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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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I don't think I have any friends that would be patient enough to put up with me that long :L

(although if it counts ayrton eventually got me pming him

now we're working on voice calls

which won't happen btw)

Hmmm.... that may put a wrench in the plans. Then I guess your family is where you'd want to start, namely that cousin of yours

Progress is progress, nonetheless

I'd imagine that's where Damian and/or Kitty would come in?

Not with that attitude, it won't

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I normally have zero trouble talking to the cousins around my age, at least the English speaking ones.

I don't speak Farsi so if I tried talking to the others it would probably fail. Miserably.

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Hi Glac

Growing up with cousins makes it easier but when they come from half way arcoss the world and you barely know them, it's kinda awks :P

SF is faster now. So much Yay \o/

Edited by Hashuni Mei
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Growing up with cousins makes it easier but when they come from half way arcoss the world and you barely know them, it's kinda awks :P

SF is faster now. So much Yay \o/

I know my cousins fairly well and we still degrade into long conversations of "..." every time.

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Hi Glac

Growing up with cousins makes it easier but when they come from half way arcoss the world and you barely know them, it's kinda awks :P

SF is faster now. So much Yay \o/


I have known the English speaking ones forever, but the Farsi speakers... I was never so much as introduced.

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I know my cousins fairly well and we still degrade into long conversations of "..." every time.

Is it an uncomfortable "..."?


I have known the English speaking ones forever, but the Farsi speakers... I was never so much as introduced.

That must have been...an experience. Did you attempt to speak Farsi to them? :P

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Is it an uncomfortable "..."?

That must have been...an experience. Did you attempt to speak Farsi to them? :P

Nope, I just kinda stood holding the phone and looking terrified.

At least I have an aunt on that side who learned English after going to the UK...

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Is it an uncomfortable "..."?

"Oh, er...hello."




"So, how have you been?"




-awkward silence-

Anyone can with EFFORT

Less than 50 20(?) on average, unless I'm expected to teach them some concept, then it's about 200. Edited by Iceflare
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