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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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My idea would take a lot of staff time and you'd have to pay them for it, so I doubt it would ever be implemented, and a combination of both would just make it fairly similar to HS. So I'm not sure what would be best, though my uni's obsession with proactivty and quizzes does separate the people who can plan and the people who cannot, guess thats a good thing. Too bad the only way to get the people who don't know how to plan, to learn how to, is just by failing them heaps.

I'm cringing from stuff from just a few months ago xD

Oh, you remembered the avi request :'o //moved

Thanks xD

Ehh it's not like that in my high school. The way they teach is more like university than an actual high school. Many of the graduating students come back saying how our high school was harder to go through than actual university so that's why I wish we had a bit of both \o / But yeah, if only there was classes that could suit specific learning styles that would be cool

I FINISHED woo http://puu.sh/h89UQ.png

I'm not sure if you wanted that little word thing at the opposite side that said 'hello hi hey member ____' so I just left it out.




I can barely even write neatly, let alone draw

Tho I do get moments




I'm sure you draw perfectly fine! As for handwriting..not sure about that!

I was gonna ask you that until I got mega distracted like a bum ;n;

KITTY I MISS YOU. But you're around so it's my fault really. So I guess that makes me a bum x2

I've been pretty good. Today was a good day because of chocolate. And lots of it! ^^

I hope YOU'VE been doing well, especially after reading you're last skype update ;u;

Astraphobia seems like it would be such a pain.

shhh tis alright no need to apologize friend

I MISS YOU TOO THOUGH ;__; though you were busy so that is perfectly fineee

But oo chocolate, what was the special occasion to get that many?

I've been improving with the situation!..somewhat. It wasn't that much of an issue a couple years back but all of a sudden that fear just got worse within the last year. With April being storm season it's very nyeeeeeh to deal with, but I will get over it <: Astraphobia isn't /that/ bad if you have someone there being supportive but if you're alone it then becomes worse (at least that's how it works for me). Overall I wouldn't think of it as a pain, but at school it can be at times if it gets to its worse with crying while trembling. It's very..noticeable to other classmates. I guess that's a way to put it at least.

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