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I'm on the fight against Wendigo, in the amusement park

Ah, yeah that's a pretty tough first boss if you aren't prepared.

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Short video I uploaded to test some recording stuff if anyone cares or is bored:

I also recorded a short FE6 thing that I haven't uploaded yet

oohhhh, i think i remember you mentioning it

cool stuff, man

the ds games had good songs, i have to admit

Yeah. I messed around with the game for a bit. I'm not quite sure what exactly I want to do yet, so I'm just going start with practicing making and animating models.


I really loved the overall atmosphere of the game's final chapters.

Edited by DavidSW
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FE3 and FE12 both have great soundtracks. For the tracks that were remade in FE12, I think both versions have their own appeal. In some cases I prefer one over the other, but I generally like both versions.

I'm not that familiar with the FE12 soundtrack though, since I haven't played the game.

Edited by Hattusili I
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FE3 and FE12 both have great soundtracks. For the tracks that were remade in FE12, I think both versions have their own appeal. In some cases I prefer one over the other, but I generally like both versions.

I'm not that familiar with the FE12 soundtrack though, since I haven't played the game.


It's pretty good

Unless you're shinpichu

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In the cases I do have a preference, it is in favor of the FE3 versions, that's true.

That may have to do with the fact that I've beaten FE3, but never played FE12, so I'm just much more familiar with FE3 than with FE12.

But a general trend I've noticed is that FE3's music tends to have steadier dynamics, while FE12's music tends to have more contrasting dynamics.

I prefer a steady forte in those songs that are supposed to be strong, which is why I prefer, for example, FE3's Confront and Off to War.

This also goes for Victory is Ours, but I also really like FE12's version.

As for War of Heroes, I like both versions in their own right, but I think FE3's version fits better.

In a case like Dragons' Altar, I find that the FE3 version gives off more of a powerful final chapter feel, and the FE12 version gives off more of a dark final chapter feel, both of which fit very well.

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In the cases I do have a preference, it is in favor of the FE3 versions, that's true.

That may have to do with the fact that I've beaten FE3, but never played FE12, so I'm just much more familiar with FE3 than with FE12.

But a general trend I've noticed is that FE3's music tends to have steadier dynamics, while FE12's music tends to have more contrasting dynamics.

I prefer a steady forte in those songs that are supposed to be strong, which is why I prefer, for example, FE3's Confront and Off to War.

This also goes for Victory is Ours, but I also really like FE12's version.

As for War of Heroes, I like both versions in their own right, but I think FE3's version fits better.

In a case like Dragons' Altar, I find that the FE3 version gives off more of a powerful final chapter feel, and the FE12 version gives off more of a dark final chapter feel, both of which fit very well.

I prefer the FE12 ver of Dragon's Altar, but I suppose that's purely preference on my part.

In fact, I seem to side opposite to you, having more preferences to FE12 but still pretty even

FE12 also has some original stuff I really like *insert obligatory tearing shadows here*

Edited by DavidSW
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The biggest irony that ever happened on skype, and take it with a grain of salt:

edited names for privacy purposes : o situation's about a girl at muh school who's a female supremacist
[3:59:00 PM] Elyn: generally she could be kind
[3:59:02 PM] Elyn: COULD be
[3:59:14 PM] Elyn: so i try not to say anything back
[3:59:19 PM] Elyn: it's mainly my friend
[3:59:26 PM] Elyn: and a few other people
[3:59:30 PM] Elyn: who don't get along with her
[3:59:46 PM] Elyn: but she's rather charismatic actually
[3:59:52 PM] Elyn: yet somehow
[4:00:04 PM] Elyn: cold at the same time if she doesn't like someone
[4:00:14 PM] (friend): that hitler supremacist attitude did attract people
[4:00:21 PM] (friend): AND That's the darkest joke ill ever make
[4:00:51 PM] Elyn: it doesn't get any darker than that
[4:01:08 PM] (friend): yep. you can taste the saltiness already, from anyone that cant get the joke already.
[4:01:12 PM] (friend): and the tears
[4:01:21 PM] Elyn: but the irony? she's jewish.
[4:01:46 PM] Elyn: ohh the irony is strong

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As much as like the DS games' soundtrack, I find the whole "wait, it looped already?" thing with FE music the most noticeable with those games.

I mean, don't you wish there was more to this:


I kind of have to agree.

That's also the one thing Awakening's music did right: longer music tracks.

But hey, at least the DS games don't have the same player phase music for 24 chapters. 8]

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