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also highlights of one of my recent league games:

me on lee sin in some other game: "the key to winning with lee sin is realizing you aren't a god and not doing ballsy tower dives you will probably fail and dying all the time"

my friend in another game, in response to some guy picking lee sin jungle: you should tell this guy the secret to lee sin

me: ok

me: (paraphrased thing about lee sin)

the lee sin: don't worry

lee sin again: i have an iq of 112

me in my head: >am i supposed to be impressed?

me like five minutes into the game: dies to nautilus top on poppy (i fucking hate this matchup so much, almost as bad as rengar v. pantheon)

>lee sin comes in to gank at 1/4 health

>ward hops in and tempest combos the nautilus

>nautilus flashes

>lee sin chases nautilus under tower

>lee sin flashes into tower range

>walks out doing nothing and dies to two tower shots

That 112 iq didn't help him there. Should have used it to apply the secret.

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My brother once bought a mixed bag of caramel and cheese popcorn. It wasn't that bad tbh.

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Cheese popcorn? What.

not even close.

Then I haven't played enough of those Japanese games.
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i have no idea but it was an experience

it was really bad but the matchup is almost unwinnable for new poppy so it sucked

new poppy got nerfed to shit feelsbadman

Anyway for my funny League story

Here I am playing Fiora Top

with my luck my opponent picks Renekton and is Rank 7 (FTR I fucking hate Renekton lanes)

I'm sitting like 200 health under my tower so like any Gold Player would do he tries to tower dive me

But then I use my amazing Fiora Mechanics and he just dies I live with like 50 health and just stomp lane FeelsGoodMan

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*hear about league*

*want to play league again*

*remember that league is a moba*

*stop my desire*

Every time I finish a game of Dota, I wonder why I wanted to play in the first place.

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whenever i play mobas i get irrationally angry and That's not good for me

Every time I play, I end up with teammates that have the same skill level as me, but expects the rest of the team to perform like a professional player. That or someone that doesn't speak english and screams insults all game while throwing himself 1v5.

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things i expect from lots of ellipses:


-a literally translated japanese game

-somebody roleplaying a quiet character but making them seem incredibly passive aggressive

Don't forget: Ruby Destiny

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We had fun together a year or so ago, though, I though.

it's fun with you!

I just don't like getting dragged into ranked games when everyone you're playing with is in gold / plat crai

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Don't forget: Ruby Destiny

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mentality of every moba player: EVERYONE is so BAD except for ME

At this point, I come into games expecting everyone to play bad, including me. Last game, turns out everyone on my team played bad while everyone on the other team played really, really well.

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