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oh, okay

welp as long as he's good and dandy


those are the more dandy bits out of all of it

Better than being tricked by good smell + bad taste, yeah? I'll never eat kimchi again because of that, I swear

how bad was kimchi?

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Right, well, to prevent myself from getting actually sick from thinking 'bout durians, I'm gonna bugger off for a bit and watch Log Horizon.

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Right, well, to prevent myself from getting actually sick from thinking 'bout durians, I'm gonna bugger off for a bit and watch Log Horizon.

i should actually sit down and watch it some day

I'm curious now. Guess I'll add durian on my list of foods to eat.

/gives things to help block meis nose of the smell

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idek what a durian is lol

I'm going to add Mei to my to eat list

no pls

/gives things to help block meis nose of the smell

it's that bad, huh? :L

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That's not me


Lux IRL?



But that is indeed blurry 15 year old me me. With my father in red/orange. And Nobody even managed to capture my brother who peeked his head between us.

I was just guessing lol

I didn't even expect him to post the video <_>

Well I did and you guessed rught



Sorry I had to go afk

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My mom used to love durian. I used to eat it myself until the smell got to me.

in the river

you just need to catch it

/gives fishing pole

Too lazy.

Better than being tricked by good smell + bad taste, yeah? I'll never eat kimchi again because of that, I swear

What are you talking about, kimchi is delicious, dude.
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Right, well, to prevent myself from getting actually sick from thinking 'bout durians, I'm gonna bugger off for a bit and watch Log Horizon.

au revoir

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But that is indeed blurry 15 year old me me. With my father in red/orange. And Nobody even managed to capture my brother who peeked his head between us.

i knew it kind of

i usually imagined dark brown hair with bangs

nice to see my imagimination payed off B^)

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My mom used to love durian. I used to eat it myself until the smell got to me.

Too lazy.

smell is like

number one factor to foods

like smelling and tasting are linked or something

/unlazies you

now go fish the fish >: )

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i should actually sit down and watch it some day

*insert Shia LaBoeuf here*

What are you talking about, kimchi is delicious, dude.

Not my thing

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Sorry I had to go afk

no, it's fine

smelly fruit, but good taste

if it's making karas wanting to barf from even imagining it, then i'd be pretty scared

ngl my interest has been piqued ^_^

rip karas

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smell is like

number one factor to foods

like smelling and tasting are linked or something

/unlazies you

now go fish the fish >: )

Maybe. I can stand some smell to eat some fod.

Noooooo. *lazy agan*

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