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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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Our president is so bad at running the economy that she makes Harper look good.

Basically she and her predecessor enjoyed a commodities boom last decade (as did Canada), and never bothered investing in infra structure and the industry, since our economy was growing relatively fast. Now, that commodities boom is over, the economy is suffering. To make things worse, there's a lot of red tape in Brazil, which makes foreigner investment harder, which in turn means less dollars entering the country in times of crisis, therefore, a devalued currency. Government spending is also huge and the deficit is growing. With a huge deficit in a market that wasn't that reliable in first place, even less foreigner investments. Add the fact that they lowered interest rates right before the crisis began, and you have even less investors, and even less dollars entering the country. The worst part is that we're also in the middle of a huge recession and also getting 2 digits inflation, which isn't to be expected in times of recession; Basically, it's a economic train wreck, due to a mix of unfavorable external environment and MAINLY a stubborn populist government that doesn't know how to handle the economy and calls everyone who disagrees with them a "nay-sayer".

This explains it well enough:


Well that certainly doesn't look good, though the article you linked does end on an (extremely careful) optimistic note. Hope for you that the people in power finally buckle up and do something. Our new prime minister stated that he would invest in infrastructures and other means to bolster the economy, so hopefully he'll keep his promises and the economy will pick up a bit. (the Québec government is already enforcing austerity measures, though they don't pass to well since they're cutting in the already fledgling Québec healthcare system and in education, which isn't in the best state either. Meanwhile they raise the salary of the parliament members.)

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Well that certainly doesn't look good, though the article you linked does end on an (extremely careful) optimistic note. Hope for you that the people in power finally buckle up and do something. Our new prime minister stated that he would invest in infrastructures and other means to bolster the economy, so hopefully he'll keep his promises and the economy will pick up a bit. (the Québec government is already enforcing austerity measures, though they don't pass to well since they're cutting in the already fledgling Québec healthcare system and in education, which isn't in the best state either. Meanwhile they raise the salary of the parliament members.)

Eh, I don't think the current government can do anything to improve the situation, but I just stopped caring at this point. Elections exist for a reason and removing them come 2018 is what I'm hoping for.

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I refuse to believe people in 2016 have never heard of The Touch

this is almost as unbelievable as people actual willing to vote for Donald Trump

It's because of his sexy orange tan and nice hair

tbh i remember you saying you had no interest in politics whatsoever and that's part of the problem, sorry but that's how i feel. Donald Trump is bad so get a voter registration and go vote against him

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Thread education time

next thing is teaching that the sun is a star

​because apparently people don't know that

It's because of his sexy orange tan and nice hair

tbh i remember you saying you had no interest in politics whatsoever and that's part of the problem, sorry but that's how i feel. Donald Trump is bad so get a voter registration and go vote against him

Funny enough, today my mother asked me if i was a registered voter

and she was like

"you're gonna vote against Trump, yeah?"

of course i will, but that was just silly to me fsr

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I refuse to believe people in 2016 have never heard of The Touch

this is almost as unbelievable as people actual willing to vote for Donald Trump

I was about to say I never heard of it, but then I saw Sol's educational video and realized I had heard of it.

Eh, I don't think the current government can do anything to improve the situation, but I just stopped caring at this point. Elections exist for a reason and removing them come 2018 is what I'm hoping for.

I guess that's a good way to go about it.

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I refuse to believe people in 2016 have never heard of The Touch

this is almost as unbelievable as people actual willing to vote for Donald Trump


I think there will be people who will be willing to vote for Trump. :S

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what happened


I thought this mission was rather easy and then after it ended, I had to return to the school thing... but I couldn't just go back with the menu thing. And that's when everything went shit and I'm all confused.

Yes, that explains what I'm feeling right now about FF-0 too.

Edited by Caetuna
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next thing is teaching that the sun is a star

​because apparently people don't know that

Haha, I still see this happen sometimes.

the snark >v>



Oh my... well what happened?

Oh wait... I think I know.

Edited by Soledai
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