae's final spell is always lame.

Stage 6 - Okay, your bombs were very well timed, and you did an amazing job with item collection. The options were also exploited very well.

Kanako - You're moving so much during her first non-spell. You bombed pretty early during Onbashira, but eh, Marisa's bombs are powerful enough to not care about that. You were streaming her second non-spell... that's not really how you're supposed to deal with it, because you'd eventually get walled, but eh, Marisa's options are broken enough to clear it before that happened.

Rice Porridge capture was good, despite Marisa's larger hitbox+speed. The non-spell after that was good too, but you were almost getting walled when it ended. Hunting Ritual's bomb was really early, but considering that it's where I lost my only life, I can't really talk about that.

Her last non-spell... oh, man, those options make it SO MUCH EASIER, since I have a hard time hitting Kanako during the knife phases. And yet, you bombed during a knife phase >_>

And then you didn't even attempt Otensui, even though you were the one who taught me how to capture it... Marisa's bombs are too powerful. As for Mountain of Faith, you bombed once, which I would guess is due to your insistence on staying near the center. And then you had a pretty sad death near the end. Mountain of Faith also ended really quickly, again, due to those broken options.

Overall: MarisaC's options seem so broken... but Marisa's high speed seems harder to control, especially with that larger hitbox. Anyhow, you did really good at survival with your skills, and were particularly excellent towards scoring. Now, if only you weren't watching me play MoF, then you'd have been satisfied with 400M and I could've won...

[spoiler=Kalas-chan MoF Draft Analysis]Stage 1 - ReimuC gets spread when focused? And a wide shot when unfocused? Snap, is ReimuB the only one with a narrow range? Anyhow, Stage 1 was fine, aside from the lack of attempts to optimize scoring.

Minoriko - Uh, using the spread shot against bosses while parking in the bottom really doesn't sound like a good idea. But hey, at least you beat her!

Stage 2 - Good use of the spread shot during the beginning, had to bomb once the streaming started. Your attempts to dodge midboss!Hina seemed really dangerous, and yeah, you ended up dying because of it. Aside from that, I'm not sure why you bombed to the big fairies.

Hina - First non-spell was good. Second non-spell, your attempt at the first wave was kinda dangerous but you captured it anyway. Last non-spell was good. For the second spell, you could have done some diagonal dodging instead of pure horizontal, but it was captured as well. Last spell was captured well.

Stage 3 - Okay, yeah, it could get tough if you don't kill the bullet-firing fairies quickly enough. I still think the bomb was unnecessary though. There was some more dangerous dodging here, but you made it. Not sure why you bombed right before midboss!Nitori, but you didn't lose too much Power for it.

Optical Camouflage was a good capture. Oh, hey, you're reading the conversation, is it your first time making it this far? There were a lot of bombs after the midboss, and although you didn't lose too much Power, I would still advise that you bomb only once you're really in trouble (unless it's for scoring). Also, uh, yeah, you might not know this, but focusing makes it easier to collect items.

Nitori - Parking at the bottom of the screen for her first spell? Not a good idea with ReimuC. It was captured though. Then came a really silly death at Nitori's second non-spell, which I have no idea of how it happened. You were doing good at her second spell, but you panic-bombed, okay. Then came... another silly death at Nitori's last non-spell. I'm not sure how you're screwing up on her non-spells so much. You should probably have Practice Mode'd it more. Finally, nice deathbomb to Monster Cucumber.

Stage 4 - Whoa, you handled the streaming part by just going around the screen after using a bomb! Nice! Not sure what happened with the next death. You were moving vertically unfocused... did your keyboard go crazy or something? And then another unexpected death...

You handled Momiji really well, as expected for one of your favorite characters. You bombed near the end though. You were sorta streaming during the streaming part, but not really. Good deathbomb though. The last micrododge wave, yeah, you should've bombed there.

Overall: First of all, you need to get better at streaming, as usual. Aside from that, there were a lot of scenarios where you bombed where it was unnecessary, and you died when you were in a tough spot and should've bombed. If things are looking bad, you should be prepared to bomb. If your character is okay but you're unsure of whether you can handle the upcoming bullets, then keep your eyes on your character's hitbox and don't bomb until the bullets seriously threaten you. Very often in Touhou, the bullet waves that look scary end up being much simpler to dodge once they actually reach you.

Also, while your erratic dodging has saved you many times, they also led to your deaths. Be prepared to bomb whenever you pull off that intense crazy dodging, just in case things go bad. And finally, try to make good use of Practice Mode. Nitori's non-spells (especially her second one) should not be killing you if you've gone through them a few times.

So yeah, Practice Mode some more, and make better use of your bombs. I do believe that you can even 1cc this game!

[spoiler=ZM's MoF Draft Replay]Oh, yes, finally, a ZM Replay!

Stage 1 - Awww, snap, you didn't auto-collect anything. You didn't know that going high enough in the screen allows you to auto-collect everything? I thought you were going to watch Fera's and/or my replays. Also, there were moments where you just plain stopped shooting. There is no benefit to not-shooting except in very rare cases like SA Stage 5. This caused the Shizuha battle to extend all the way until the big fairies came, which made it a lot harder. Not auto-collecting also made Stage 1 tougher than it should be, because you were trying to collect the items at the same time.

Minoriko - Bomb during her first spell. I'm guessing you have trouble with criss-crossing bullets. Second spell was a good capture though!

Stage 2 - I gotta admit, you're really good at unfocused dodging. Even I wouldn't try to deal with spinning Hina unfocused. As for midboss!Hina, hmm, you probably shouldn't park at the bottom of the screen all the time. It restricts your downward movement. You dealt with post-midboss stuff pretty well especially the large fairies that require some form of streaming.

Hina - Oh, wow, you literally bombed through everything. Though, when I said you could bomb to everything, I meant one bomb per spell, not two >_>. Anyhow, after the first bomb, you should just wait and see if you're being threatened again. Often, the spell will end before the next wave reaches you, thus saving a bomb. Also, you did pretty well on Hina's last spell, despite dying.

Stage 3 - Silly death at the start; you should keep your eyes on your character or near your character unless you're sure it's safe. You did quite well after that, until you died to a blue bullet...

Overall: To be honest, I do think you could've reached Sanae (but not beat her, because precision dodging) if you actually knew about auto-collection. Your first death was caused by bombing too much to Hina, and could've been averted with max one bomb per spell/non-spell. Your second death was plain carelessness. The reason you couldn't afford to die more (and potentially go even further than Kalas-chan) was because you never auto-collected, thus never even getting the first Extend.

While I did say you could bomb to everything troublesome, I didn't actually mean to imply that you should bomb to each and every single attack. You should practice and see which parts you can handle by yourself, and which parts would trouble you, so that you don't waste bombs on easy stuff. Note that spells of later stages are not necessarily tougher than spells of earlier stages, since it largely depends on your playstyle. It also helps to practice stages multiple times without bombing to identify which parts keep killing you, thus enticing you to bomb skip them.

As for dodging skills and stuff, your specialty seems to be in unfocused dodging. You've pulled off feats that even I wouldn't dare attempt unfocused. While I understand that you're really good at unfocused dodging, do be aware that it can't save you all the time, and you should be prepared to dodge focused in specific situations, even if you don't become amazing at it. Focusing is important for general precision dodging, especially micrododging, since you can see your hitbox and your movement slows down. Furthermore, focusing usually changes your shot type, and you may prefer the focused shot type for specific situations. In any case, your unfocused dodging skills should be able to take you quite far during stages, but you may have issues with bosses in general.

So yeah, take good care of your unfocused dodging skills, be prepared to focus when the need arises, and bomb only to stuff that you know would annoy you. You can probably even clear MoF, but I haven't actually seen how well you do in difficult parts to make a proper judgment. Then again, you'll probably have no trouble with the only spell that you can't bomb-skip...

So, RAYKITTY~, with the deadlines being delayed and such, is there any chance of allowing Kalas-chan and ZM resubmissions to improve their score. I really do think they have a lot of potential and it'd be sad if they left their MoF submission like this...

Also, Fera, you still didn't analyze the rest of my replays... Kalas-chan probably has no intention of watching my replays though... :(

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How the heck did you get to display the Faith meter on top of your character?

There's an option for that in custom.exe in your MoF folder~

So, RAYKITTY~, with the deadlines being delayed and such, is there any chance of allowing Kalas-chan and ZM resubmissions to improve their score.

You gotta draw the line somewhere. ;/

I do encourage them to keep practicing after this draft, and I know they can and will improve - but I won't go back and change the results of the previous rounds.

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There's an option for that in custom.exe in your MoF folder~

Wait, what??? How come I never knew about this??? Faith preservation would've been much easier if I didn't constantly have to glance at the bottom-left of the screen!

(Fera would've still beaten me nonetheless)

You gotta draw the line somewhere. ;/

I do encourage them to keep practicing after this draft, and I know they can and will improve - but I won't go back and change the results of the previous rounds.

Hmm, alright. Kalas-chan might just move on to DDC or something, because it's easier and he doesn't seem to appreciate MoF's bomb spammability. ZM would probably stick to MoF for his waifu~


ZM screws up on precision dodging (any micrododge moment)

Kalas-chan screws up on streaming (usually prominent during Stage 4s)

I screw up on non-streaming aimed crap (e.g. Swallowtail Butterfly, Concentrate, Needle Mountain, Sinker Ghost)

Fera screws up on criss-crossing bullets (e.g. Scarlet Netherworld, Resurrection Butterfly, Tewi, Illusionary Dominance)

Raykitty screws up on... restraining his greed

Though, if I had to guess what Raykitty's biggest weakness is (which he'd still be much more proficient at than the rest of us), it'd probably be high-density micrododging.

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Though, if I had to guess what Raykitty's biggest weakness is (which he'd still be much more proficient at than the rest of us), it'd probably be high-density micrododging.

Depends on the pattern of the bullets. For some reason I'm better at micrododging bullets that move randomly than I am at micrododging bullets that follow a static pattern. :newyears:

My biggest weakness is overlapping lasers / stuff overlapping in non-45°-angles. I tend to find myself moving right into the path of bullets that I failed to notice coming my way a bit too often.

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I only just now noticed that this post implies a relation between me putting effort and lolis. Care to explain, Fera?

Well, my reasons for disliking Be of Good Cheer are related to how it always invokes strong desires to violently exterminate double-tailed black cats. Accompanied by lots and lots of despair

[spoiler=Kalas-chan MoF Draft Analysis]Stage 1 - ReimuC gets spread when focused? And a wide shot when unfocused? Snap, is ReimuB the only one with a narrow range? Anyhow, Stage 1 was fine, aside from the lack of attempts to optimize scoring.

Minoriko - Uh, using the spread shot against bosses while parking in the bottom really doesn't sound like a good idea. But hey, at least you beat her!

Stage 2 - Good use of the spread shot during the beginning, had to bomb once the streaming started. Your attempts to dodge midboss!Hina seemed really dangerous, and yeah, you ended up dying because of it. Aside from that, I'm not sure why you bombed to the big fairies.

Hina - First non-spell was good. Second non-spell, your attempt at the first wave was kinda dangerous but you captured it anyway. Last non-spell was good. For the second spell, you could have done some diagonal dodging instead of pure horizontal, but it was captured as well. Last spell was captured well.

Stage 3 - Okay, yeah, it could get tough if you don't kill the bullet-firing fairies quickly enough. I still think the bomb was unnecessary though. There was some more dangerous dodging here, but you made it. Not sure why you bombed right before midboss!Nitori, but you didn't lose too much Power for it.

Optical Camouflage was a good capture. Oh, hey, you're reading the conversation, is it your first time making it this far? There were a lot of bombs after the midboss, and although you didn't lose too much Power, I would still advise that you bomb only once you're really in trouble (unless it's for scoring). Also, uh, yeah, you might not know this, but focusing makes it easier to collect items.

Nitori - Parking at the bottom of the screen for her first spell? Not a good idea with ReimuC. It was captured though. Then came a really silly death at Nitori's second non-spell, which I have no idea of how it happened. You were doing good at her second spell, but you panic-bombed, okay. Then came... another silly death at Nitori's last non-spell. I'm not sure how you're screwing up on her non-spells so much. You should probably have Practice Mode'd it more. Finally, nice deathbomb to Monster Cucumber.

Stage 4 - Whoa, you handled the streaming part by just going around the screen after using a bomb! Nice! Not sure what happened with the next death. You were moving vertically unfocused... did your keyboard go crazy or something? And then another unexpected death...

You handled Momiji really well, as expected for one of your favorite characters. You bombed near the end though. You were sorta streaming during the streaming part, but not really. Good deathbomb though. The last micrododge wave, yeah, you should've bombed there.

Overall: First of all, you need to get better at streaming, as usual. Aside from that, there were a lot of scenarios where you bombed where it was unnecessary, and you died when you were in a tough spot and should've bombed. If things are looking bad, you should be prepared to bomb. If your character is okay but you're unsure of whether you can handle the upcoming bullets, then keep your eyes on your character's hitbox and don't bomb until the bullets seriously threaten you. Very often in Touhou, the bullet waves that look scary end up being much simpler to dodge once they actually reach you.

Also, while your erratic dodging has saved you many times, they also led to your deaths. Be prepared to bomb whenever you pull off that intense crazy dodging, just in case things go bad. And finally, try to make good use of Practice Mode. Nitori's non-spells (especially her second one) should not be killing you if you've gone through them a few times.

So yeah, Practice Mode some more, and make better use of your bombs. I do believe that you can even 1cc this game!

Also, Fera, you still didn't analyze the rest of my replays... Kalas-chan probably has no intention of watching my replays though... :(

Senpai likes the cuties ????

But Chen :(

I dunno, I think that unfocused ReimuC is kinda narrow, tbh... I only play to survive, but but apparently that's not good enough :(

I get better with that in my other attempts, I try to get closer and that helps me beat Minoriko and Shizuha earlier. Doesn't really work for the others though...

I'm not sure either. I think one of them was the one that spammed a lot of amulets.

that's like the only time that I captured all the spells. :<

I'm not good at small dodging senpai :<

Yes, that was the first time I got that far. I kinda panicked with bombs after that...

I dunno either. I just keep having silly deaths.

Yay I did something good. Like how I beat Laevateinn by going over with the sword. Yes, I'm pretty sure my finger slipped.

Momiji is mai waifu, I know how to put her in her place, even when she's being a tsundere Not really she just sits on me until I play nice :(

I'm really indecisive

I'm also really stupid when it comes to dealing with difficult looking things

TBH that was the first time I went through stage 3 and up of MoF. And I don't get better (I probably get worse at it tbh)

I dunno. It's not EoSD. :(

I do! I just.. haven't gotten around to it... I can't really analyze it but... I'll still watch them ... <3

Hmm, alright. Kalas-chan might just move on to DDC or something, because it's easier and he doesn't seem to appreciate MoF's bomb spammability. ZM would probably stick to MoF for his waifu~


Kalas-chan screws up on streaming (usually prominent during Stage 4s)

I think I have a chance at SA. Not at beating it, but at, like, getting to stage 5 or something. :<

yesyesyesyesyes I do. It's something I really have to work on

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> getting to Stage 5

I think somebody is underestimating Yukari!Satori. I have always had an incredibly difficult time with Yukari's last spell in SA. Satori has a crapton of HP, and while the waves might seem easy, they are completely continuous (no breaks whatsoever), and a certain part of the wave is dense enough that you need to move alongside the wave rather than between the bullets. Even if you can pull that off once, being able to maintain the rhythm and pull it off consistently (remember, no breaks) was a little too much for me.

And this is coming from somebody who mastered the stage parts of Stage 4, where most of the second half involves restreaming medium-sized bullets while dealing with massive amounts of cards. If you can actually reach Stage 5 with Yukari, I would be extremely impressed. Just focus on beating Yuugi for now. Heck, clearing Parsee without dying might be quite tough at first too!

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I used to die to Green Eyed Jealousy (I still do?) but I get the gimmick to it now. Also, I think Anathema (is that what it's called) is easy with warping.

I haven't cleared the last one because I keep running out of time.

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I used to die to Green Eyed Jealousy (I still do?) but I get the gimmick to it now. Also, I think Anathema (is that what it's called) is easy with warping.

I haven't cleared the last one because I keep running out of time.

Also, I think Anathema (is that what it's called) is easy with warping.

Anathema is easy with warping.

Anathema easy warping.

i fail

extremely hard

i need to headdesk myself to death

and pray that fera doesn't see this post

and commit sudoku

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Wait, Anathema is her last spell, right? Not the one with the flowers and stuff? You didn't actually mean Hanasaka, right?

If that's the case, I HAVE BEEN REDEEMED

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... did I do something wrong?

Either way, I'm starting to understand her spells so I'm getting better. I think this extra week will help, too.

Except for that one where she has a clone, that one is mean.

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... did I do something wrong?

Either way, I'm starting to understand her spells so I'm getting better. I think this extra week will help, too.

Except for that one where she has a clone, that one is mean.

Wait, so you were talking about the water spell, right? Not the one with the flowers?

As for the clone, well, the real Parsee is the one shooting tiny bullets. Make sure you absolutely do NOT shoot the clone that's firing green bubbles. She'll react with more green bubbles! As long as you make sure to only hit the one with small bullets, the dodging will be really simple and you should be fine.

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Wait, so you were talking about the water spell, right? Not the one with the flowers?

As for the clone, well, the real Parsee is the one shooting tiny bullets. Make sure you absolutely do NOT shoot the clone that's firing green bubbles. She'll react with more green bubbles! As long as you make sure to only hit the one with small bullets, the dodging will be really simple and you should be fine.

I'm talking about both. I think the warping is making them easier for me.

Well looking at the bottom of the screen all the time is difficult to I'll remember that :<

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I'm talking about both. I think the warping is making them easier for me.

. . .

Well looking at the bottom of the screen all the time is difficult to I'll remember that :<

Don't look at the bottom of the screen! Look at the Parsees. See which one is shooting tiny bullets. Go under her. When the other one disappears, then start moving to the other side, because they'll keep switching places. Continue until the spell is captured.
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. . .

Don't look at the bottom of the screen! Look at the Parsees. See which one is shooting tiny bullets. Go under her. When the other one disappears, then start moving to the other side, because they'll keep switching places. Continue until the spell is captured.


Okay :<

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Then shou must be your mortal enemy =A=

Surprisingly, the only Shou spell I have trouble with is Most Valuable Vajra, which employs perfectly straight lasers. I'm quite fine with curving lasers for some reason. It probably helps that they never really overlap, though. :newyears:

I think somebody is underestimating Yukari!Satori. I have always had an incredibly difficult time with Yukari's last spell in SA.

This may be bias speaking because I've used ReimuA a lot more than the other shot types so far, but once you understand how to deal with them, Yukari!Satori's spells honestly aren't that bad. I consider Suika!Satori, Aya!Satori and Alice!Satori all to be harder, tbqh.

I used to die to Green Eyed Jealousy (I still do?) but I get the gimmick to it now. I haven't cleared the last one because I keep running out of time.

Do you mean Green-Eyed Monster, her midboss spellcard? That one's ridiculously easy once you realize that Parsee's hitbox isn't active during it, so you don't need to dodge her, just the bullets. In fact, you can sit right on her face and deal ridiculous damage until the bullets catch up. Sometimes I manage to take her down before she even finishes the first cycle. xD

i fail

extremely hard

i need to headdesk myself to death

and pray that fera doesn't see this post

and commit sudoku

Don't worry, I too keep forgetting about ReimuA's warp ability for some reason. :newyears:

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Surprisingly, the only Shou spell I have trouble with is Most Valuable Vajra, which employs perfectly straight lasers. I'm quite fine with curving lasers for some reason. It probably helps that they never really overlap, though. :newyears:

So it's the overlapping stuff that kill you, eh?

This may be bias speaking because I've used ReimuA a lot more than the other shot types so far, but once you understand how to deal with them, Yukari!Satori's spells honestly aren't that bad. I consider Suika!Satori, Aya!Satori and Alice!Satori all to be harder, tbqh.

I can handle Butterfly Black Death (that's the one where you just need to change lanes, right?). I can't remember what her second spell was, but it wasn't too much of a problem. The third one, however, drains up way too many resources, like Sinker Ghost, except Stage 5 is far more difficult here.

Do you mean Green-Eyed Monster, her midboss spellcard? That one's ridiculously easy once you realize that Parsee's hitbox isn't active during it, so you don't need to dodge her, just the bullets. In fact, you can sit right on her face and deal ridiculous damage until the bullets catch up. Sometimes I manage to take her down before she even finishes the first cycle. xD

Only reason why I can't take her down in the first cycle is because I need to go pick up that life piece first.

Don't worry, I too keep forgetting about ReimuA's warp ability for some reason. :newyears:

Yeah, but you didn't screw up on Hanasaka for two freaking years and keep dying nearly every single time, even after bombing to it, finding it to be far more difficult than everything Yuugi throws at you.

Even now, the only reason I can capture it with MarisaB is because of the overpoweredness of Earth Sign and the presence of Metal Sign. I still get annihilated with ReimuA.

If you forget about ReimuA's warp ability, how the heck do you deal with Stage 6?

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I can handle Butterfly Black Death (that's the one where you just need to change lanes, right?). I can't remember what her second spell was, but it wasn't too much of a problem. The third one, however, drains up way too many resources, like Sinker Ghost, except Stage 5 is far more difficult here.

Actually, the "change lanes" spellcard is her second one, Flying Insect's Nest.

Double Black Death Butterfly is the one where she shoots out a wave of bullets, slowly retracts it and shoots the next wave while the previous is still retracting.

Honestly, if you can deal with the two spirits just before Okuu, I don't see how Border of Wave and Particle would give you significant trouble. Satori's version is really just a bit faster; it's almost the same damn pattern, even as far as density is concerned. xD

Only reason why I can't take her down in the first cycle is because I need to go pick up that life piece first.

Yeah, same here. Sometimes I come into the spellcard with a full communications gauge, though, thus auto-collecting the life piece and allowing me to get into Parsee's face right away. :newyears:

Yeah, but you didn't screw up on Hanasaka for two freaking years and keep dying nearly every single time, even after bombing to it, finding it to be far more difficult than everything Yuugi throws at you.

Even now, the only reason I can capture it with MarisaB is because of the overpoweredness of Earth Sign and the presence of Metal Sign. I still get annihilated with ReimuA.

Wait what

Dying to Grandpa Hanasaka outside of Lunatic? Are you for real? D:

You can capture Sanae's "lol have a wall of bullets" spells, but you can't mimic Parsee's movement while slipping between completely stationary bullets...? D:

If you forget about ReimuA's warp ability, how the heck do you deal with Stage 6?

Uh, how do I deal with it? The ravens are basically free Graze and the spirits you just need to shoot down before they get too close to the bottom (to avoid getting walled in from multiple sides). I rarely need more than one bomb for the spirits even when I don't play as ReimuA.

I can see how you'd get tricked into thinking you're supposed to stream the spirits, though. You're not.

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Too many things to quote.

A few things on SA rantrantrant.

Hanasaka + Big Marisa hitbox = Fun

Stage 3 is fun, if Mt. Ooe and her last nonspell would quit throwing uncertain deaths at me.

Tengu Macro Burst is the coolest spellcard name in the main game (Koishi cheats). Fite me.

Stage 5 continues to be all the butts it has ever thrown at any SA player, especially Zombie Fairy. I hate ReimuC Zombie Fairy.

Stage 6, I'm dying to Hell's Artificial Sun. Worst player ever.

Going sanic the hegehag fast is seriously too much fun. All other shot types are wimpy losers.

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Hanasaka + Big Marisa hitbox = Fun

To be fair, while Marisa's large hitbox is detrimental to your survival, it's a god-send in this game as far as scoring is concerned, because it also allows her to graze bullets - and lasers especially - from further away. Marisa can get ludicrous amounts of Graze from the lasers in Stage 3, whereas Reimu gets pretty much nothing from them unless her middle name is A and she uses bombs wiselyTM.

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Actually, the "change lanes" spellcard is her second one, Flying Insect's Nest.

Double Black Death Butterfly is the one where she shoots out a wave of bullets, slowly retracts it and shoots the next wave while the previous is still retracting.

Okay, yeah, Double Black Death Butterfly could get annoying sometimes, but one bomb is usually enough.

Honestly, if you can deal with the two spirits just before Okuu, I don't see how Border of Wave and Particle would give you significant trouble. Satori's version is really just a bit faster; it's almost the same damn pattern, even as far as density is concerned. xD

I can handle those two spirits but a) BoWaP is continuous and lasts for an incredibly long time, b) there is a wave that's too dense and I'll need to move along with the wave for a while before continuing the micrododging, c) like you said, it's faster, d) maintaining a specific rhythm during this fast continuous spell and consistently dodging the dense wave is really tough, and finally, e) an early bomb is inevitable, whether it be a panic bomb or a deathbomb, leading to lower Power, making the spell last even longer, leading to more bombs, which reduces Power further... you get the idea.

If you actually CAN deal with maintaining the rhythm and not get screwed by the dense wave, then yeah, BoWaP should theoretically be easy to capture no matter how long it takes. But if you can't deal with that, then there's no getting around it without huge losses. What bothers me is that BoWaP has far more influence on your progress than any other spell (except maybe Hell's Artificial Sun, but final spells are allowed that privilege). Kinda like Sinker Ghost in UFO >_>

Yeah, same here. Sometimes I come into the spellcard with a full communications gauge, though, thus auto-collecting the life piece and allowing me to get into Parsee's face right away. :newyears:

I'm not sure how that happens unless you spend way too long on her non-spell...

Also, according to Fera, she supposedly does have a hitbox but it's so incredibly tiny that you won't find it even when you're trying to find it. But he apparently got hit by it once so it apparently exists.

Wait what

Dying to Grandpa Hanasaka outside of Lunatic? Are you for real? D:

Indeed. On Normal Mode. With ReimuA's tiny hitbox. Does my reaction to Kalas-chan's warping comment make sense now?

You can capture Sanae's "lol have a wall of bullets" spells, but you can't mimic Parsee's movement while slipping between completely stationary bullets...? D:

I can handle micrododging; in fact, it's really fun. Mimicking Parsee's movement is not really the problem. The stationary bullets, yeah, that's most likely what gets to me. I just can't handle stationary bullets. At all. I know how silly this sounds, but I'm not joking when I say that I probably have more trouble with stationary bullets than any other types of bullet waves. It might sound like stationary bullets is just an easier form of micrododging moving bullets, but trust me, they just aren't the same. I fail hard at stationary bullets.

Uh, how do I deal with it? The ravens are basically free Graze and the spirits you just need to shoot down before they get too close to the bottom (to avoid getting walled in from multiple sides). I rarely need more than one bomb for the spirits even when I don't play as ReimuA.

I can see how you'd get tricked into thinking you're supposed to stream the spirits, though. You're not.

But you still bomb though. ReimuA can warp to trivialize the spirits, MarisaB's Water Sign annihilates them if she has enough power. Outside those two scenarios, I imagine it'd be really tough to clear them without bombing...

Too many things to quote.

A few things on SA rantrantrant.

Hanasaka + Big Marisa hitbox = Fun

Why are you using Marisa?

Stage 3 is fun, if Mt. Ooe and her last nonspell would quit throwing uncertain deaths at me.

Now you know why I have bombskipping them as planned.

Tengu Macro Burst is the coolest spellcard name in the main game (Koishi cheats). Fite me.

Ooooh, what's it like? Also, I like Subterranean Sun.

Stage 5 continues to be all the butts it has ever thrown at any SA player, especially Zombie Fairy. I hate ReimuC Zombie Fairy.

We've been through this before. Circle around Rin. She's not so relentless to not give you time to adjust your shot direction each step of the way.

I also still think the pseudo-Water Sign by shifting left and right while sitting at the bottom might work. Have you even tried that?

Stage 6, I'm dying to Hell's Artificial Sun. Worst player ever.

Well, it's really hard to deathbomb there...

Going sanic the hegehag fast is seriously too much fun. All other shot types are wimpy losers.

First, you were whining about how useless it was. Now you love it. It's only a matter of time before you declare her shot type as being the best shot type ever because a) it can rotate 360 degrees with minimal movement and b) you can achieve max Power at 3.00 Edited by Railgun
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Oh, of course, ReimuC can be rotated around with minimal movement. It's because of that "minimal movement" thing that's keeping it back. Have you ever tried to aim with that much swinging around?

And of course, you should learn that I'm not to be taken seriously a lot of the time. I still love ReimuA's simplicity and MarisaB's HIGH SPEED HOTSWAPPING TIME. Going fast is fun, but I also like actually hitting things rather than adjusting my aim all the damned time.

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