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[9:56:21 PM] *** Nobody added Tontin ***

[9:56:26 PM] Tristian S.: i really hate it

[9:56:26 PM] Nobody: wow

[9:56:29 PM] Tristian S.: when instead of 1st

[9:56:29 PM] Tontin: how am i back

[9:56:33 PM] Tristian S.: people have 1th

[9:56:35 PM] Tristian S.: and im like

[9:56:37 PM] Tristian S.: noooooooooooo

[9:56:38 PM | Edited 9:56:41 PM] Nobody: you were typing before iadded ypou back

[9:56:38 PM] Tontin: nobody added me

[9:56:41 PM] Tristian S.: dont do that

[9:56:47 PM] Nobody: 1th?

[9:56:47 PM] Tontin: > [sexta-feira, 22 de maio de 2015 22:56:36 Nobody] you were typing before iadded ypou back


[9:56:51 PM] Tontin: how

[9:56:53 PM] Nobody: what's 1th

[9:56:56 PM] Tristian S.: [9:56 PM] Nobody:

<<< 1th?


[9:57:00 PM] Tontin: oneth

[9:57:06 PM] Nobody: firsth

[9:57:07 PM] Tristian S.: firth

[9:57:38 PM] Kim: oneth

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I'm still lost

we're both talking about AoS here, correct?

AoS yes. DoS out of bounds is even stupider and can make you fight the last boss 255 times with any of the random items you pick up when you glitch it up.

I forget how you go through the walls and get into the Claimh Solais room but you can fairly early. I think. >_>

rolls away

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AoS yes. DoS out of bounds is even stupider and can make you fight the last boss 255 times with any of the random items you pick up when you glitch it up.

I forget how you go through the walls and get into the Claimh Solais room but you can fairly early. I think. >_>

rolls away

oh. well i'm at the end of the game anyhow, so...

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[9:59:28 PM] Tristian S.: also how the hell does one pronounce 1th

[10:00:02 PM] Gemma: firth

[10:00:27 PM] Tristian S.: i just see 1th sometimes and its just


[10:00:57 PM] Gemma: is that for real?

[10:01:03 PM] Gemma: I've never seen anyone write that

[10:01:34 PM] Tristian S.: i've seen it a few times

[10:02:03 PM] Gemma: 2th?

[10:02:39 PM] Tristian S.: thankfully no

[10:03:54 PM] Gemma: secoth

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[10:05:56 PM] Tristian S.: thirth
[10:06:51 PM] Komeiji Koishi: Forst
[10:08:52 PM] Tristian S.: fifst
[10:10:32 PM] Komeiji Koishi: Tenst


like tooth

that sounds too weird >~>

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yeah shezzy, constantly kept on trying to play touhou by forcing myself but I realized that i didn't like it anymore. Trying to stop playing DOJ since I hate its dumb scoring system but i'm forcing myself because i'm pretty sure i can clear it but then try to score then just stare at the game for its awful scoring system >_>

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gotta enjoy the game you're playing

ya know?

DOJ is actually fun for survival but think of it's score system basically being a standardized test except in video game form >_>.

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DOJ is actually fun for survival but think of it's score system basically being a standardized test except in video game form >_>.

oh my

sounds a bit complicated

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Like 'nam all over again.

Oh wait, there's elephants in that area.


i imagine helicopters going by an elephant keep

and the elephants start freaking out

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hi flaffy

damn, that shedinja guy <_>

Well, my fault for clicking the topic in the first place.

what topic?

Let's not revisit that right now...
It's hard to confront your past...but every elephants got to own up eventually.

poor elephants



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