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My fave Battle track is a tie between Dusk Falls and the third Nohr theme (Map B3, can't remember the eng name). And the first (non prologue) Revelation map theme is great too, especially the calm version.

Welp, for now were equal in seniority. >:P

Dem memes. All the memes. That chapter seriously had me screaming at my 3DS #BlameTakumi and #TakumiDidNothingWrong at the same time and different parts. I don't remember it perfectly now (I finished it in one go), but I remember having several close calls. I had most of my heavy hitters gung ho their way through the map (XanderTheTankBro, OnePunchCamilla, Keaton:Camilla'sPetDog, BookBroBaeLeo, and DragonLadyCorrin, along with my glass cannons and beautiful sons Forrest and Kana). I had Jakob, Felicia, and Flora as staff bots and Azura for support. Elise is awesome in that her magic was so through the roof that she could heal well and attack splendidly, while being a reliable dodger (though I had a heartattack or two with the edgy hitrates in this game). Everyone else is pair up fodder for their spouse, since dual guarding against waves of nasties seemed to be the priority. Then when you get to the edge of the all powerful meme barrier, rush Takumi with all of the awesome people (Camilla excluded sadly because no Iote's Shield) and OnePunch him to submission (you don't have to fight his dual clone, it vanishes when you defeat the "real" Takumi, destroyer of memes.

I really should invest in a music device instead of always streaming my music off Youtube.

Map B3 is "No Justice" (and I agree both it and Dusk Falls are great, though I really like most of the other map themes as well. And I don't know which theme between 'You of the Dark' and 'You of the Light' I like more.

Welcome to the 23 year club

My problem is that Xander lacks in magical bulk and is easily doubled due to low speed despite Charlotte support. Meanwhile, Camilla had low HP and poor speed, though that is probably fixed since I completed her support with Keaton. And my main problem with having everyone blitzing through is the Hexing rod. Enemies hit hard enough without having to deal with a 20HP Xander or Corrin. I have a silence rod, but that leaves Elise wide open when I'd prefer for her to be safely paired up. And I figured out that the second Takumi would die since he's a replica, which share HP with the main one. Though both times I arrived at him after losing units, he procced vengeance and both times and one shotted Corrin.

My iPod is at its limits, both in terms of how much memory I have left on it and how little the battery lasts, but iPod doesn't make anything with more than 16 gig that isn't a 500$ iPod Touch, which I don't need.

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I felt much better after I finally beat Endgame

Corrin, Leo, and Xander did most of the "heavy lifting", as it were

Though my Leo ended up capping speed and could ORKO nearly every enemy after a rally magic from Izana

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Thanks! :)

My fave Battle track is a tie between Dusk Falls and the third Nohr theme (Map B3, can't remember the eng name). And the first (non prologue) Revelation map theme is great too, especially the calm version.

no problem, friend

i don't really remember them at the moment...

i blame that more on being tired

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I felt much better after I finally beat Endgame

Corrin, Leo, and Xander did most of the "heavy lifting", as it were

Though my Leo ended up capping speed and could ORKO nearly every enemy after a rally magic from Izana

Meanwhile my Leo is sitting at a sad 24 in SPD, meaning he's the one that gets doubled.

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damn i got owned


U feel me

I feel u

How do u fill a void? ;o;

I'm not sure sadly, beyond finding something as similar/even better to fill it with. Its why I don't watch void traps like Clannad and AnoHana. I'd never know how to get out.

True, I could be doing much worse to myself, lol.

23 was probably my favorite age to be. I blame it also being my golden birthday. And I'm sure you don't look as bad as you try to sandbag yourself.

That is so nice to hear. I didn't want it to be another case of it giving someone stinging feeling about being mostly criticism, and the only praise was just at a general level instead of pointing out specifics for that end of the commentary as well. Like I told you in PM, I think, my box is always open if you want to dump off some fiction for review.

Don't ever be like me and break out the ice cream on especially boring or depressing nights.

I honestly don't feel any different (though I've been saying the same thing since I joined this forum at age 19, so maybe that's the point of this stage in life?). When you go to get a haircut and they think you're 15, it makes you wonder. They also thought I was 12 when I turned 18 that very day.

Constructive Criticism is good criticism. I can understand how it might sting to get all your mistakes thrown at you, but its necessary for growth, and i like to think that I've grown up enough as a person to be more enthusiastic and receptive to helpful feedback rather than tunnel vision only on the negative feelings that criticism in general brings. What doesn't bring you down makes you stronger, I would think. I hope they can learn to see that too. And thank you for the offer, I'll definitely remember for future projects (especially for next SF Scribbles or even for that Fates fic I'm burning to write).

I actually liked chapter 20. Once I figured out how the wind thing worked, it was pretty fun and Fuga wasn't a problem (I one-rounded him). Chapter 10 kept me on my toes, but once I got a strategy going, it worked fine. Even Chapter 26, which I thought was pretty BS at the start, ended up being one of the high point of the game for me when the 'ah ha!' moment struck and figured out how to deal with the waves of generals and berserkers.

Despite being in the know about the Takumi Dragon vein BS for Ch 10, I still beat it on the first go, though I was scrambling a bit at the end when ALL the units decided to ignore their predictable "attack the player" AI and rush past me to get past the line. OnePunchCamilla is the only thing that managed to catch the pegasus knights and win the day. Ch 20 I also beat on the first try because turtling and proper managing/pre-empting all the dragon vein wind tunnels without screwing myself over. Might've been luck. The only other chapter I had problems with besides ninja hell was Ch 11, mostly because I was lazy the first several attempts and didn't check for skills. Awakening made me soft.

oh, silva shares her birthday with my sister

Oh, please tell her happy birthday from a fellow 3/6-er~!

Edited by Silver Lightning
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Dusk Falls the best


You knew that though

Meanwhile my Leo is sitting at a sad 24 in SPD, meaning he's the one that gets doubled.

26 speed(his cap) + A support boost from Butler!Forrest = 31 speed Leo. One dance from Azura and he's doubling every enemy that isn't paired up or has wary fighter. +4 magic from Izana and Leo becomes an erase enemy button that heals after kills. Also never gave him any speedwings.

The Xander/Charlotte was just too good. Kept to the left side, baited the Dark Knights after filling some gauge, was at around 20 HP for most of the chapter but that didn't even matter.

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I'm not sure sadly, beyond finding something as similar/even better to fill it with. Its why I don't watch void traps like Clannad and AnoHana. I'd never know how to get out.

Despite being in the know about the Takumi Dragon vein BS for Ch 10, I still beat it on the first go, though I was scrambling a bit at the end when ALL the units decided to ignore their predictable "attack the player" AI and rush past me to get past the line. OnePunchCamilla is the only thing that managed to catch the pegasus knights and win the day. Ch 20 I also beat on the first try because turtling and proper managing/pre-empting all the dragon vein wind tunnels without screwing myself over. Might've been luck. The only other chapter I had problems with besides ninja hell was Ch 11, mostly because I was lazy the first several attempts and didn't check for skills. Awakening made me soft.

I haven't watched Clannad yet, but I did watch AnoHana... ... ... ;w;

I had to retry most chapters of Conquest, though I often just start the map to see what the gimmick is and where the reinforcement comes from.

Dusk Falls the best

You knew that though

26 speed(his cap) + A support boost from Butler!Forrest = 31 speed Leo. One dance from Azura and he's doubling every enemy that isn't paired up or has wary fighter. +4 magic from Izana and Leo becomes an erase enemy button that heals after kills. Also never gave him any speedwings.

The Xander/Charlotte was just too good. Kept to the left side, baited the Dark Knights after filling some gauge, was at around 20 HP for most of the chapter but that didn't even matter.

Wow my Leo is actually 2 pts away from his speed cap. Still slow compared to 37 SPD Ninjas

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I legitimately wonder who thought not being able to save before endgame was a good idea

Well I get it because of how My Castle works but I just don't see why there isn't a "restart endgame" option when you game over

Edited by DavidSW
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I legitimately wonder who thought not being able to save before endgame was a good idea

I agree with this statement

Edited by LuxSpes
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Map B3 is "No Justice" (and I agree both it and Dusk Falls are great, though I really like most of the other map themes as well. And I don't know which theme between 'You of the Dark' and 'You of the Light' I like more.

Welcome to the 23 year club

My problem is that Xander lacks in magical bulk and is easily doubled due to low speed despite Charlotte support. Meanwhile, Camilla had low HP and poor speed, though that is probably fixed since I completed her support with Keaton. And my main problem with having everyone blitzing through is the Hexing rod. Enemies hit hard enough without having to deal with a 20HP Xander or Corrin. I have a silence rod, but that leaves Elise wide open when I'd prefer for her to be safely paired up. And I figured out that the second Takumi would die since he's a replica, which share HP with the main one. Though both times I arrived at him after losing units, he procced vengeance and both times and one shotted Corrin.

My iPod is at its limits, both in terms of how much memory I have left on it and how little the battery lasts, but iPod doesn't make anything with more than 16 gig that isn't a 500$ iPod Touch, which I don't need.

Me too, I initially only really liked Compatriot of Darkness, but after hearing enough of Brotherhood of Light, I grew to like it as well (gives me just the amount of chills and excitement i need to write a scene I've been imagining for my fic for a while).

My Xander was near impenetrable in defense and I don't know if he was res blessed but he'd shrug off most magic with a bit of timely healing (I paired Xander with Peri, so its totally doable even without Charlotte). Keaton definitely helps her offensively and defensively, to the point I wasn't sure if I wanted them to dual strike or pair up. I don't remember having too many problems with the hex rod; my usual answer to that is to just let Elise soak up the staff uses since her res is so high it almost always misses and she wouldn't really mind getting hit with it since she shouldn't be getting attacked to begin with. I tanked the sides while picking my way down, so it all comes to proper planning and anticpating what your going to be hit with before each turn. The skills are also a pain though. Vengeance Critkumi is not fun.

Meanwhile my Leo is sitting at a sad 24 in SPD, meaning he's the one that gets doubled.

Cap is 26, which my bae Leo comfortably met, and with a tonic plus a few supports he'll be a god of magic and death. I'm so in love~ >///<

Edited by Silver Lightning
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