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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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I agree

Claude x Sylvia, Ayra x Holyn, Seliph x Julia (Seliph x Altena and Julia x Azel's son if you don't do glitches), Ares x Nanna, Lakshe x Shanan, Lester x Patty, Lana x Faval

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sunday morning praise the dawning

it's just a restless feeling by my side

early dawning

sunday morning

it's just the wasted years so close behind

watch out, the world is behind you

there's always someone around you who will call

it's nothing at all

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i'm waiting for my man

twenty six dollars in my hand

up to lexington 125

feel sick and dirty more dead than alive

i'm waiting for my man

hey white boy

what are you doing uptown

hey white boy

you chasing our woman around

pardon me sir, it's the furthest from my mind

i'm just looking for a dear friend of mine

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sunday morning praise the dawning

it's just a restless feeling by my side

early dawning

sunday morning

it's just the wasted years so close behind

watch out, the world is behind you

there's always someone around you who will call

it's nothing at all

i feel these lyrics, man

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Also I keep thinking attack stance and guard stance is a thing in fe4, rip me.

haha I fear I'll do the same when I replay any pre 13 fire emblem game

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Pair up lyn with hector so lyn can kill shit and hector can double.

Wait no that's a bad pairing because lilina won't get any magic mods never mind.

nah, it's a good pairing. Lilina's mag is overkill anyway and she needs the spd to double, so she can sacrifice a bit of mag for spd.

Lyn's str is bad anyway, so it's not like she's any better for a physical child.

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