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I have been summoned

According to the promotion page on SF if any of the character’s stats (Max HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Lck, Def or Res) are lower than their promoted class’s base stats, those stats will be increased to their promoted class’s base stats; if all of the character’s stats are higher, then their Max HP increases by 1. SF doesn't list Mov as one of the stats. What does that mean? Does that mean that when all of the character's stats are higher than their promoted class's base stats except movement, their movement is raised to their promoted class's base movement and their Max HP increases by 1? Or is it just an oversight on the part of SF?

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*Beats Hotline Miami 2*

You know, it's pretty rare when a game has an entire soundtrack that's good, usually there's at least one bad/meh song or something.

Morn thread.

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2 days without HHH

I thought I'd die

Hello thread, hi Iceflare.

I made it to super Smough! Twice!

Almost got there a third time today, then I had to go for a test. Gah.

Where have you been though?

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That's good. Just keep going for Ornstein first, don't start experimenting with Smough first too much like I did.

Some people weren't that happy with me about the little drama I created, so I thought I would leave the thread alone until it died out. Though they probably be mad that I'm referencing it again haha

Yeah. I actually have a decent strategy for Smough - I bait his vertical smash then roll in and hit him once. I died because I tried to soul arrow him and got sat upon while attempting to cast the spell.

And nah, it's ok. I know I shouldn't be referencing it anymore either, but you should know why I only talk to about 3 people on this thread.

EDIT: I don't think I have it in me to kill Sif when I have to. I mean, he's a wolf.

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almost done with Fate/Zero, but currently in class


Almost done with the The Greatest Cool?

Hey Sol.

How are things for you?

You're not still sick are you?

2 days without HHH

I thought I'd die

Hello thread, hi Iceflare.



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How are things for you?

You're not still sick are you?

I'm mostly ok, although I'm very stressed. My cough / sore throat is recovering. I'm taking this as an excuse to start eating potato chips in large quantities again.

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i belong to myself

thank you very much

I'm mostly ok, although I'm very stressed. My cough / sore throat is recovering. I'm taking this as an excuse to start eating potato chips in large quantities again.

stressed from work i take it

any excuse is a good one for eating potato chips


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