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Concentration is hard to find.

i know that feel, bro

Distraction is easy though.

If only it was the other way around.

this is so true ;n;

Not really. It's overly literal Romaji of セリカ.


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Marth - HK
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who wants to take the fall and be chrom?

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Every time I want to type 'yes', I initially type 'zes'.

Every time I want to type a word with a Y, I accidentally type a Z in first instance, and vice versa.

This German keyboard...


it's only the rest of the week

whoa, we got a badass over here

I suppose there was only ever one way this could end.

It was right there in my sig the whole time.

Someone has to make the decision no one wants to make.

I can be that.

I can be the one to go with Chrom.

some had to take the fall

*pats david*

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