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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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I've never read an Ayn Rand novel, but that's how i imagine they're like

imagine that its the most exciting town ever

That's actually it's motto according to wikipedia. Edited by Nobody
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Me being awake at a decent time?

What is this?

Earl Grey tea is okay, though I need more of it to form a better opinion of it.

it's pretty ok

Has a nice...

Idk how to describe the taste without relating to flowers

That's actually it's motto according to wikipedia.

i fucking knew it
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If Mega Rayquaza is on the field, Thundurus--another top tier VGC Pokèmon--has no immediate weaknesses as well

Mind you, Primal Groudon + Mega Kangaskhan is going to be a duo to watch out for

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