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Les prémices d'une nouvelle naissance est proche.

Accept your rebirth! Be a magical girl!

Salut Naughx !

Lute isn't a magical girl

become a magical girl

Tout ça c'est Schtroumpf Vert et Vert Schtroumpf.

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thank you Lux-sama

No problem, Shadow-kun

I didn't know you had watched Madoka

Why Lux.....

Because 'Become a magical girl' is translated in 'Sis Puella Magica' in Latin and it's the title of a great track from the show.

Salut Lux !

Merci !

Salut tende

de rien

Edited by LuxSpes
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Puisse la Lumière de ce monde pourfendre leur cœurs plein d'amertume et nous libérer du joug de cette vile malédiction qui corrompt nos âmes troublées.

Edited by Naughx
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Puisse la Lumière de ce monde pourfendre leur cœur plein d'amertume et nous libérer du joug de cette vile malédiction qui corrompt nos âmes troublées.

Bonjour le parkour carrefour abajour

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Puisse la Lumière de ce monde pourfendre leur cœur plein d'amertume et nous libérer du joug de cette vile malédiction qui corrompt nos âmes troublées.

Where do these quotes come from?

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Yeah he does that while sleeping.

Are you stalking me while i sleep?

I'm scared

This means absolutely nothing in French, but it still made me laugh XD

It doesn't? Damn...


Best pokeman
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How can I see my postcount for this thread alone?

I know how to look up my overall post count, but I'm not sure how to do that for individual threads.

Click on the place where you have the number of replies and view in FFtF.

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Good afternooooon :)

I was singing in my car and this bird came up close and was chirping along.

That'll probably be the highlight of my day.

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