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Fox is such a toughie. I wonder if his side special can still perform meteor smashes in the air?

Wait I thought only wolf's side-B could Meteor Smash them?

Then again I never play Fox so 90% I'm wrong

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Wait I thought only wolf's side-B could Meteor Smash them?

Then again I never play Fox so 90% I'm wrong

You know what, I mixed up Fox with Falco, since I use the latter more. Falco can meteor smash with side b along with Wolf.

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Apparently, Fox in Smash 4 can still do actions after performing side special; for example, you can side special then up special. Is Fox ever going to die? D:

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Welp. I just saw a clip that does indeed confirm that Fox can side then up special. But still, his nerfs are going to hit him hard

In other news, Nintendo is announcing something after Evo (not sure if it's after Melee or SF)

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