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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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Just what is the context behind those images


edit: due diligence says that I need to warn y'all of the presence of a single image of cartoon lego boobs since that would scandalize the minds of the impressionable youth of serenes forest dot net. and likely a fair portion of the adult population as well.

Edited by Euklyd
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Maybe if you didn't rely on puush you'd know where it was.

this is a blatant fucking lie, I'm just messing with you. I know that feel all the time, and could use a little organization.


also hii I hope you are doing well and all that good stuff

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Did you know that keine's transformation into suku is actually extremely painful.

So be thankful for the sukus that suffer for your benefit.


What transformation. Sukus come out from her hat.
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I was standing in a rather long line at a big movie theatre in New York City. I noticed that there were a few people from the college that I go to in that line as well. I got impatient, so I decided to check out what was going on at the front of the line. Now I've not gone out of the house in about 3 weeks, so I have a full-on neckbeard and severe BO while dubstepping it out in a Metallica t-shirt and red underwear. At the front of the line was a man in what appeared to be Rampage-esque clothing with red hair begging the cashier to let him skimp on $0.21. I immediately went up to the man, and handed the cashier the money he needed. The man said, "THANK YOU, gOD!" That was when I snapped. I said, "Sir, there is no gOD, if gOD was real, then he would've paid for your meal. I'm better than gOD anyway because I actually exist." I asked the man to give me a free Mountain Dew because of my atheist beliefs, but he told me that Mountain Dew is banned in New York City. I wasn't going to settle for some theist Dr Pepper drink, so I stole a man's popcorn and threw it in his face and walked out. As I was leaving, the whole theatre just applauded me, and after I left, I even heard them shooting fireworks inside of the theatre to celebrate my atheist beliefs.

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So I was standing in a rather large line at my local Wal-Mart today behind a couple families that I know from when I went to church with my family in year younger. It was the only register open so there wasn't much of another option to get my 12 pack of Mountain Dew for a party I was heading to. I was wondering why the line was going nowhere when I decided to poke my head up front to see what the holdup was. It was a little old lady who didn't have enough for her groceries and she was trying to talk the cashier into letting her get away with being short. This struck me as odd until I found out she was a mere $0.21 short of her purchase. Now all these families were just staring and there was even two making fun of her. I walked up and handed my soda to the cashier, handed him a $5 and told her to keep the change. One of the middle aged women (I knew these people, so I also knew that they all make over 6 digits) grabbed her kid and yelled very loudly, "See that man? He's acting just like Jesus wants us to." For some reason this set me off, so I turned around. I haven't shaved in awhile so I'm rocking some nice scruff, a Slayer shirt, and gym shorts, so it must have been a nice sight. Very loudly, I said "Like Jesus? Ma'am I'm an atheist who makes minimum wage and I was the one who stepped up to help her? Your hypocritical Christianity is an inspiration to us all." As I stormed out, a couple of the cart boys started to whistle and cheer, soon shoppers joined in and even the cashier. I gave a wave and went off with a feeling of accomplishment.

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