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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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so whatchu think of my fc waifu

Olivier is great, yes.

[spoiler=FC spoilers]so how about those last 20 minutes huh

[spoiler=FC spoilers]That sure was a cliffhanger.

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[spoiler=FC spoilers]That sure was a cliffhanger.

Quite. I had no intentions of buying SC after finishing FC. By the time I finished FC, I was playing SC a few hours later.

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Oh you.

Also, it's probably good I wait to start it so I don't get burnt out like happens with some games.

actually, that's a good thing tbh, it's probably pretty easy to get burned on playing both games back to back

Quite. I had no intentions of buying SC after finishing FC. By the time I finished FC, I was playing SC a few hours later.

all according to keikaku Edited by Tonton
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One of these.

Have you played civ before?

Of course! I've been playing civilization since I was like 7. I own CIV V and one of its expansion packs. I play a game sometimes

That game makes time fly though. I start playing it and then 10 minutes later 5 hours passed.


touhou x smt.

ive got this idea nailed.


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