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stressed from work i take it

any excuse is a good one for eating potato chips


I'm rushing four projects in less than a week, and I recently had a test on quantum mechanics and nuclear physics.

Also Ice, have you tried out Dark Souls 2 yet?

I intend to, but I really don't want to start DS2 until I finish DS. It would be... agonizing.

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no Rinnosyouke is dead

I pity him and Lancer, greatly.

Poor poor Lancer.


I'm mostly ok, although I'm very stressed. My cough / sore throat is recovering. I'm taking this as an excuse to start eating potato chips in large quantities again.

Oh my. Here's hoping that gets better, because I have no idea what it is.

That is a good mindframe to have.

All I see is dissent among the populace

Oh well, I'll fake laughter and see if you guys think I got it


No please.

How is SMT 2 going?

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That is a good mindframe to have.

My current mindset is "it's alright to lose my voice, since I'm probably not going to use it anyway".

...it's probably a bad one.

Edited by Iceflare
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My current mindset is "it's alright to lose my voice, since I'm probably not going to use it anyway".

...it's probably a bad one.

it's ok if you lose your voice for a bit, yeah

i'd say slightly bad, but nothing to get too worked over


your throat is getting better soon

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My current mindset is "it's alright to lose my voice, since I'm probably not going to use it anyway".

...it's probably a bad one.

Lol, that is interesting, but you're gonna need your voice at some point. (I.e. Job interviews, presentations, etc.)

So take care of that.

As you probably guessed would happen eventually, I put it on hold.

My lunatic run in Awakening has been really fun for me, and SMT 2 has been nothing more than an obligation

Until I play the game because I want to, instead of just playing to say "HURDY DUR I PLAYED SHIN MUHGAMY TENSAY 2"

I'm not touching it.

Which is too bad, because I really wanted to love that game.

Lunatic run, eh?

If it's because of your expectations of SMT 2, that would be really dissapointing.

Assuming you had them, also assuming they weren't astronomically high.

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Lol, that is interesting, but you're gonna need your voice at some point. (I.e. Job interviews, presentations, etc.)

So take care of that.

I don't plan on keeping that attitude past school, don't worry... I think.

Also, I need advice on how to deal with annoying people who can't shut up, because one such person sits next to me in class and doesn't understand the subtle glares.

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Yeah I disliked Lancer's death a lot. It was a cheap death, and Kirisutgu killed Archibald anyway so '3'

Oh yeah Tokiomi Tohsaka

Oh his death was a pleasant one. Oh Kirei

It was indeed, but that's Kiritsugu for you. Quick and dirty, heh.

Tokiomi was too passive, but still, killing him was a bit much. Also Kirei killing him with that dagger is the epitome of irony, I won't say because of spoilers for F/SN

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It was indeed, but that's Kiritsugu for you. Quick and dirty, heh.

Tokiomi was too passive, but still, killing him was a bit much. Also Kirei killing him with that dagger is the epitome of irony, I won't say because of spoilers for F/SN

I do agree with Gilgamesh though. He only went on the offensive once. So being aristocratic as fuck didn't fly with me. Which i preferred Kirei instead of him as Gil's master

So I assume Berserker is next to die then?

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[spoiler=heavens feel]speaking of death's if there was one massive complaint I had about HF it was the fact that nasu killed like half of the servants in the beginning with really cheap deaths,

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I don't plan on keeping that attitude past school, don't worry... I think.

Also, I need advice on how to deal with annoying people who can't shut up, because one such person sits next to me in class and doesn't understand the subtle glares.

Haha, I see I see. Well, being stoic is all well and good, you'd just need to know when it's necessary to talk

Make them less subtle. Or ask them to lower the volume, I know from experience people who can't stop talking, won't stop talking. Although with doing that, they might feel like talking more, so that's a possibility to watch out for.

Sigh...Everything's so boring these days...

You mean here or life?

Yup, chapter 20, going strong. Hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. Classic mode and no DLC, making it different from my last one (which I don't even count)

All I will say is Manakete Morgan is broken.

I can't Awakening yet, so I can't say much other than nicely done.

It's an old, main series SMT game made for another generation. I should've known I was biting off more than I could chew, that maybe I should try this when I'm a bit more mature. Before this, the oldest SMT game I'd play is Devil Summoners: Soul Hackers from the late 90's.

Anyways, the graphic didn't really charm me (though the designs were cool), the story was nice, but a little too slow-paced to keep me involved, and some mechanics seem more annoying than challenging (magnetite). It's like looking at one of Picasso's splatter paint art, and seeing just splatters, it's not something I'm refined enough to appreciate. I'll try it later.

I dunno, I've seen some people make the jump from Persona(specifically 4) all the way back to SMT 1 and enjoyed it more, so I can't fully agree with the generation thing. Although, if you don't want to give up on it, that's fine too. But if you still want to play the SMTs, Nocturne for you, because I know you won't play SMT 1 after what you just said about 2... also, give the spin-offs a try too, DDS especially.

Also humorously nice use of that analogy.

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[spoiler=heavens feel]speaking of death's if there was one massive complaint I had about HF it was the fact that nasu killed like half of the servants in the beginning with really cheap deaths,


Gotta make true assassin look like a threat some how

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Haha, I see I see. Well, being stoic is all well and good, you'd just need to know when it's necessary to talk

Make them less subtle. Or ask them to lower the volume, I know from experience people who can't stop talking, won't stop talking. Although with doing that, they might feel like talking more, so that's a possibility to watch out for.

I mean, it's not that I don't speak at all, just that I don't speak as much as most people. And yes, I'm striving to only speak when necessary, but sometimes I really can't resist the urge to make a sarcastic remark.

I honestly think said person's not getting it, and seems to think that I'm just in a bad mood. (Strange what conclusions people draw, huh.) I believe I once tried to tell her straight to the face and she saw nothing wrong with rambling on and on so...

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I do agree with Gilgamesh though. He only went on the offensive once. So being aristocratic as fuck didn't fly with me. Which i preferred Kirei instead of him as Gil's master

So I assume Berserker is next to die then?

I sympathize with that much, there was no particular reason not to be offensive, even if you were waiting for the other servants to defeat each other. There's probably some other factor I can't remember.

Who's all left? Is it Saber, Gil, Rider and Berserker? if so, then no, not Berserker

[spoiler=heavens feel]speaking of death's if there was one massive complaint I had about HF it was the fact that nasu killed like half of the servants in the beginning with really cheap deaths,

[spoiler=heaven's feel]I'm sure you know it was to fuel the crest worm that Sakura had in her, and that's why that shadow went around killing the other servants, for the mana. If I'm not mistaken that worm had a piece of the grail in it too.

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I sympathize with that much, there was no particular reason not to be offensive, even if you were waiting for the other servants to defeat each other. There's probably some other factor I can't remember.

Who's all left? Is it Saber, Gil, Rider and Berserker? if so, then no, not Berserker

Saber, Gil, Berserker and Rider

... Well shit

Edited by Shadowfrost Zenbiniar
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DDS got boring quick IMO.

those random encounters drove me insane

Oh yes, they were pretty bad.

Do you have DDS 2? I don't remember if they were as bad as the first. But to both, Estoma and Estoma Spray, iirc, works better if you're at higher levels.

I mean, it's not that I don't speak at all, just that I don't speak as much as most people. And yes, I'm striving to only speak when necessary, but sometimes I really can't resist the urge to make a sarcastic remark.

I honestly think said person's not getting it, and seems to think that I'm just in a bad mood. (Strange what conclusions people draw, huh.) I believe I once tried to tell her straight to the face and she saw nothing wrong with rambling on and on so...

Don't worry, I didn't think you did, I think your voice would get odd if you didn't talk at all, same with talking too much actually. Aha, I understand. The tempation is too great at times.

Oh my, it's that kind of person, eh? Make something up like having a headache, you know, before you get a real headache, or make some noise of your own, but that's petty.

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[spoiler=heaven's feel]I'm sure you know it was to fuel the crest worm that Sakura had in her, and that's why that shadow went around killing the other servants, for the mana. If I'm not mistaken that worm had a piece of the grail in it too.

I knew it had a plot reason, slipped my mind >~<

I think it did?

dont need a reason to kill that worm imo


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