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【東方】 Yet Another Touhou Draft


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Unranked: Puku


Score: 206,825,760

Clear: Yes (0/1)

(Would have scored 5 points)

You were pretty shy about using any of the Graze opportunities in Stage 1, but decent enough otherwise.

I'm not sure why you bombed after midboss!Parsee (although it looks like you might've been afraid of getting killed for trying to grab the life piece), and you dropped most of the items in the second half of the stage, but otherwise your performance was totally solid. Green-eyed Monster was dealt with very quickly despite not abusing Parsee's lack of a collision box, nicely done!

Grandpa Hanasaka was a bit confusing to watch, but you went through one of the gaps at least, so personally, I'm satisfied. xP

However, you missed the life piece afterwards despite bombing to try and catch it. Were you distracted? D:

Other than that, solid Parsee fight!

I'm not quite sure why you bombed before midboss!Yuugi. There wasn't really any amount of items worth bombing for on-screen and you weren't threatened by anything. Was it to try and rack up Graze by sitting inside the lasers?

The death to Mt. Ooe was unfortunate. You probably don't want to try that one completely unfocused - fast movement can be useful here, but you should remain aware of your hitbox. Other than that, though, decent enough Yuugi fight.

Pretty good Stage 4. While you did use multiple bombs in the second half, you also got most of the items that were dropped, which was good move score-wise, but left you a bit low on Power for the Satori fight. Bombing Cat Rin's second appearance as ReimuA definitely gives a lot of delicious Graze though, mmmh!

Very good Satori fight! The death to Double Black Death Butterfly seemed like you didn't notice that bullet approaching from the side rather than any actual issues with the spellcard itself. xD

You had the balls to shoot everything ever in Stage 5, were able to deal with the retaliation and were rewarded with quite a bunch of items for your trouble. Nicely done!

...and then you died to midboss!Rin's opener. Tapping the focus button like that to keep up the rhythm isn't a good idea - a death like that is bound to happen if you rely on it too much. You then bombed pretty much the entirety of midboss!Rin and stage 5 afterwards, which was a pretty amusing reaction as far as I'm concerned. xD

...and after going berserk on the entirety of Stage 5, you decide not to shoot the final three waves of spirits for some reason? You could've used the extra Power at that point. D:

The Rin fight had a lot of basic screw-ups that resulted in a lot of deaths, you need to practice that. You also didn't seem to know how to deal with her second non-spell, but that one's quickly bombed to oblivion, so that one's not too much of an issue.

Stage 6 made up for it with a very solid performance during the stage part, though. The Utsuho fight wasn't terrible, although the death to her final non-spell in an attempt to get into a better position to damage her was a sloppy misjudgement. ;/

Getting fed up with Hell and Heaven Meltdown and bombing it to oblivion after dying to it was pretty amusing for some reason. xD

All in all not a bad run. You might need to work a bit on your consistency to reduce the number of silly screw-ups you make, but your basic performance is rock-solid. I especially like that you're making pretty good use of bombs when you're not taken completely by surprise!

I was once able to capture mt.ooe on hard with nonfocus, so i tought i can do the same on normal, but meh...

i tought i can gained many points by simply bombing at yuugi's stage 3, turns out it didnt really affect much (i still havent figured how people can get 600 millions after all other than dangerously going to collection point, meh -.-)

i never figured how to survive the catwalk spell TAT

as for the rin deaths, i only died one time on my first time 1cc'ing SA

yep.. panic strikes whanever i tried 1CC =A= (except touhou 7 where i exceptionally reached last stage with 7-8 lives :p )

as for the section after miniboss in stage 5, i always spammed bombs because i knew the total power i gained from killing the enemies during invincibility is around 1.1-1.2, tough it affect the score somehow -.-

yep consistency, is my main requirement, tough im satisfied, after 4 month not playing SA story mode, i can 1cc in my first try after such long time not playing (barely, tough)...

im too lazy playing story mode, spent most of the time on hard/lunatic practices =.=,, tough i already played 2hu rarely lately :p


Edited by pukuriripo
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The trick to Cat Walk is pretty simple. Dodge the first three or so circles normally, then dodge either left or right depending on which wave you're on. First wave is left, second is right, and third is left if you're timing it out for some unknown reason. It becomes much easier after.

Extra draft pls

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My Mt Ooe captures were unfocused too. I need the speed to dodge the bubbles. It honestly feels like a variation of Mountain of Faith to me.

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UFO MarisaB doesn't appear to be that bad. It's essentially a weaker forward-focus shot type. The spread type is worthless though, and it almost feels like 3.00+ is better than 4.00. It's a terrible shot type, but salvageable. I guess.

After playing around with SA MarisaA, I've concluded that ReimuC has worked its way into my muscle memory and I can't live without her hyperspeed collection. Unfocused forward-focus is the worst thing ever, but it still does a fairly hefty amount of damage. Getting 7.00 Power after dying is stupid. Maybe I'll try MarisaB again.

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3. Kalas


Score: 51,217,900

Clear: No (Stage 4 Boss)

Decent Stage 1. Mad props on supergrazing the first two large fairies - you were the only one ballsy enough to do that, and it made up very nicely for not grazing the others!

You're dodging too far to the side on midboss!Parsee's non-spell. The gaps look a bit menacing, but if you stay calm, it's not that bad. Still, the power lost didn't hurt you, so it's alright. Green-eyed Monster was a bit slow, but worked.

The bomb to the orbs after midboss!Parsee shouldn't have been needed, though. That's an instance where very basic streaming would've kept you perfectly safe! ;/

The screw-up on boss!Parsee's opener was unfortunate, but it happens, so meh. ReimuA's teleport ability was used well to deal with Grandpa Hanasaka, although you ran pretty low on time until you hit a rhythm where you actually managed to damage Parsee. Still, it worked, so it's alright.

The bomb on Anathema Ritual was to avoid a time-out, a good choice to secure the life piece. However, if you're gonna do circles around Parsee to avoid dealing with the bullets, do it a bit more quickly to avoid running low on time in the first place! Most of your time spent should be below her so that your shots will actually hit her.

Kinda sorta streamed during the stage portions of Stage 3. Are you getting the hang of it?

Bomb choices on Yuugi were understandable, although I feel like you were under the impression of the large bubble bullets in Wind from Mt. Ooe having a really large hitbox. Their hitbox is a lot smaller than it looks! Focus-grabbing the items after it, however, would've given you enough Power for another bomb and so might've prevented you from dying.

Pretty decent Stage 4. A bit bomb-spammy, but making good use of your resources is an important form of skill as well, so that's completely okay! Also nice job on Cat Rin's second appearance; you dropped her HP to 0 at literally the very last possible moment and got the life piece. That looked tense. xD

The Satori fight, sadly, was a mess. It felt like your screw-up on Terrible Souvenir's lasers completely freaked you out, causing all the following deaths that I don't think would've happened had you remained calm. Also, don't bomb immediately after dying, it's a waste of a bomb - you can't clear bullets from the screen that don't exist!

Honestly, though, up until Satori your performance was pretty good, and definitely on par for a 1cc. Even after this draft, keep going - you can get it!

I can do something cool sometimes.


I tried to sit on Parsee's sprite (I think? I don't remember). Probably didn't work. Did I clear it before the third wave?

Well I panicked.

Which is funny because that and Hanasaka are probably the easier things PArsee has.

I can't anathema.

I think I'm getting better with streaming. I think.

Ooe is stupid. I mean I can do random dodging good but that's painful.

am i doing mof right now

I got worried when the 10 second sounds were playing

Yeah satori killed me dead.

I'll probably have this cleared by the next Touhou draft.

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I tried to sit on Parsee's sprite (I think? I don't remember). Probably didn't work. Did I clear it before the third wave?

IIRC you actually had her start a fourth one. You were pretty close to timing it out. xD

I'll probably have this cleared by the next Touhou draft.

I'm looking forward to it!

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Considering how much BS Sinker Ghost is, a replay up to Stage 4 should be fine.

Then again, if you screwed up Stage 4 Nue, I would recommend practicing it till you get it right, and submit a Normal Mode replay where you captured Stage 4 Nue's attacks. It has quite an effect on your total resources.

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Well... if I recall correctly, my score where I lost to Murasa's first spell was (i think) 40m higher than my later attempt where I lost to Sinker Ghost. Still, I'll.have to review my runs.

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can posting last year 1cc draft count? (less than 100 mill)

6. Practice all you like, but all replays presented are to be recorded during this draft. No here's-one-I-prepared-earlier.

Better hurry up and get a new run, Puku-chan

Also, Kalas-chan, if you're not 1ccing, you should obviously send the replay with the higher score.

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In fact, if you're not 1ccing, you may want to try doing a full-on score run rather than even collecting resources for a 1cc.

If you know and abuse the fact that collecting an UFO token while an actual UFO is already on-screen will boost the value of point items by 1000 for the remainder of the game, you can very plausibly beat some of the lower-end 1cc scores as early as Stage 4.

You should be able to last at least up to the Stage 4 boss if you want to give it a go, though.

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Sorry for being a bit late, something came up!

- UFO Results -

1. Fera
Score: 216,292,310
Clear: No (Stage 6)

Stage 1 was excellent! You summoned a lot of UFOs, although I think it'd have been more beneficial to your score had you collected some of the tokens for a point value boost instead of another UFO summon.
The UFO summon during midboss!Kogasa was a bad idea and wasted two perfectly good tokens. Otherwise, decent placement of blue UFOs, although the last one didn't do anything because all it collected was power items.
Stage 3 was pretty decent. A couple of well-placed UFOs, a couple of miscolored ones. Aside from the silly stage death no complaints survival-wise either.
Stage 4 was... ...certainly interesting! Scoring-wise it was a trainwreck, but aside from that I don't think you did too bad. The Murasa fight in particular was great - you were the only one to capture Sinker Ghost!
The first blue UFO summon in Stage 5 was perfect. Even after that, not bad, although you got overwhelmed by the fireballs after Nazrin. :/
The Shou fight wasn't bad per se, but had multiple silly accidents, which UFO just doesn't forgive if you ignore red UFOs. ;/
And then you lost your final life in Stage 6 before you had a chance to grab all those point items. Awww. D:

Overall, a decent run with just too many accidents. I'm disappointed that you never really did anything with all those bombs though. :/

2. Proto
Score: 144,100,110
Clear: Yes (0/0)
No complaints about the first stage. You actually summoned as many red UFOs as was possible without getting interrupted by Nazrin if I'm not mistaken. You could in theory have slipped in a rainbow UFO before the midboss without losing any progress towards the next red UFO by collecting the blue token and the rainbow one as a green one instead, but considering how worthless point items are at this point in the game, it didn't matter terribly much either way.
Stage 2 was rather unmemorable. You missed another opportunity to summon a rainbow UFO (although admittedly all that would've gotten you is some Power) and just let the blue UFO token later on disappear instead of using it for a boost in your point item value while a red UFO was on-screen, but you weren't going for score so whatever. You ended up going too close to the suicide orbs and died when one of them exploded in your face, but a silly death or two this early in UFO really doesn't matter much in the long run if you're focusing on red UFOs anyway.
The Kogasa fight was alright. The deathbomb to her first spellcard was equally unexpected, impressive and funny. I'm not sure why you kept slipping between the bullet lines in her second non-spell (if you go with the flow, it's completely unnecessary), but it worked out so sure I guess.
Stage 3 was kind of terrible, but you're aware so yeah. In particular, seeing the way you handled midboss!Ichirin's spellcard, it doesn't surprise me that you got punched in the face by Unzan. You need to use the space you're given much more rather than trying to stick under Ichirin like that. You shouldn't get into any trouble with the timer even if only every second fist allows you to actually damage Ichirin.
More missed opportunities to boost your point item value, but I think I remember you mentioning that at the time, you weren't even aware of the fact that collecting tokens while an UFO is on-screen boosts the value of your point items, so I guess I'll just stop pointing it out.
With another silly death to boss!Ichirin, however, you died a total of three times in Stage 3. Ouch. "One or two" deaths don't matter in the long run, but four by this point in the game is kind of much. I guess you really run on despair. xD"
Stage 4 wasn't amazing either, but still much less of a trainwreck than Stage 3 was. You missed a rainbow token despite it being close enough to grab while red at some point and bombed quite a lot, but at least you actually bombed instead of dying outright, and you got Nue's [1up].
In Murasa's second non-spell, you grazed at least three bullets in short succession so closely that you'd have died as any character other than Reimu. xD
Other than that, the Murasa fight was pretty good until you screwed up her final anchor spellcard. And then Sinker Ghost happened.
You move way, WAY too much in Sinker Ghost. Optimally, you want to move in a large circle, but only go forward one or two "lines" for every wave Murasa fires. This rhythm reduces the required movement to an amount that can be upheld even when the time between Murasa's waves becomes really short. Personally, I haven't failed Sinker Ghost even once since I figured that out, even on Hard.
The part in Stage 5 just before you have to stream/misdirect the red orbs gives you exactly what tokens you need to summon a rainbow UFO. You could've made use of that even disregarding score, as rainbow UFOs still explode like a bomb when broken, and release two rainbow tokens when doing so, which would've brought you one step closer to the next red UFO. Aside from that minor nitpick and missing multiple rainbow tokens, however, Stage 5 itself was remarkably decent compared to the previous stages!
I can see how the way you handle the two Pagoda spellcards would get you killed as Marisa. xD"
You're camping way too far at the bottom of the screen during "Absolute Justice". You want to go upwards as much as possible when the lasers stop for a moment, as otherwise you can easily get caged in and die (like you did here). Don't worry about the few bullets Shou herself shoots, they're not hard to dodge even up close.
Demon of Purification was meh, though. It's basically just the Pagoda cards with perfectly horizontal lasers instead. (Although I guess I shouldn't be talking since I too screw it up now and then. xD )
Stage 6 was pretty bad (although you did use the opportunity to stock up on a few more bombs and somehow managed to summon another red UFO), and the Byakuren fight was frankly terrible, although you did do a really good job at capturing Devil's Recitation at 1 Power. Not dying to Flying Fantastica looked like a massive fluke though, wow. xD

In summary, while the run overall was honestly rather bad, I gotta give credit where credit is due and point out that it is, nonetheless, a 1cc. You did a good job at building up all those resources, so what if you ended up needing every last of them? That's the one thing I like about UFO's UFO system: if you put the effort into it, you can 1cc the game even after dying enough to get multiple Game Overs in any other game in the series. xD

3. Kalas
Score: 84,556,900
Clear: No (Stage 4)
No complaints about the first stage survival-wise, but I don't think you really knew what you were doing with the UFOs? Aside from the red UFO, the summons you made looked kind of random and weren't very well-placed.
Summoning two rainbow UFOs at the beginning of Stage 2 converted a lot of point items to power items, ensuring that you were going to be at 4 Power for midboss!Kogasa, but actually hurting your score, and it didn't seem like you were going for red UFOs. That said, the summons in themselves were dealt with pretty well (throughout the entire stage), it's just that your choice of colors was pretty odd. Were you going for score, maybe? If so, while rainbow UFO summons at certain critical points are important, what you actually want to focus on are blue UFOs!
...like you started doing in Stage 3! Stage 3 was pretty good scoring-wise - all the colors were chosen very well and scored you a lot of points. The bombs throughout the stage itself were all for score as far as I can tell, although I don't think any but the first one really did anything you couldn't have done by just shooting down the UFO normally. The Ichirin boss fight was poor, though. :/
Stage 4 was pretty eh and ended your run, although you did at least get Nue's [1up] before dying for good.

All in all: survival-wise fine up to Ichirin, scoring-wise a pretty good Stage 3. I'm pretty sure you can do better than that!

4. ZM
Score: 33,709,340
Clear: No (Stage 3 Boss)
Good first stage! Scoring aside, no mistakes that I can see.
Stage 2 was fine survival-wise, but you picked up the wrong color UFO token twice and started collecting red tokens from scratch after that instead of using the opportunity to summon a rainbow UFO like I advised you to, wasting a lot of potential UFO summons and thus leaving you a bit lower on resources for Stage 3 than you could've been.
Some of the dodges you made also looked very risky. Choose wisely when to go unfocused and when not to!
Also, don't stop shooting when you bomb. You could easily have defeated Kogasa's final spellcard using only one bomb rather than two had you just continued holding down the fire button while the bomb was active. ;/
While I don't think it was entirely on purpose, summoning a rainbow UFO at the beginning of Stage 3 worked out nicely, though. However, you may want to avoid summoning an UFO when you know a midboss is going to appear, as the UFO will just escape regardless of its timer. In that case, it may be wiser to delay the summoning until after the midboss.
Move around more during midboss!Ichirin's spellcard - you have a lot of space horizontally to dodge all those fists. Use it! There's no reason to stay that close to the Unzan's fists, it'll just get you killed.
As for all your deaths following the midboss fight: if you find yourself walled in and can't go around the bullets anymore, rather than wait and die, use a bomb. Bombs in this (and all other non-MoF/-SA Touhou games) are more strictly limited than in MoF and SA where they're based on your Power, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't use them. Think of it this way - you get two new bombs per life, but only if you actually used them. If you die without using your bombs, you don't get any extra ones - an unnecessary loss of resources!

Unranked: Puku
No entry

[spoiler=A challenger appears!]Unranked: Scarlet
Score: 555,114,100
Clear: Yes (2/2)
I did a scoring run just for the lulz because I felt like it. It's kind of terrible but I think it gets the point across. :V
Captures worth mentioning: Sinker Ghost and Flying Fantastica.
Failures worth mentioning: Devil's Recitation and almost the entire Shou fight. Also, failing to deathbomb. I swear my bomb button must be broken or something.


1. Fera: 50 -> 57

2. Proto: 35 -> 42

3. Kalas: 8 -> 10

4. ZM: 0 -> 0

That's it for Round 6. The deadline for TD is April 16th. (Updated Timer)

Edited by Scarlet
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Last place again. \o/

Eh? With how quickly you were growing, I honestly thought you'd be able to beat Kalas-chan easily... did you actually try after that run where you failed at Ichirin?

Sorry for being a bit late, something came up!

- UFO Results -

1. Fera


Score: 216,292,310

Clear: No (Stage 6)

Whoa, seriously? I actually 1cc'd a game that Fera didn't clear in the draft?

(all it means is that MarisaB is utter crap though)

Stage 2 was rather unmemorable. You missed another opportunity to summon a rainbow UFO (although admittedly all that would've gotten you is some Power) and just let the blue UFO token later on disappear instead of using it for a boost in your point item value while a red UFO was on-screen, but you weren't going for score so whatever. You ended up going too close to the suicide orbs and died when one of them exploded in your face, but a silly death or two this early in UFO really doesn't matter much in the long run if you're focusing on red UFOs anyway.

I genuinely didn't know about UFO tokens boosting point value while a UFO is present. Suicide bullets are annoying >_>

The Kogasa fight was alright. The deathbomb to her first spellcard was equally unexpected, impressive and funny. I'm not sure why you kept slipping between the bullet lines in her second non-spell (if you go with the flow, it's completely unnecessary), but it worked out so sure I guess.

ReimuA has a very narrow shot, so focusing on Kogasa often causes those stupid umbrellas to come to me at annoying angles. So I tried to deal with them instead and it didn't work well.

Stage 3 was kind of terrible, but you're aware so yeah. In particular, seeing the way you handled midboss!Ichirin's spellcard, it doesn't surprise me that you got punched in the face by Unzan. You need to use the space you're given much more rather than trying to stick under Ichirin like that. You shouldn't get into any trouble with the timer even if only every second fist allows you to actually damage Ichirin.

Yeah, I realized that I should just settle with hitting her every second fist only after I tried to teach ZM how to handle that spell.

With another silly death to boss!Ichirin, however, you died a total of three times in Stage 3. Ouch. "One or two" deaths don't matter in the long run, but four by this point in the game is kind of much. I guess you really run on despair. xD"

Actually, I don't think I was on despair at this point.

Stage 4 wasn't amazing either, but still much less of a trainwreck than Stage 3 was. You missed a rainbow token despite it being close enough to grab while red at some point and bombed quite a lot, but at least you actually bombed instead of dying outright, and you got Nue's [1up].

My Stage 4 policy is to not try getting UFO tokens unless it's very safe to do so... like floating right on top of me or something.

In Murasa's second non-spell, you grazed at least three bullets in short succession so closely that you'd have died as any character other than Reimu. xD

It was fun! I think, at this point, I wasn't actually taking this run very seriously

Other than that, the Murasa fight was pretty good until you screwed up her final anchor spellcard. And then Sinker Ghost happened.

Final anchor spellcard is tough with ReimuA, because I keep dodging in areas where I don't hit her >_>

You move way, WAY too much in Sinker Ghost. Optimally, you want to move in a large circle, but only go forward one or two "lines" for every wave Murasa fires. This rhythm reduces the required movement to an amount that can be upheld even when the time between Murasa's waves becomes really short. Personally, I haven't failed Sinker Ghost even once since I figured that out, even on Hard.

I'll probably just watch your replay to learn how to do it. I've captured it once, but I was probably doing it wrong that time.

The part in Stage 5 just before you have to stream/misdirect the red orbs gives you exactly what tokens you need to summon a rainbow UFO. You could've made use of that even disregarding score, as rainbow UFOs still explode like a bomb when broken, and release two rainbow tokens when doing so, which would've brought you one step closer to the next red UFO. Aside from that minor nitpick and missing multiple rainbow tokens, however, Stage 5 itself was remarkably decent compared to the previous stages!

Too much planning. My general UFO strategy is to just summon red UFOs as much as possible and summon rainbow UFOs when I screw up. I didn't plan any screenclears or affordable rainbow UFO summons that don't interfere with my red UFO goal.

I can see how the way you handle the two Pagoda spellcards would get you killed as Marisa. xD"

You're camping way too far at the bottom of the screen during "Absolute Justice". You want to go upwards as much as possible when the lasers stop for a moment, as otherwise you can easily get caged in and die (like you did here). Don't worry about the few bullets Shou herself shoots, they're not hard to dodge even up close.

Yeah, I noticed. Still, though, if I actually hit Shou more often, I'd probably have captured it by then.

Demon of Purification was meh, though. It's basically just the Pagoda cards with perfectly horizontal lasers instead. (Although I guess I shouldn't be talking since I too screw it up now and then. xD )

I actually find this to be Shou's easiest spell, hence the lack of deathbombing >_>. Not sure how I screwed up there.

Stage 6 was pretty bad (although you did use the opportunity to stock up on a few more bombs and somehow managed to summon another red UFO), and the Byakuren fight was frankly terrible, although you did do a really good job at capturing Devil's Recitation at 1 Power.

Of all my UFO runs, I had to 1cc during that one run where I missed Nue's point wall. Byakuren fight was mostly terrible because I refused to bomb during that one non-spell that killed me twice. And an Air Scroll death >_<.

Not dying to Flying Fantastica looked like a massive fluke though, wow. xD

0 lives, 0 bombs by the time the red cards arrive => MAXIMUM DESPAIR!

imo Fantastica's main difficulty is that it's hard to concentrate so well while you're so close to 1ccing the game. You'd be much more comfortable at panic-bombing during the game final spell. I find it much easier when trying it on Practice Mode than on Normal Mode.

In summary, while the run overall was honestly rather bad, I gotta give credit where credit is due and point out that it is, nonetheless, a 1cc. You did a good job at building up all those resources, so what if you ended up needing every last of them? That's the one thing I like about UFO's UFO system: if you put the effort into it, you can 1cc the game even after dying enough to get multiple Game Overs in any other game in the series. xD

You make it sound like UFO can potentially provide way more Extends than any other game... which is probably true. I know this was a bad run, but I can never beat Fantastica on Normal Mode with fewer screwups throughout the run. This was my first 1cc, and further attempts where I didn't screw up as often early on always led to my death.

[spoiler=A challenger appears!]Unranked: Scarlet


Score: 555,114,100

Clear: Yes (2/2)

I did a scoring run just for the lulz because I felt like it. It's kind of terrible but I think it gets the point across. :V

Captures worth mentioning: Sinker Ghost and Flying Fantastica.

Failures worth mentioning: Devil's Recitation and almost the entire Shou fight. Also, failing to deathbomb. I swear my bomb button must be broken or something.

I'll probably watch it just to see how to Sinker Ghost.
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3. Kalas


Score: 84,556,900

Clear: No (Stage 4)

No complaints about the first stage survival-wise, but I don't think you really knew what you were doing with the UFOs? Aside from the red UFO, the summons you made looked kind of random and weren't very well-placed.

Summoning two rainbow UFOs at the beginning of Stage 2 converted a lot of point items to power items, ensuring that you were going to be at 4 Power for midboss!Kogasa, but actually hurting your score, and it didn't seem like you were going for red UFOs. That said, the summons in themselves were dealt with pretty well (throughout the entire stage), it's just that your choice of colors was pretty odd. Were you going for score, maybe? If so, while rainbow UFO summons at certain critical points are important, what you actually want to focus on are blue UFOs!

...like you started doing in Stage 3! Stage 3 was pretty good scoring-wise - all the colors were chosen very well and scored you a lot of points. The bombs throughout the stage itself were all for score as far as I can tell, although I don't think any but the first one really did anything you couldn't have done by just shooting down the UFO normally. The Ichirin boss fight was poor, though. :/

Stage 4 was pretty eh and ended your run, although you did at least get Nue's [1up] before dying for good.

All in all: survival-wise fine up to Ichirin, scoring-wise a pretty good Stage 3. I'm pretty sure you can do better than that!

I kinda messed up, yeah.

Ouch, I'll have to be careful next time I run through UFO.

Yay, I did something right.

I just don't like the idea of being fisted, honestly.

A final hurrah, yeah?

Yay. I get as far as Sinker Ghost in a(n unsaved) run I had later, so we'll see.

Eh? With how quickly you were growing, I honestly thought you'd be able to beat Kalas-chan easily... did you actually try after that run where you failed at Ichirin?

Slight feeling of being insulted aside, To be honest, I thought that ZM could have beaten me too. I'll just wait for TD and DDC then...

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Whoa, seriously? I actually 1cc'd a game that Fera didn't clear in the draft?

Yeah. I think he might have overdone it with ignoring the red tokens; he literally didn't summon a single red UFO ever, so he only had like 5 lives for the entire run. xD

He did collect a couple of bombs, but relying on those over actual Extends when playing as the shot type with the worst bomb in the game might not have been a terribly good idea. xD"

(fwiw, had his green UFO summons all been red ones instead, he'd probably have 1cc'd with pretty much no loss in score)

I'll probably just watch your replay to learn how to do it. I've captured it once, but I was probably doing it wrong that time.

Fera captured it pretty much the same way, so don't give me all the credit!

Too much planning. My general UFO strategy is to just summon red UFOs as much as possible and summon rainbow UFOs when I screw up. I didn't plan any screenclears or affordable rainbow UFO summons that don't interfere with my red UFO goal.

Okay, sure. I certainly won't blame you for not bothering to memorize when what UFO token appears - I don't actively do so either (even though for a serious scoring run, I probably should), but if you play the game often enough, at some point some of it'll will just stick.

imo Fantastica's main difficulty is that it's hard to concentrate so well while you're so close to 1ccing the game. You'd be much more comfortable at panic-bombing during the game final spell. I find it much easier when trying it on Practice Mode than on Normal Mode.

Personally, I have more issues with the fact that the charms are actually semi-transparent. Once the spellcard starts getting faster and more dense, I find it really easy to lose track of where some of them even are, let alone where they're going to move. xD

You make it sound like UFO can potentially provide way more Extends than any other game... which is probably true.

fwiw, you died precisely 13 times throughout your run. That is not actually enough deaths for multiple Game Overs in any Touhou game other than TD (I may subconsciously have counted some of your deathbombs as deaths the first time I watched your replay xD"), but I do think that's more lives than is possible to get even in DDC. xD

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