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1 minute ago, Trisitei said:

caved in
spent some money to show support to Heroes

didn't get much greens for Hector but i did get Ryoma
good enough i guess

I was trying to get Ryoma, got tons of red orb summons, but nothing but fodder. Then I get a pull with no red orbs, I pull the green instead: +Atk/-Res Hector. Next pull is blue and gray only, pull 1 blue : +Spd/-Res Azura. Finally get a summon with at least one red orb: +Spd/-HP Lucina (hello 5th Lucina).

No Ryoma, but I can't be mad at that.

Still managed to get the Lobster Lord, but it demanded more sacrifices before it showed it graced me with its presence.

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i really shouldnt be miffed either

got lobster corgi on the one account where i didnt have a bunch of five stars

but i wanted hector because theres a five star eliwood here. bring the best buddies back together ;w;

2 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:

I was trying to get Ryoma, got tons of red orb summons, but nothing but fodder. Then I get a pull with no red orbs, I pull the green instead: +Atk/-Res Hector. Next pull is blue and gray only, pull 1 blue : +Spd/-Res Azura. Finally get a summon with at least one red orb: +Spd/-HP Lucina (hello 5th Lucina).

No Ryoma, but I can't be mad at that.

Still managed to get the Lobster Lord, but it demanded more sacrifices before it showed it graced me with its presence.

you're too lucky getting all these lucinas

who were the fodder
asking for curiosities sake

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Just now, Trisitei said:

i really shouldnt be miffed either

got lobster corgi on the one account where i didnt have a bunch of five stars

but i wanted hector because theres a five star eliwood here. bring the best buddies back together ;w;

you're too lucky getting all these lucinas

who were the fodder
asking for curiosities sake

I now have both Hector and Lyn as 5*, only Eliwood is missing, but considering I have 9 red 5* and that I find is art kind of bad also Fae requires me to promote spare Nowi to 5* in order to give her Lightning Breath+ and make Reinhardt cry

Somehow, I pulled 5 Lucina, 2 as non-focus units, but I have yet to see an actual Lilina in game and only finally got M!Corrin when looking for the lobster. Now, I've got a +4 Lucina sitting around.

Aside from M!Corrin, it was a bunch of Raigh, Selena, Henry and Stahl. They could have at least given me 1 Roy (I need Triangle Adept 3 fodder).

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I always find time for Eliwood
all the ones i worked with are always +Attack and he hits like a truck
especially with Luna and with Durandals built in Death Blow
which can stack with actual Death Blow
and i run a team of Eliwood, Cecilia, Gunter and Ursula for horse emblem BS
yeah his art is bad but eh
but making Reinhardt cry sounds worth it

All those Lucinas. you lucky bastard

Lilina is pretty alright
Raigh can at least find use in giving people his rally skill
and Henry can give a beefy unit his Ignis
i found great use of it on Gunter and this one Five star sheena i got on my main account
maybe it'll find use on your Hector
that and i have a strong dislike for pavise, eschuteon, aegis and sacred cowl and i'd give anyone an actual trigger skill instead


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4 minutes ago, Trisitei said:

I always find time for Eliwood
all the ones i worked with are always +Attack and he hits like a truck
especially with Luna and with Durandals built in Death Blow
which can stack with actual Death Blow
and i run a team of Eliwood, Cecilia, Gunter and Ursula for horse emblem BS
yeah his art is bad but eh
but making Reinhardt cry sounds worth it

All those Lucinas. you lucky bastard

Lilina is pretty alright
Raigh can at least find use in giving people his rally skill
and Henry can give a beefy unit his Ignis
i found great use of it on Gunter and this one Five star sheena i got on my main account
maybe it'll find use on your Hector
that and i have a strong dislike for pavise, eschuteon, aegis and sacred cowl and i'd give anyone an actual trigger skill instead


I manage Reinhardt by staying just out of his reach and sending Nino to get him, but he's dangerous. Having a character that eats him for breakfast even if he's fully buffed would be nice. Hence why I'm planning to sacrifice Nowi (although, I'm planning on trying to get Julia in the mage gauntlet banner and she definitely doesn't care about Reinhardt)

I probably should try using her since she's fully geared in terms of skills and she's +4, but my Sanaki/Nino/Linde/Lukas team has teared down the arena more than any team with Lucina ever did. 

I kind of sent home or fed them as quick as I got them since I'm running out of space for units. And while Ignis is nice, the only unit I found could use it effectively is my Quick Riposte Lukas who often 1 rounds enemies who attack him thanks to Ignis proccing on the last counter attack and adding 37 damage to his attack. Hector got Vantage and Bonfire from spare Lon'qu and Tiki.

2 minutes ago, Trisitei said:

Reinhardt's such an ass i needed to make an image to dedicated his evil



You should post that in heroes' jokes and meme thread if you haven't already.

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i have julia on one of my three accounts and she perfectly kills Reinhardt dead
good luck

Keep her buffed in case
you never know
Lucinas pretty top quality

Very nice set ups
ah yes

I did

it was dumb, i dunno why i made it

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15 minutes ago, Trisitei said:

i have julia on one of my three accounts and she perfectly kills Reinhardt dead
good luck

Keep her buffed in case
you never know
Lucinas pretty top quality

Very nice set ups
ah yes

I did

it was dumb, i dunno why i made it

I'm still sitting on 100 orbs from my sacrifices to get Ryoma and I'm not pulling until the voting gauntlet banner shows up. Then everything will got to greens.

Considering I have 30 5* to choose from, I could probably whip up a team around Lucina, but my 3 mages + Lukas/dancer is working out pretty well for me. I will need to change it up next week since Lukas won't be a bonus units anymore. And my Lucina is definitely top quality. It's just that I end up running in Flyer Emblems or Reinhardt every time I use her since she's at such a high merge level.

I made a dumb joke thing based on a Dota 2 meme and Lukas, but I didn't post it anywhere because I realized it was dumb and I only found it funny cause I'm a nerd. 

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this dedication to Julia
its inspiring 

might need to do something with that lucina then if lukas is gonna be dropped

or maybe someone else if Lukas is doing that much of a good job
jesus that lucina

you are indeed a nerd
dont even know others that do DOTA?
just to have others chuckle at it

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11 minutes ago, Trisitei said:

this dedication to Julia
its inspiring 

might need to do something with that lucina then if lukas is gonna be dropped

or maybe someone else if Lukas is doing that much of a good job
jesus that lucina

you are indeed a nerd
dont even know others that do DOTA?
just to have others chuckle at it

Well I missed her when she first came about and I after witnessing how good of a unit Sanaki has been to me, I wanted to get the Green equivalent of her, especially with all the Reinhardt going around.

Well, Lucina probably won't be a bonus unit and I the only unit I got from the PoR summon is Ike so I'll probably have to fit on the team somehow (may just go 3 mages + Ike unless another of my 5* ends up as a bonus).

Well, you don't need to play Dota to understand the meme, I just took the original drawings and slapped Heroes units and terms on it instead of the original Dota ones.
And I don't know anyone who's into Dota and FE so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I might just as well post and you can tell me how dumb I am.

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7 minutes ago, Trisitei said:

IS was dropping his counters as signs

Ike is pretty good
find him a bit similar to Ryoma

thats nerdy af but im dying

lmao gg

Reinhardt is actually one of the four horseman of the apocalypse.

Well they have pretty similar stats and are both sword units with Distant Counter built into their weapon so yeah, pretty similar.

Good to know it managed to make you laugh. Might as well post it in the Joke thread now that it's in the open.

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4 minutes ago, Rika said:


good job, you told mr ushimaru he's a bitch

4 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:

Reinhardt is actually one of the four horseman of the apocalypse.

Well they have pretty similar stats and are both sword units with Distant Counter built into their weapon so yeah, pretty similar.

Good to know it managed to make you laugh. Might as well post it in the Joke thread now that it's in the open.

he was just that in thracia too

and their five charge special
except ike can charge it faster with heavy blade

who knows, might find someone that knows what you're talking about originally

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2 minutes ago, Trisitei said:

he was just that in thracia too

and their five charge special
except ike can charge it faster with heavy blade

who knows, might find someone that knows what you're talking about originally

And we have Xander coming out, who has a distant counter sword and a 5 charge special.

JNSD might since his last 2 avatars were Dota 2 heroes.

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