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After struggling to submit it (the site wouldn't accept it fsr >_>) I've finally got it through and honestly it wasn't as bad as I thought.

Should have finished it ages ago but alas my laziness.

Embrace the protocrastination~

Well, you had four hours to spare, so at least the site being annoying wasn't too bad, I guess?

Anyways, how are you doing Proto?

I'm doing pretty good. Just conducting interviews about siblings FOR SCIENCE! Having fun in Bangladesh back with amazing food and with my wonderful family. And trying my utmost best not to leave the building despite my parents urging.

Really worried about the Canadian visa application though... they still haven't responded >_<

I'd honestly expected you to have to go sleep already, Mei. Anyways, hi.

Alas, that laziness. At least the assignment is finished now.

In other news: chapter 2 of my LP will be up soon, once I've finished writing the update.

Hi Hatt! Lessee if Gordin hits anything this time...

Tristian says that you should go to sleep. (He always says that)

This sounds so hypocritical...
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Embrace the protocrastination~

Well, you had four hours to spare, so at least the site being annoying wasn't too bad, I guess?

YEAH ^_^

I'm doing pretty good. Just conducting interviews about siblings FOR SCIENCE! Having fun in Bangladesh back with amazing food and with my wonderful family. And trying my utmost best not to leave the building despite my parents urging.

Oooo that sounds interesting! SCIENCE!

Whoa that also sounds interesting! Good food, good company...what more can a person ask for? ^_^

Edited by Hashuni Mei
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Nopeity nope. Though I'm heading to an amusement park later... >_>

Ahh, sounds fun. Are you not tired or are you resisting sleep?

If the latter, Meigosleep

Edited by Soledai
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YEAH ^_^

Oooo that sounds interesting! SCIENCE!

Whoa that also sounds interesting! Good food, good company...what more can a person ask for? ^_^

Well, sadly only one of my four siblings is here with me, and I wish the rest of them were here tooooooo

But I'm not really complaining, since this is wonderful enough already~

Nopeity nope. Though I'm heading to an amusement park later... >_>

Ah, in that case, I suppose it's okay to stay up late. Well, as long as it doesn't become a habit, I guess...
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Ahh, sounds fun. Are you not tired or are you resisting sleep?

If the latter, Meigosleep

I look like a zombie right now. I'm DEAD tired :L

Well... I have 2 hours. Perhaps it's time to nappy -u-

Okie dokie friendly friend.

Well, sadly only one of my four siblings is here with me, and I wish the rest of them were here tooooooo

But I'm not really complaining, since this is wonderful enough already~

Ah, in that case, I suppose it's okay to stay up late. Well, as long as it doesn't become a habit, I guess...

You have four siblings?! O: You lucky ducky. Big families are so cool!

Yayay! I'm so happy to hear that you're having fun! Make it the bestest vacation ever, okie? \o/

I can't afford to screw up my sleep schedule anymore. Let's just say... this is an occasion ;u;

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You have four siblings?! O: You lucky ducky. Big families are so cool!

They really are! And my siblings are all really amazing and I love them a lot. I'm fairly sure they're the reason why I regard sibling relationships so highly.

Yayay! I'm so happy to hear that you're having fun! Make it the bestest vacation ever, okie? \o/

I'll try~ It's supposed to be the longest I've had since 4.5 years ago, so I'm trying to make the most out of it.

I can't afford to screw up my sleep schedule anymore. Let's just say... this is an occasion ;u;

Heh, okay, as long as you're consciously trying to take care of yourself, I think you'll be fine.
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How many brothers (if any) and how many sisters (if any)?

I have 1 brother and 1 half-brother... :P

Three brothers, and one sister. It goes oldest brother > sister > middle brother > me > youngest brother.

I'm especially attached to my sister, who raised me when I was a toddler and my parents were busy, and the middle brother, who I've been together with ever since I was born until July 2014 (nearly 21 years). We went to the same schools, took the O/A Level exams together, and went to the same university at the same time (different departments though) and living in the same dorm room. My other two brothers are also really cool. I love my family~ <3 No imoutos for me though...

How is it like with you and your brothers?

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