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but did you read it to the beat of the song

yes Super Mystery Dungeon is great right

YEEEESSSSSS!!!! Other than the wonky connection orb system (not sure how i feel about no more random missions), its everything I love about PMD but with a modern coat of paint. And the music is divine! :0

hey sol

when do you want to start the thing?

i can taste the salt


Well of course <v<

Good evening

how goes you, friend?

so the normal christmas spirit <o<

Evening! Had a rough day at the sanity sinker (aka Starbucks), but otherwise am ok.

They definitely got what they deserved.

Hope someone told them to 'git gud' at the end of the match.

Good evening Silva!

I'm mainly losing my sanity because my brother showed me the gift he made for our family members and I can't wait to see their reaction cause they're pretty sweet.

Hiya Luuux~! Oooh, wonder what it could be???

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I think this must have hurt his pride even more.

I mean I am on the NA server

And you can't make salt without some Na

YEEEESSSSSS!!!! Other than the wonky connection orb system (not sure how i feel about no more random missions), its everything I love about PMD but with a modern coat of paint. And the music is divine! :0

I love the game

wait until you get further in the story

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oh my

i guess starbucks are just more active were you are, yeah?

well, at least you're doing good now

oh hey silver lighting is back as well. Lots of people coming back.

The joys of christmas, knee

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oh hey silver lighting is back as well. Lots of people coming back.

Yup, good to be back (hopefully for good this time). Who else is around now?

This reminds me that I need to watch the recent season of Noragami. I enjoyed the first season and watched the first episode of the second one, but I didn't watch the others for some reason... probably because I've been mainly playing video games instead >v>

I just started watching it, and it seems good! Not sure how i missed it before. You play too much.....but we all do too I suppose. XD

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I see.

When do I get them lmao? I like breaking games. 8)

I do hope so. Because I can get motion sickness from video games quite easily... ugh so I freaking hope so.

You get Queen right at the start, Rem comes along a little later.

But wait, do you have it already?

hey sol

when do you want to start the thing?

Anytime is good, mang.

Although I don't have any pics of either of them

Yeah, my little sis came back for the holiday, so we spent the last hour or two watching Noragami. And eating Chinese food. Good mood booster!

Excellent, and also nice. I had Chinese food just yesterday, oh my.

Evening! Had a rough day at the sanity sinker (aka Starbucks), but otherwise am ok.

*patpat* Even though you told me. <v<

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I mean I am on the NA server

And you can't make salt without some Na

I love the game

wait until you get further in the story

The story seems to be on par with PMD2 from what I've seen and heard. I think I'm on Chapter 14 and still eager for more!

oh my

i guess starbucks are just more active were you are, yeah?

well, at least you're doing good now

The joys of christmas, knee

I thought it was rather universal that Starbucks tended to be swamped with people 24/7. Mine isn't even a full store, just an small, understaffed and understocked outpost, yet people still expect the same from us as they would from an actual better equipped store. I'm so tired of entitled people. :<

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YEEEESSSSSS!!!! Other than the wonky connection orb system (not sure how i feel about no more random missions), its everything I love about PMD but with a modern coat of paint. And the music is divine! :0

Evening! Had a rough day at the sanity sinker (aka Starbucks), but otherwise am ok.

Hiya Luuux~! Oooh, wonder what it could be???

Can I gather from this that you stopped working at the target and work at a Starbucks instead? (unless it's a Starbucks inside the target, which it probably is since I think I remember something about that being the case)

He found a store or a site that can make custom mugs, so he drew really nice drawings to put on them for my family. I'm contributing financially to the cause since he lives in an apartment in Montreal with no job and it saves me the trouble of going to the jungle store to get some

I mean I am on the NA server

And you can't make salt without some Na

I love the game

wait until you get further in the story


Funny to see though that salt being more prevalent in the NA region is something both League and Dota share.

Yup, good to be back (hopefully for good this time). Who else is around now?

I just started watching it, and it seems good! Not sure how i missed it before. You play too much.....but we all do too I suppose. XD

It flew under my radar, but my friend who's basically my anime consultant introduced it to me. I did not beat the story missions in just over a week, nope definitely not me.

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The story seems to be on par with PMD2 from what I've seen and heard. I think I'm on Chapter 14 and still eager for more!

It's honestly great

like my biashype aside I love that game


Funny to see though that salt being more prevalent in the NA region is something both League and Dota share.

it's not NA unless NAthing can happen


etc etc

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Anytime is good, mang.

Although I don't have any pics of either of them

Mostly what i wanted to think was just

use the official art as a signature they look like really nice sig art

but now next thing is which one you want

i personally like Yukimura but i could do Nobuyuki if you want the former

I thought it was rather universal that Starbucks tended to be swamped with people 24/7. Mine isn't even a full store, just an small, understaffed and understocked outpost, yet people still expect the same from us as they would from an actual better equipped store. I'm so tired of entitled people. :<

The times i do see more action is like

late nights from that one starbucks outpost in my local bookstore

oh no, bro :<

That sounds like literally the pits


/gives a warm drink to help relax

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It's honestly great

like my biashype aside I love that game

it's not NA unless NAthing can happen


etc etc

huh, I was thinking about getting the game, but having spent a lot for games recently and not having played a PMD game since the original red rescue team on the GBA, I decided to skip it, but I might just get it if I run out of things to play before Fates comes out in February.

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You get Queen right at the start, Rem comes along a little later.

But wait, do you have it already?

Anytime is good, mang.

Although I don't have any pics of either of them

Excellent, and also nice. I had Chinese food just yesterday, oh my.

*patpat* Even though you told me. <v<

Yummy food is yummy~

and thank you for sympathy. X<

Can I gather from this that you stopped working at the target and work at a Starbucks instead? (unless it's a Starbucks inside the target, which it probably is since I think I remember something about that being the case)

He found a store or a site that can make custom mugs, so he drew really nice drawings to put on them for my family. I'm contributing financially to the cause since he lives in an apartment in Montreal with no job and it saves me the trouble of going to the jungle store to get some

It flew under my radar, but my friend who's basically my anime consultant introduced it to me. I did not beat the story missions in just over a week, nope definitely not me.

Nope still there. Though if things go right I may be able to finally leave not too long after new years, if its in the cards.

Aww that's sweet! I think they'll like them alot.

Yeah, I haven't been able to invest time into too many new anime lately, just watching some previous stuff with my sis or my mom (rewatched Corpse Princess and got to see Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni with my sis, and I just finished showing my mum Spice and Wolf which she liked alot. I'm thinking of re-watching/showing her Gosick now, I miss that one after seeing a very good AMV of it lately).

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Nope still there. Though if things go right I may be able to finally leave not too long after new years, if its in the cards.

Aww that's sweet! I think they'll like them alot.

Yeah, I haven't been able to invest time into too many new anime lately, just watching some previous stuff with my sis or my mom (rewatched Corpse Princess and got to see Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni with my sis, and I just finished showing my mum Spice and Wolf which she liked alot. I'm thinking of re-watching/showing her Gosick now, I miss that one after seeing a very good AMV of it lately).

Have you applied for another job? I do hope that it goes well for you no matter what it is though.

They really are, I literally said 'aww that's sweet' out loud when he showed me some of the drawings. Which is why I'm impatient to see their reaction.

It's been a while since I watched any anime. I started Magi during the summer, but I stopped mid-way through the season for no real reason that I can think of. Spice and Wolf is one I want to see, but I don't know if I could endure Higurashi. The OST sounds and opening sound great from what I've heard, but seeing a couple of scenes kind of traumatized me. Speaking of anime, have you seen Arkada's review of both FMAs and his review week of awesome?

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It's honestly great

like my biashype aside I love that game

it's not NA unless NAthing can happen


etc etc

Yes, I really expect great things, especially post game~!

Mostly what i wanted to think was just

use the official art as a signature they look like really nice sig art

but now next thing is which one you want

i personally like Yukimura but i could do Nobuyuki if you want the former

The times i do see more action is like

late nights from that one starbucks outpost in my local bookstore

oh no, bro :<

That sounds like literally the pits


/gives a warm drink to help relax

Welp, its building experience and character I suppose....or so I'm told.

huh, I was thinking about getting the game, but having spent a lot for games recently and not having played a PMD game since the original red rescue team on the GBA, I decided to skip it, but I might just get it if I run out of things to play before Fates comes out in February.

It actually the game that I knew from the very beginning would be the one to carry me until Fates. And its doing a very good job.

Le GASP! YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED PMD2?!?! You don't know what your missing! Play it sometime! Its why I say that all the good story telling that the main series games lack got put into the PMD series, especially PMD2 (and perhaps SPMD now as well).

Although, now that I have a new gaming laptop better equipped for this kind of thing....I was thinking about doing a lets play of it kinda like the one I was following on here before. HHH adventure themed sorta thing. Could be fun!

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My cat seems to have found her 2 new favorite spots to relax: A polo on my bed and my lap. Having a cat on one's leg can make typing quite a challenge.

It actually the game that I knew from the very beginning would be the one to carry me until Fates. And its doing a very good job.

Le GASP! YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED PMD2?!?! You don't know what your missing! Play it sometime! Its why I say that all the good story telling that the main series games lack got put into the PMD series, especially PMD2 (and perhaps SPMD now as well).

Although, now that I have a new gaming laptop better equipped for this kind of thing....I was thinking about doing a lets play of it kinda like the one I was following on here before. HHH adventure themed sorta thing. Could be fun!

I had Xenoblade Chronicles X pre-ordered before Super MD even came out and considering how long the original was, I was expecting it to occupy me for a long while.

Nah I haven't... I heard about the story and I really like Primal Dialga's theme. I'm going to a shopping center with an EB games tomorrow, so maybe I'll get lucky and they'll have a copy. Story-telling is something the main line pokemon games certainly do lack.

Or I can wait for that >v>

so those kind of excuses, huh?


how is noragami?

haven't seen it myself but i hear it's pretty gud

Funny thing about Noragami was that what decided me to watch it was how much I liked the opening lol

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