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[3:59:30 PM] ☆Mei☆: super okay!

[4:00:16 PM] david_secondworld: that raises a question

[4:00:26 PM] david_secondworld: if there is okay and super okay

[4:00:39 PM] david_secondworld: then how many levels of okay are there

[4:01:02 PM] Tristian S.: because skype is a shit kim

[4:01:11 PM] david_secondworld: eventually it has to go above or below okay

[4:01:15 PM] K:im: there's kinda okay

[4:01:19 PM] K:im: and not okay

[4:01:22 PM] K:im: and ery okay

[4:01:30 PM] david_secondworld: not okay doesn't count

[4:01:36 PM] david_secondworld: because it's

[4:01:38 PM] david_secondworld: not

[4:01:40 PM] david_secondworld: okay

[4:01:45 PM] david_secondworld: okay?

[4:02:22 PM] K:im: but it's on the scale of okay!!

[4:02:27 PM] david_secondworld: no

[4:02:42 PM] K:im: why u gotta be so discriminating david

[4:02:46 PM] david_secondworld: if you are not okay then you are something else

[4:02:48 PM] K:im: it's okay to be not okay

[4:02:50 PM] K:im: NO

[4:02:57 PM] david_secondworld: on the scale of another thing


[4:03:01 PM] K:im: NOT OKAY

[4:03:26 PM] david_secondworld: not okay can mean good or bad

[4:03:32 PM] david_secondworld: usually used for bad though

[4:03:34 PM] david_secondworld: so

[4:03:47 PM] david_secondworld: somewhere on the scale of bad

[4:03:47 PM] K:im: nuh uh

[4:03:54 PM] K:im: not okay isn't necessarily bad it's just not okay

[4:04:04 PM] david_secondworld: separate from the scale of okay

[4:04:20 PM] david_secondworld: well it's probably on the lower end of bad

[4:04:29 PM] david_secondworld: or the lower end of good

[4:04:44 PM] K:im: nuh it's on the lowest end of okay

[4:04:58 PM] K:im: GOOD IS GOOD BAD IS BAD

[4:05:19 PM] david_secondworld: not okay can't be okay because it's not okay

[4:06:07 PM] K:im: it's a form of okay used to describe things

[4:06:17 PM] K:im: it's just a lesser form of kinda okay

[4:06:24 PM] K:im: if i wanted to say something was bad i'd be like

[4:06:25 PM] K:im: THIS IS BAD

[4:06:43 PM] david_secondworld: if you're not okay then you are not okay but something else

[4:06:53 PM] david_secondworld: let's say I have a rock here

[4:07:06 PM] david_secondworld: and I say it's not a book

[4:07:20 PM] david_secondworld: that doesn't make it some form of book

[4:07:26 PM] david_secondworld: because it's not

[4:07:31 PM] K:im: if you say it's not a book then you're using a book as a comparison!!

[4:07:34 PM] david_secondworld: it's something else

[4:07:37 PM] K:im: so you're using the book scale

[4:07:39 PM] david_secondworld: it is a rock

[4:07:54 PM] david_secondworld: that not what my point was

[4:08:00 PM] ☆Mei☆: i love that u guys are having this discussion

[4:08:13 PM] K:im: me too

[4:08:19 PM] K:im: what was ur point

[4:08:23 PM] david_secondworld: using another scale for comparison does not put the thing on that other scale

[4:08:25 PM] K:im: is it that it's a rock

[4:08:36 PM] K:im: i mean, if you weren't using it as that then you'd say

[4:08:38 PM] K:im: "this is a rock"

[4:08:58 PM] david_secondworld: using it for comparison, yes

[4:09:03 PM] K:im: yes

[4:09:13 PM] david_secondworld: but the rock itself isn't actually on that scale

[4:09:22 PM] K:im: it's on the end, where it is

[4:09:23 PM] K:im: not a book

[4:09:37 PM] K:im: it's like the zero

[4:09:42 PM] david_secondworld: just like how not okay isn't on the okay scale because it is not

[4:09:50 PM] K:im: it is

[4:09:56 PM] david_secondworld: and if it's not

[4:10:14 PM] david_secondworld: then it can be anything that isn't okay

[4:10:20 PM] K:im: no it's just

[4:10:20 PM] K:im: not okay

[4:10:27 PM] david_secondworld: and could that make it okay

[4:10:27 PM] K:im: it doesn't have to be anything else to be not okay

[4:11:03 PM] david_secondworld: if there is both a lack of okay and a lack of anything else then that means there's just nothing

[4:11:06 PM] K:im: getting rid of the not would be like getting rid of the zero

[4:11:18 PM] K:im: yeah and that's okay

[4:11:22 PM] K:im: like not okay

[4:11:26 PM] K:im: it's okay to be not okay

[4:11:42 PM] david_secondworld: I never said it wasn

[4:11:46 PM] david_secondworld: 't

[4:11:50 PM] K:im: so not okay is pretty okay

[4:12:01 PM] david_secondworld: okay to not be okay

[4:12:03 PM] david_secondworld: I said

[4:12:10 PM] david_secondworld: not okay can't be okay

[4:12:31 PM] david_secondworld: okay?

[4:12:39 PM] K:im: not okay isn't okay but it is a degree of okay

[4:12:47 PM] K:im: like kinda okay isn't okay either!!

[4:12:51 PM] K:im: it's more like 12 percent okay

[4:13:21 PM] david_secondworld: mei are you still here

[4:13:36 PM] K:im: smae

[4:14:55 PM] K:im: damian i hate u for showing me cnblue stuff yesterday cuz i was FORCED to download cnblue albums and listen to them and cnblue is one of those bands that only has good singles

[4:15:08 PM] david_secondworld: mei please show up in

[4:15:10 PM] david_secondworld: 3

[4:15:13 PM] david_secondworld: 2

[4:15:18 PM] david_secondworld: 1

[4:15:20 PM] K:im: wow but mei is spontaneous

[4:15:29 PM] david_secondworld: damn

[4:15:33 PM] K:im: also i was trying to focus on up10tion : (

[4:15:51 PM] david_secondworld: sponteineous

[4:15:55 PM] K:im: ah yes

[4:16:12 PM] david_secondworld: I know she's not here rn but I couldn't just leave that one

[4:16:16 PM] ☆Mei☆: yes hello

[4:16:20 PM] david_secondworld: MEI

[4:16:21 PM] K:im: lmao

[4:16:27 PM] K:im: lm-mei-o

[4:16:31 PM] david_secondworld: the okay/not okay issue

[4:16:35 PM] ☆Mei☆: g-guys

[4:16:36 PM] david_secondworld: what do you think

[4:16:44 PM] K:im: oh man mei can't pick a side she's too nice for that probably

[4:16:49 PM] ☆Mei☆: well

[4:16:53 PM] K:im: wow

[4:16:57 PM] david_secondworld: also good job Kim that was good

[4:16:57 PM] K:im: she's going to pick a side

[4:16:59 PM] K:im: thanks u 2

[4:17:10 PM] ☆Mei☆: i just use okay and super okay and everything underneath is poopie

[4:17:15 PM] K:im: lmao

[4:17:23 PM] david_secondworld: ...wha?

[4:17:33 PM] K:im: i use various degrees of okay to describe everyhthing cuz it's so

[4:17:34 PM] K:im: objective

[4:17:36 PM] K:im: like

[4:17:42 PM] K:im: yeah that's...okay...

[4:17:43 PM] ☆Mei☆: yeah

[4:17:50 PM] david_secondworld: mei is not okay okay or not?

[4:18:15 PM] ☆Mei☆: what

[4:18:17 PM] K:im: only okay is okay

[4:18:31 PM] K:im: super okay is like 200 percent okay

[4:18:47 PM] david_secondworld: does not okay fall under the spectrum of okay or is it something else outside of it

[4:18:57 PM] K:im: or is it, possibly, both

[4:19:19 PM] K:im: i've read the word okay so many times in the last ten minutes i feel like dying

[4:19:19 PM] david_secondworld: this is what Kim and I have been discussing

[4:19:24 PM] david_secondworld: okay?

[4:19:32 PM] K:im: it's okay though because okay is one of my favourite words

[4:19:33 PM] Tristian S.: okay

[4:19:36 PM] ☆Mei☆: On 2016-04-27, at 7:19 PM, K:im wrote:

> i've read the word okay so many times in the last ten minutes i feel like dying

this tbh

[4:19:36 PM] K:im: oKAY

[4:19:39 PM] K:im: lmao

[4:19:44 PM] ☆Mei☆: like Im looking at the word okay

[4:19:52 PM] ☆Mei☆: and now it doesnt make sense to me

[4:19:53 PM] david_secondworld: Trist and Mei what do you two think about this issue

[4:19:56 PM] *** K:im has renamed this conversation to "older and serperior and okay chat" ***

[4:20:02 PM] ☆Mei☆: im neutral

[4:20:06 PM] K:im: i knew it

[4:20:08 PM] Tristian S.: it's pretty okay

[4:20:14 PM] ☆Mei☆: PRETTY OKAY

[4:20:15 PM] david_secondworld: ...

[4:20:16 PM] K:im: ily tristai

[4:20:17 PM] ☆Mei☆: i frogtt aobut aht

[4:20:21 PM] david_secondworld: this is

[4:20:24 PM] david_secondworld: not okei

[4:20:28 PM] *** ☆Mei☆ backflips ***

Additional thoughts on this issue are welcome

My hierarchy is basically Terrible>Bad>Okay>Good>Amazing. I don't really use variations of okay since anything better or worse than okay would be in the good/bad territory.
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