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Don't worry, I didn't think you did, I think your voice would get odd if you didn't talk at all, same with talking too much actually. Aha, I understand. The tempation is too great at times.

Oh my, it's that kind of person, eh? Make something up like having a headache, you know, before you get a real headache, or make some noise of your own, but that's petty.

I talk quite a bit (by my standards anyway) and that's exactly what I don't want. I don't even know why.

I just think she's the really upbeat person who doesn't realise just how grating she can be on other kinds of people. I'll stick with silent endurance and the occasional sarcasm until something happens.

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You think sitting next to people that won't shut up is bad?

Try dealing with a good chunk of the class not learning when to shut up

There were a few times it was genuinely entertaining, but having to deal with the annoyances through out the year was just..


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You think sitting next to people that won't shut up is bad?

Try dealing with a good chunk of the class not learning when to shut up

There were a few times it was genuinely entertaining, but having to deal with the annoyances through out the year was just..


Oh, I neglected to mention that my class is probably like that (what, 50%?). It's just that the person that I sit next to doesn't realise that she's noisy.

It's so irritating, and they're always up to stupid stuff like trying to lower a camera over the railing with a rope to film other classes four floors down or something.

EDIT: ...hmm... maybe I shouldn't have gone on a rant again.

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Saber, Gil, Berserker and Rider

... Well shit

Lol yes, you got it.

True, it's not really generational, it's just me not adjusting well to old games.

I've wanted to play Nocturne and DDS especially for a while now, but the PS3 is in the living room, and I not sure how kindly my sisters or my parents would be to me playing SMT haha. It's not allowed for me to take the PS3 into my room, so if you've noticed my huge preference to handhelds, that's why.

Because splatter paint is not splatters.

There's no real problem there, I do commend you for trying at least, and wanting to try again later on... an alternative is playing games with a similar nature, you know first person, older, etc.

Oh I see now. Well, ps2 emulator is an option, but I don't know how strong your laptop/pc is.


Also in the long run, betraying Tokiomi was expected, since Gil was playing devils advocate after all.

just my fifty cents

True, Gil was pretty disgruntled right from the beginning.

Unrelated, I'm glad Gil got a better sense of fashion going from F/Z to F/SN

Those pants >_<

I knew it had a plot reason, slipped my mind >~<

I think it did?

dont need a reason to kill that worm imo


iirc, Zouken did that at the end of the previous war, it was something like that.

Also, nope you don't need a reason, infact, I would even say nuking that basement in its entirety is fair game

I talk quite a bit (by my standards anyway) and that's exactly what I don't want. I don't even know why.

I just think she's the really upbeat person who doesn't realise just how grating she can be on other kinds of people. I'll stick with silent endurance and the occasional sarcasm until something happens.

> By my standards.

Admittedly, I had a laugh here. But that's alright though, we... mostly do a thing and not know why.

Ahh, I also know that type of person. But if you're sure, then go for it. And good luck, sounds like you might need it.

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Venting out your frustrations is normal

Don't hold it to yourself much


anything is fair game as long as that worm is gone

but which worm I'm talking about?

i'll let you decide

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[spoiler=heavens feel]speaking of death's if there was one massive complaint I had about HF it was the fact that nasu killed like half of the servants in the beginning with really cheap deaths,

who the fuck cares about all those other losers sakura is all you need for she is perfect, she is our lord and savior and those who stand in her way are the worse kind of scum

All hail the educated prostitute

~nasu writing hf

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This isn't a suprise, I've been told this before. Some of my teachers told me I should run for president haha. Yeah, I answered as honestly as I could, and I'm pretty confident that's the closest to my irl personality.

Huh. I'm actually an INTJ. But no one IRL really cared much / knew what it even meant to ask.

Not that I mind. Please don't take it that way.

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I having a gaming pc. Yup, I'm spoiled but hey I'm Luca so I have to have rich parents

I could easily handle a PlayStation emulator, and I've even done it before. The problem is, unlike SNES, GBA, Wii, or DS which I'm pretty comfortable with, you have to download plug-in after plug-in to make PSX work, and I got a pretty hefty amount of viruses last time, from trying the "reliable" sources.

But I've wanted to play so much Playstation stuff, like Xenogears, SMT, older Tales games etc.

I know the obvious answer is "Be more careful with what you download," but I've had a real tough time finding anything virus-free, and if it exists, it's way too tough to find and would probably take me (the most technology inept person ever) an eternity.

Heh, for reasons, I can't do what I want to do about it.

Do the "reliable" sites have that "click here for link and/or big money" logos? jk, but seriously there are places that provide the emulator along with the bios and anything else you may need, just gotta find them.

who the fuck cares about all those other losers sakura is all you need for she is perfect, she is our lord and savior and those who stand in her way are the worse kind of scum

All hail the educated prostitute

~nasu writing hf



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who the fuck cares about all those other losers sakura is all you need for she is perfect, she is our lord and savior and those who stand in her way are the worse kind of scum

All hail the educated prostitute

~nasu writing hf

you're probably not wrong

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Heh, for reasons, I can't do what I want to do about it.

Do the "reliable" sites have that "click here for link and/or big money" logos? jk, but seriously there are places that provide the emulator along with the bios and anything else you may need, just gotta find them.



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According to the promotion page on SF if any of the character’s stats (Max HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Lck, Def or Res) are lower than their promoted class’s base stats, those stats will be increased to their promoted class’s base stats; if all of the character’s stats are higher, then their Max HP increases by 1. SF doesn't list Mov as one of the stats. What does that mean? Does that mean that when all of the character's stats are higher than their promoted class's base stats except movement, their movement is raised to their promoted class's base movement and their Max HP increases by 1? Or is it just an oversight on the part of SF?

I dunno :/

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who the fuck cares about all those other losers sakura is all you need for she is perfect, she is our lord and savior and those who stand in her way are the worse kind of scum

All hail the educated prostitute

~nasu writing hf

the tsun is strong with this one

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I might've thought you bumped your head, you said something about Sakura being perfect and a lord and savior.

but tonton was reciting what went though nasu's head in writing Heavens Feel


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