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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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If it gets even one Dragon Dance boost...have to surrender. -.-

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meh can't ever live in Japan due to the profession I want to be (or near impossible I guess) but I heard from someone living in there that japans healthcare is shit anyways.

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meh can't ever live in Japan due to the profession I want to be (or near impossible I guess) but I heard from someone living in there that japans healthcare is shit anyways.

Worse than ours?

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Miyako is Shiki's much younger sister from the Arima family. She rarely talked with Shiki, so he assumed she didn't like him. In fact, the opposite was true: she loved him very much, but was shy so she couldn't approach him. Instead, she would get embarrassed, tackle him, and then run away. She views the Tohno family as having 'kidnapped' Shiki and goes to 'rescue' him.


that's adorable

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