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Therapist told me to play video games more and create a schedule where I have to balance out homework with video games.

Are you serious?

I honestly don't know at this point

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But still there's plenty of kids at my school who spend way too much time doing homework and it sort of disturbs me.

In fact I'm starting to believe taking it too serious is even worse than not taking it seriously enough.

Like me.


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Oh no, the sadness came back. It’s mostly the lack of friendship this time, I feel really empty knowing I will never be around pa big group of people my age, like in uni. I completely wasted those years, and a big part of that was due to this site and also clinging to my high school friends, who moved on. I also think a lot about how i wasted my opportunity to go to ciencias sem fronteiras, which would have been fucking fantastic. Or not, considering what 2014 me thought. The worst part is that i know that by worrying about how i wasted the past, i’m wasting the present. I felt better the past few days when i thought my problem was being closeted and what i was lacking was a relationship, but now what i feel i lack are friendships and it honestly feels 1000 times worse and more hopeless. I also keep thinking about how I’d much rather work on my major than on the public sector, and how i missed so many opportunities to build up experience on university.

Also, my timid self couldn’t even get myself to tell my psychiatrist that I’m gay, and that’s when I was considering telling it to my parents. I don’t know why this sadness is happening tonight when I was feeling better for a while. I guess it’s because I see no hope now. Maybe I really need to take those risks. I really doubt my parents would get angry at me for being gay, but I just wish i had a job so I could not depend on them, but I can’t get myself to do anything while depressed, but I am depressed because I spend the whole day home and have no friends. It’s a vicious cycle. I have to break it one way or another.

oh, and my fear of rejection is also awful. What if I try to make friends and people don’t want to talk to me or are just rude? I know it’s not middle school anymore, but it terryfies me. Same about dating apps. What if I join one and no one wants to hang out with me? I know that I should be open to my parents about my depression and all this stuff, I think it would help me, and I doubt my loving parents who only want the best for me and my sister would not accept me for being gay, specially when that’s such a big reason why I’m depressed. I’m still scared though. I don’t want to burden them when my sister is already such a mess. Why couldn’t they have at least one perfect child? Why am I such a loser? 

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Why do heros suck so much in fates though

Yesterday i caused a shitstorm on gamefaqs because, on the rate the class: hero topic, i said it was worth a B rather than an A or S and that sol was useless and unreliable.

People got MAD lol

And the rating went to F. I actually gave it a nice grade

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An S? Lol doesn't have nearly as much of the ridiculous damage as berserkers or sorcerors.

Skills suck for it.

Low mobility.

Yeah no.

It's a pity, they have a nice design though...

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