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and why is that?

they're forbidden to do that, because WW2. It was a part of the treat. IIRC the USA has the obligation of protecting them, though, or something like that.

Their army can only do defense stuff

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they're forbidden to do that, because WW2. It was a part of the treat. IIRC the USA has the obligation of protecting them, though, or something like that.

Their army can only do defense stuff


(1) Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes.

(2) In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized.

I think Japan relies mostly on friendly relations and the UN - at least, officially, because Japan spends a lot of money on the Self-Defense Forces (Japan's "extended police").

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Japan doesn't have an army, it has "Self-Defense Forces."

These Self-Defense Forces don't have tanks. They have "special vehicles."

It's like they're making fun of themselves.

They can't attack anyone without facing severe consquences so the "different" name makes sense. Their "army" is literally a self defense force because it can't do anything else, so might as well name it that.

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They can't attack anyone without facing severe consquences so the "different" name makes sense. Their "army" is literally a self defense force because it can't do anything else, so might as well name it that.

The JSDF's name does make sense, however it's pretty dumb to first state in your constitution that you can't use force to solve international disputes, going so far as to state that "land, sea and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained," and then go on to become the nation with the world's eighth largest military budget.

Either make your laws and stick to them, or don't make your laws.

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The JSDF's name does make sense, however it's pretty dumb to first state in your constitution that you can't use force to solve international disputes, going so far as to state that "land, sea and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained," and then go on to become the nation with the world's eighth largest military budget.

Either make your laws and stick to them, or don't make your laws.

Quite the contrary. The ban was imposed on them when they lost WW2. It was not their will to not have an army. They were forced to do that, just like Germany was forced to give up half of current Poland, plus Königsberg. The treaty never said they couldn't have a self defense force, and they having a large one makes complete sence when you consider they were really close to communist China plus the Sovied Union right during Cold War. Nowadays they have to worry about North Korea. It was not only their interest but also the former Allies that they had one.

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its pretty long but just thinking about the past few years

what is it

Poor Dusko

If I were European I'd probably have entered a self induced coma at this point tbh =(

i'm surprised you have't already

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Next number

2 9 3 1 8 4 3 6 5 7 ?


i may crack my 3ds depending on when fates gets released over here

Would you buy an american copy?

I think the game will be released on Europe in April, but the lack of release date is so weird.

what is it

i'm surprised you have't already

That would mean less vacations lol no thanks

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