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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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Hi ^^

How goes?


I got PxZ2 and a whole Prologue was ninjas and for some reason I thought of you

I'm flattered.

I think two of them were Strider and Hotsuma?

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Hey nobody I finally started smt3.

now do your part and play sj.

Yes it is.

Ok fine you can have free will.

Cool, Nocturne is a great game. In which console are you playing it?

I'll play SJ, but I don't think I'll be able to get very far until friday.

I kind of wanted to beat bloodborne again but eh, I just reached the conclusion I wouldn't be able to beat it until friday either so I might as well play SJ

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I just wish this game didn't feature Dante from the devil may cry series.

haha yeah, I have no idea what was the purpose of him being there. Or how did he get there in first place, considering it's a capcom game rather than atlus

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