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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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That's pretty awesome. I'm jealous.

Nihilism, that nothing matters unless you're winning, and that we should only take our meaning in life from our successes and not let anything weigh us down.

That was thesues, the king, not palamon/arcite.

It does make sense. I heard somewhere else we find people who have similar features to our own more attractive.

What'd you think of the clerk's tale?

the combined value of that room can probably fund a trip to college for a year. i spend my money efficiently!

guess i'm an accidental nihilist, opps, maybe i should start reading up on nihilism and become a full-time nihilist

is it really thesues? i want to autocorrect it to theseus. that just looks incorrect, theSUES

clerk's tale was the greatest of them all, could be an anime plot. >I Accidentally Married My Divorced Wife's Daughteru and My Whole Family Was Actually There!?

also funny story: the eimm game host got mad at me yesterday for whatever reason and called me an asshat who was an asshole to everyone. i'm playing the game right if the host thinks that, maybe lmao. i might take this to a moderator for slander because i don't think i was a complete asshat

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[09:17:42] Patchouli Knowledge: ....um

[09:17:50] Patchouli Knowledge: So

[09:17:58] Patchouli Knowledge: The tenants just did their laundry yesterday

[09:18:06] Patchouli Knowledge: I just heard the washer go off

Pokemon Go is the devil

It is because there's fucking nothing around me except gyms but you have to be at least level fucking 5 to do one. But I can't even do shit anywhere around here. :T
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Yeah I have a few amiibos but that's it lol.

Read nietzsche, you'll probably find him the closest to your own.

oh yeah it's theseus sorry, I mistyped.

No, he set had set up like that on purpose so he could reveal it to the wife that her daughter was alive and that it was all a prank.

But yes it was quite anime.

The prince would've been pretty great anime protag.

What happened.

You're not an asshat

just a little tsun.

if you give me your address i'll slip you some 2hu merchandise for your birthday, i've got enough money saved up

maybe when i read nietzsche i'll become cynical, intelligent, and have a WICKED SENSE OF HUMOR. or maybe i should start on surrealism instead?

"IT WAS JUST A PRANK BRO XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD" transcends time, doesn't it? that's actually amazing

there's a les miserables and a count of monte cristo anime among other kinda-historical anime so i'm surprised that there isn't a canterbury tales one

what happened? i don't know actually, but one of my friends got allegedly framed for cheating and i was there so he decided to sling insults at both of us just because i happened to be there with him. thanks guys i truly appreciate the goodwill. i was confused the entire time but i do remember being a "asshat to everyone"

i'm not a tsundere, b-baka

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Yeah people accuse pokemon of being satanic because it's similar to summoning demons but then we have a franchise where people literally summon demons and no one gives a shit


see that's why I said SMT isn't evil


He's pretty hot in Devil Survivor 2 tbh

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Yeah people accuse pokemon of being satanic because it's similar to summoning demons but then we have a franchise where people literally summon demons and no one gives a shit


because smt isn't that well known

Like you literally fight god in it if it was half as popular as pokemon you'd see outrage

Also, iirc there was sometime ago a fight against persona in irrc texas because they were afraid the kids would shot their own heads trying to copy thecharacters in the game. That might have been fake news though

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Man that would be fucking awesome, but I don't want to explain to my parents why a loli came in through the mail with my name on it from an unknown person sorry :(

or are you actually a 40-year old pedophile all this time and you're really just wanting my address to molest me

You will become the überchensch

It would make a really good anime imo, some of the characters are really fucking anime too (see:the pardoner)

Wow sorry I didn't know mafia was that rough

Why don't you just go play post a fact about the person above, much more wholesome fun.

What dere are you?

call it a gift from god, sending shmup lolis straight to your mail

funny story when i was like 11 somebody on a minecraft server thought i was a 40 year old pedophile since i said little boys and girls were cute

i was already überchensch, but i might become a stronger überchensch? sign me up! nietzsche has a reputation for being popular with edgy teenagers for some reason so it fits me. revel in the nihilism!

you've convinced me to grab a copy of it now. maybe i'll pay an anime studio to make canterbury tales but make all the characters moe or bishounen so it could actually sell

this isn't even MAFIA MAFIA this is eimm which is supposed to be casual but apparently not.

post a fact about the person above is a game supported by satanists but mafia is clean, clean fun!

i should probably stop talking about this before they find it and, oh no, call me mean names.

i'm a tsunkuuojouyangenkibokusukedere, sorry sheezy

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“The enemy, Satan, is targeting churches with virtual, digital, cyber-demons,” he said. “I believe this thing is a magnet for demonic powers.”

watch him be right and pokemon go pulls us into a smt-tier situation

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maybe when i read nietzsche i'll become cynical, intelligent, and have a WICKED SENSE OF HUMOR. or maybe i should start on surrealism instead?

Full serious, Nietzsche is good reads. I recommend whole-heartedly, especially if you like existentialism.
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I'd totally play SMT GO.

lol you secondaries don't even know louis cypher smh

wow rude

True, I'm still an SMT secondary right now :((((( BUT I'LL SHOW YOU........eventually. I need to steal Ein's copy of Strange Journey again someday.

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Shmup lolis are a gift from god though

some people just don't understand that

Yeah it is popular with edgy teenagers I guess but you should be used to the good series bad fanbase thing by now

Really? Awesome.

It's not that bad to read if you pace yourself though, since it's all a bunch of small stories if you don't get one/don't like one you can just move on to the next, which is why I like it.

Is your persecution complex acting up again.

i won't call you mean names chen it's okay <3

some guy in a wheel chair already visited me the other day and modded my pokemon go app so I guess I'm ready.

all grills are a gift from god, except for the shitty ones.

man i've been a 2hufag for a while now haven't i

why does everything good have to have a shitty fanbase, it gives me secondhand embarassment

yeah, is this version ok you think? everything from gutenberg is pretty quality. i'm a fan of short stories myself so i won't have a problem

no not at all i know that they were angry at me but i don't know why i didn't do anything wrong but they were angry at me becasue i happened to be there and friends with him and he called me mean names and i was angry but i couldn't do anything but i didn't do anything wrong we didn't do anything wrong but i was marked as someone evil and people are giving me strange glances i think they're trying to kill me or something but i'm sorry about everything i didn't do anything wrong but i'm evil not that i am but they think i'm worse than satan but i'm actually trying to do my best and decisions are difficult and nobody believes anything thanks sheezy.

get ready for the conception/apocalypse/whatever, sheezy. i'll be busy trying to side with people with strange haircuts wearing strange suits

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