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hello there

it's been awhile

yes it has haha

I've been like crazily busy with university this past semester

how have you been?

oh you

i'm not even joking, considering I call stuff like cream cracker bolacha and stuff like oreo biscoito

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I'm Interested in the story too, but hopefully it's delivered in a decent way.

Oh, my apologies, I'm not much for funny names.

if nasu is involved, it's sure to be good, or at least decent.

eh, if i actually enjoy it it'll be ruined by a funny name

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I didn't mean for my responses to come off that way. I'm sorry, Balcerzak. When I read your reply suggesting wearing headphones, I could tell your being helpful and sincere. I should have worded my response better :'(

When I wrote that first one, I was blowing off steam because it was Tuesday, I was trying to fall asleep Monday night and for some strange reason, I'm hardwired to snap awake at the slightest noise. Like, my stepdad making breakfast since he gets up earlier than I do, if there's a clap of thunder, or fireworks. I had gotten home from what felt like a grueling day at work because I was tired having probably gotten 4 and half maybe 5 and half hours of sleep due to finding it very hard to go to sleep when the constant exploding of fireworks was preventing me from falling asleep. I didn't even look my clock to see what time it was when the fireworks noise stopped, I guesses it had to be around 10:30pm, maybe 11pm. I had gone to bed at 9pm, and that's waround when the fireworks noise started. From the loudness of the explosions, it sounded like the fireworks show was around my neighborhood. I had those thoughts of maybe complaining about the noise level Monday night the next day. I didn't actually yell at whoever was shooting off the fireworks. I was attempting to fall asleep amid all the fireworks exloding Monday night. I really am taking your suggestion to heart for next year should the Fourth of July fall on a weekday and I got to get enough rest for work the next day.

I'm sorry that my responses came off aggressive.

Tone on the internet can be very hard, even in the best of times. Apology fully accepted. Please, don't worry yourself about it any further, I was probably being overly defensive when I interpreted the most recent post but it had seemed at the time that you were laying on the sarcasm pretty thick, rather than what turned out to be honest, frustrated venting.

Blowing off steam about stressful situations can be extremely helpful, and don't let me discourage you from doing so. The fact that we were both comfortable enough to air our feelings on the matter and have a nice calm back and forth and clear up the misunderstanding is in my opinion, a sign of success.

I do hope you slept better last night, yes?

...odd, I could have sworn I hit post on this quite a bit earlier, but here it was, still in my tabs...

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Oh. >_> Uhhh... I see.

Wait what. Why are you skipping all the other videos! RUDE. Well, I don't think Ein got to the final chapter yet but I forget.

Oh. I mean the webcam anyway. The webcam stuff. It is like a practise but it'll be better! With Sen 2.

I'll spam it in your chat next time you stream ;)

I wasn't really skipping, I was looking for your channel, then I saw your recently uploaded, and the video still reminded me a bit of Fallout, so I clicked it instinctively.

Oh! I see now.

why didn't that bitch just post in here?

this made me lmao

I was expecting soledai to reply to my post earlier

guess there's no need to be around for the rest of the day now

I didn't really have anything else to add.

Even though I do the same, that is investing completely and getting my own experiences from said game, I wouldn't ignore another possibility if I could help it, particularly with something I wouldn't want to play. (e.g. Tales)

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why didn't that bitch just post in here?

His phone ---

Ein already replied. :T

I'll spam it in your chat next time you stream ;)

I wasn't really skipping, I was looking for your channel, then I saw your recently uploaded, and the video still reminded me a bit of Fallout, so I clicked it instinctively.

Oh! I see now.

this made me lmao


Oh. lmao



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