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[12:02:07 PM] DodgeDusk: Mii's in Smash

[12:02:07 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: lol

[12:06:02 PM] Browada: ...

[12:06:05 PM] Browada: Browada has left

[12:06:14 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: welp

[12:06:20 PM] Phantasmagoric: huh?

[12:06:30 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: They have 36 SPECIAL MOVES

[12:06:43 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: Because they're three different types of Miis

[12:06:50 PM] Phantasmagoric: high tier material

[12:07:45 PM] Browada: that

[12:07:46 PM] Browada: what

[12:07:52 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: Yes

[12:07:54 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: You heard me

[12:08:06 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: 36 special moves, and they're three of them

[12:08:10 PM] Browada: that'd mean

[12:08:17 PM] Browada: they have twelve specials each

[12:08:18 PM] Browada: how

[12:08:24 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: Indeed

[12:08:39 PM] DodgeDusk: You can choose 4 from the 12
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I never knew man D> If I did, I would've been spamming

and it is going to be localized by XSEED as STORY OF SEASONS so there won't be as many typos!!!!11!!!

So I'm getting that new Harvest Moon game

can I love you


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Super Smash Brothers (3DS): October 3, 2014

Super Smash Brothers (Wii U): Holiday 2014


Yoshi's Wooly World: 2015

Captain Toad Treasure Tracker: Holiday 2014

New Zelda: 2015

Pokemon OmegaRuby/AlphaSapphire: November 21, 2014

Bayonetta: October 2014

Hyrule Warriors: September 26, 2014

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse: 2015

Xenoblade Chronicles: 2015

Mario Maker: 2015

Splatoon: 2015

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oh i see...is that anime any good?

yesh nintendo. i never know what they're going to do next though but i think they're revealing a new game series :0

Depends on how much you like harem comedies and dirty jokes.

I personally prefer the manga.

Also Miis shouldn't be in Smash Bros.

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can I love you

I hate you though

[12:43:39 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: welp
[12:43:45 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: Looks like the rumors were true
[12:43:48 PM] Phantasmagoric: Palutena in Brawl
[12:44:00 PM] Browada: IT BEGINS
[12:44:01 PM] Sorin: PALUTENA
[12:44:03 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: I'm going to cry and shoot myself in the foot
[12:44:07 PM] Browada: HOOOO BOY
[12:44:28 PM] Browada: also Sorin ninja'd so now I have to try and dig through my imgur for my shinji sig again
[12:45:18 PM] Phantasmagoric: dark pit?
[12:45:26 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: no
[12:46:02 PM] Jprebs: HYPE
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