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@Refa: I've always been painfully shy and fsr on Skype I'm more self conscious about my typo-ing, especially when I'm trying to keep up with a fast conversation. Also, despite knowing most of my contacts for 2 years I still don't KNOW a lot of them so there is def stranger danger in certain group chats

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@Hatt: WHOA. they are my fav too!

@Tristian: Nope no more pms. My anxiety issues are worse Jan I hiugtd: S

@Soledai: WHOA. Are you taking all the suck with you? (Not implying hatbyou are part of it)

Heh. Twins.


@Refa: I laughed so hard when you mentioned the balloballot Sim

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@Soledai: WHOA. Are you taking all the suck with you? (Not implying hatbyou are part of it)

Yeah, I'll somehow pull it all into the void with me, then seal it with my meager capabilities

So kind of like the Great Seal, except being substantially less animu about it.

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Here Shin I solved the empty roster space problem starting from left to right: me, Shinpichu(you!!), Boobasaur, and No Effort


Shit I wasn't paying attention UH.................

I fixed it for certain now!!


bless you soul Edited by Tonton
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Ok I'm lying I hate how attached I get to people

Tho there are some very suckish individuals out there


Worst thing is when you get attached to people who actually suck. :(

idt anyone likes pms afaik

I like PMs!

@Tristian: Nope no more pms. My anxiety issues are worse Jan I hiugtd: S

Does this apply to the birthday PM as well?

U know tristian im surprised ur still up as well

>Tristian still up.

I don't know why you're surprised anymore.


I eggree.

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Yep. September 16. Though the actual act of celebration starts in the night of September 15. Mostly because a president whose birthday was September 15 moved it by decree so celebrations started on his birthday.

Why would I give up on churros? Doubt they could last the journey. It's best to eat them when they're recently made, I'd say.

Oh, I see...

...Good point though. I suppose I'll just pester Ein for some good churros when I invade his home on Sunday then. I live in an Asian community so fuck if I find any churros around. Good ones, that is.


You'd eat the moon with me on it?

.....Oh my my, That left me quite the impression.




mooncake with yolk?

mooncake still sounds so good thoughhh

how is it?

some cooked yolk inside the mooncake but I don't like that one as much but I'm just a plain eater.

I'd say it depends on your palette but I LOVE MOONCAKES. AAAHHHH. It's lovely.


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