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ngl my interest has been piqued ^_^

rip karas

if you eat one, then i'll eat one

b/c i never had one, i've been just too scared of the smell >~>

more like rip his insides

Maybe. I can stand some smell to eat some food.

Noooooo. *lazy agan*


tolerance and all that

no stop >:

I've always imagined Lux like...


it's been forever since i've been in a call with lux

but still remember the typing, man

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when i was younger i would imagine ike doing heroic poses to this theme

*backflips over a mountain*

Why durian. You don't want any of that.

Doesn't hurt to give it a chance methinks

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I've always imagined Lux like...


I typing an intense keyboard solo

it's been forever since i've been in a call with lux

but still remember the typing, man

It's been forever since I've been in a call

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it's been forever since i've been in a call with lux

but still remember the typing, man

his typing gave me life

I typing an intense keyboard solo


a big hero needs to have a big adventure :D



those side battles were

actually they were pretty easy :)

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Lux's avatar reminds me of daft punk tbh

There is some resemblance

i thought it was some anime

durarara iirc

It is from Durarara

his typing gave me life



toccata and fugue in E capital

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i'd pay to see lux play the computer keyboard in his underground indie band

The Commies


his typing gave me life


those side battles were

actually they were pretty easy :)

like emotes? :O)

i bet they must have been

i'd like to play fe9 again, but i think i misplaced my memory card somewhere >~>

Edited by Trisitei
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