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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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Sure, I get that, but I wouldn't exactly look at the person who doesn't differently though. The people that do, don't have to be glaringly open about it, like flaunting for example. In this case, present company excluded.

When it comes to flaunting or something similar, I'd probably go after it for a more empirical reason: Because it's a show of excessive boasting and by extension, pride. It's worth mentioning that this is generally fine in moderation (because hey, maybe a person is really happy they landed that job or something) - you might get a few weird looks if you're announcing certain things but unless you're doing something like confessing to murder and acting really proud of what you've done, it probably won't hurt too much.

I would like to think I'm more making a statement about myself as opposed to saying: "Ima perv guys - here's my <insert various perverted things here>."

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[12:18:24 AM] Tristian S.: search your feelings

[12:18:29 AM] Tristian S.: you know it to be true

[12:18:35 AM] robert.the.sable: nope

[12:18:45 AM] Tristian S.: dang it

[12:18:46 AM] Tristian S.: 8[

[12:18:51 AM] robert.the.sable: 8]

[12:19:01 AM] robert.the.sable: get wriggity rekt

[12:19:16 AM] Tristian S.: dang

[12:19:22 AM] Tristian S.: it was too late to check myself

[12:19:27 AM] Emanuel Abilo: noo

[12:19:33 AM] Emanuel Abilo: I wanted to make that reference

[12:19:38 AM] robert.the.sable: 8]

[12:19:42 AM] Tristian S.: 8]

[12:19:49 AM] Dr. Rudy Mjölnir: 8]

[12:19:55 AM] Emanuel Abilo: 8[

[12:20:38 AM] Alicia: 8]

[12:21:01 AM] Tristian S.: 8]

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what is gorsia 5000

A strong warrior. A worm. Actually a boss in 7th Saga that will make you hatelove the game even more if you ever manage to face him and for some reason 5000 is highlighted red like his name.

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A strong warrior. A worm. Actually a boss in 7th Saga that will make you hatelove the game even more if you ever manage to face him and for some reason 5000 is highlighted red like his name.

You played 7th Saga too?


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