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i see

i'll give it a check sometime

are you sure the first encounter you can get into can be your last just because your agility too low to actually hit the damn bird and grinding is horrible because the japanese version was too easy

Still a game with its own quirk to it that makes it endearing.

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You played 7th Saga too?


Watched live speedruns of it by the amazing speedrunner dude I have linked in my sig when I was super depressed and couldn't sleep ever.

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[7:26:08 PM] robert.the.sable: omg

[7:26:14 PM] robert.the.sable: kohaku has yellow eyes


[7:26:51 PM] robert.the.sable: > [Friday, July 10, 2015 7:26:14 PM robert.the.sable] kohaku has yellow eyes

in Star Wars, your eyes turn yellow when you fall to the dark side

Kohaku = Sith Lord confirmed

[7:27:03 PM] Tristian S.: spailerz

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i'd share the news to that thread at the moment but

trouble be brewing


It usually does.

originally i was going to ignore everyone's sigs except mine but that got tedious and clogged up my ignore list SO NOW I AM


You can always ignore mine lol. It's supposed to be weird.
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It usually does.

trouble brewing in that thread?

originally i was going to ignore everyone's sigs except mine but that got tedious and clogged up my ignore list SO NOW I AM


well you're ignoring everyones signature

so of course it'd get clogged

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trouble brewing in that thread?

Yeah. It's kind of like Reddit has been (well actually since Ellen Pao decided to step down, things should calm down by a modicum).

Maybe I should Photoshop this.


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the drama of LtPW is why i'll settle to just cameos .w.

i'll stay in my abandoned house of this thread =w=

*laxes in the ruined house of this thread*

*cries myself to sleep on the loneliness*

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Isn't it always something though?


it's really sad

it's mostly the current home for people i really like talking to

but something always happens





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the drama of LtPW is why i'll settle to just cameos .w.

i'll stay in my abandoned house of this thread =w=

*laxes in the ruined house of this thread*

*cries myself to sleep on the loneliness*

I personally like where I'm at. Nice little place that's out of the way, but it has conduits to many places.

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the drama of LtPW is why i'll settle to just cameos .w.

i'll stay in my abandoned house of this thread =w=

*laxes in the ruined house of this thread*

*cries myself to sleep on the loneliness*

Welcome to the cameo club.

For some reason this post made me die laughing.


it's really sad

it's mostly the current home for people i really like talking to

but something always happens





Hmm, it feels like there's something more profound at play, but that's just my mind doing overtime, most like.

Also, I was gonna italicize always as well <w<

Edited by Soledai
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Welcome to the cameo club.

For some reason this post made me die laughing.

Hmm, it feels like there's something more profound at play, but that's just my mind doing overtime, most like.

Also, I was gonna italicize always as well <w<

thankies \.w./

is there cookies?

it's trueeeee ;w;

it makes more sense if you looked

but don't .w.


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thankies \.w./

is there cookies?

it's trueeeee ;w;

it makes more sense if you looked

but don't .w.


Yes, we have sugar cookies.

We also have candy that tastes like rainbows. o:

No need. I can hazard a guess for who's involved, even if I don't know the whats and whys.


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There are cookies, but some may contain weed.

so those chunks weren't chocolate chips?

aw shit @~@

Yes, we have sugar cookies.

We also have candy that tastes like rainbows. o:

No need. I can hazard a guess for who's involved, even if I don't know the whats and whys.


eh, i'll better than nothing



you're a wise old man you are


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Oh so THOSE were the pot cookies.

I laughed too hard at this, fsr

eh, i'll better than nothing



you're a wise old man you are



Nah, I just made a guess, though repetition is one hell of a teacher.


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