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last night, i was dreaming about aggressively painting the walls of my shower and the paint kept slipping down the drain god that felt stressful

That's why you turn off the shower before painting it.

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mom: i'm sure if u go to a good college you'll find a good man to marry

me: ???

me later: but what if, hypothetically, i wanted to marry a girl

dad: that's a-ok


me, quieter: not by the law

mom: when u grow up u'll see how ridiculous these thoughts are

Hahaha i want to stab somebody

oh no

I'm so sorry.

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my friend accidentally knocked over my alpacas when i was looking somewhere else and when i looked back i was like "WOW WHO DID THAT" and he pointed to her and i was like "oh okay she's good, if it were u on the other hand i'd have to beat you up" like kim why

he said that he'd be ok with that though

sounds like an M

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You can kick those exam butts

no, you will


you guys are so precious

I'm about to do that to. Starting with an oral presentation next Wednesday and ending with an exam on the 15th.

I feel like the end of the semester kind of sneaked up on me.

ikr! the end of the semester was such a surprise

i did a presentation yesterday and asked my prof if i could see her next class to talk about the grading and she was like "yeah cool. see you in January."

like, i didn't know it was the last in-class already. gosh where has this semester gone?

tho im not complaining too much this year sucks and needs to end

today i got the rare opportunity to talk to someone i very very want to be friends with and i ended up threatening to beat him up why am i like this

sweet. also, same @why am i like this

on the bus home i saw my high school friend's little brother who i haven't seen in a year or so

and i knew he noticed me right away cuz he was bashfully smiling, but i pretended like i didn't see him and as i exited the bus i noticed he got off too and you'd think that was the prefect time to be like "o hi i didn't see you how're you?" but im a potato so i ran home instead




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ikr! the end of the semester was such a surprise

i did a presentation yesterday and asked my prof if i could see her next class to talk about the grading and she was like "yeah cool. see you in January."

like, i didn't know it was the last in-class already. gosh where has this semester gone?

tho im not complaining too much this year sucks and needs to end


I didn't have a presentation this week, but I got scared for a second when someone today said that the class would be oral. He meant that we'd be going over how to do the oral, but I thought that he meant the orals would be today.


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ive cried in my journalism teacher's class because of presentations twice before and the first time he let me delay it until the next day while the second time he let me step out into the hallway and breathe i appreciate having such an understanding teacher

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lmao i understand havin.....social anxiety problems........

it's ok that's y we're friends

thanks kim now i remember y i find you very relatable

I didn't have a presentation this week, but I got scared for a second when someone today said that the class would be oral. He meant that we'd be going over how to do the oral, but I thought that he meant the orals would be today.


dodged a bullet there didn't you? ok well not really since orals weren't happening anyways but i just felt like typing dodged a bullet

now look here sonny

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yeah, me every morning



ive cried in my journalism teacher's class because of presentations twice before and the first time he let me delay it until the next day while the second time he let me step out into the hallway and breathe i appreciate having such an understanding teacher

omg that teacher sounds like the best

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ive cried in my journalism teacher's class because of presentations twice before and the first time he let me delay it until the next day while the second time he let me step out into the hallway and breathe i appreciate having such an understanding teacher

i wish i had ur teacher

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Meanwhile I'm a weirdo who kind of enjoys public speaking

It balances out though because I'd bet money on being worse at writing essays than anyone else here

i'll bet you've never introduced yourself as another person during a presentation

hella embarrassing. wouldn't recommend the experience.

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in the past every time i had to do a presentation the teacher would always be like "you gotta speak louder" and i was like ok but consider my feelings and then i would continue in the same volume and the teacher would be like *sigh* and i would be like *cry*

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dodged a bullet there didn't you? ok well not really since orals weren't happening anyways but i just felt like typing dodged a bullet

now look here sonny

Well I knew we had orals and I was pretty sure they started the next week, but I froze for a moment when the guy said that.

Funny, you saying sonny reminded me something that happened today.

I was in a programming class and some student that doesn't look all that much older than me called me 'kid' and kind of made fun of me for writing down code the teacher was showing instead of taking a picture with a phone like he did.

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how...... and why......

Uhh, can't really say. I don't really have inherent reservations with talking to people and I like explaining things I guess.

Whenever I actually finish essays teachers often told me how good my writing was even though I really hate doing it.

i'll bet you've never introduced yourself as another person during a presentation

hella embarrassing. wouldn't recommend the experience.

Yeah, can't say I've ever done.

If it's a situation where I can just go super into character I'd probably be able to do it I think.

in the past every time i had to do a presentation the teacher would always be like "you gotta speak louder" and i was like ok but consider my feelings and then i would continue in the same volume and the teacher would be like *sigh* and i would be like *cry*

I often speak too loud just in regular conversations.

Basically imagine how you guys feel about giving presentations, and try to convert that to writing. That's probably close? I'd often try to do writing assignments verbally instead.

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today i was trying to appeal free pears to these kids i work with, but the girls wouldn't let me get through the introduction like im gonna hold that against them next time we have extras of a snack they actually like totally not bitter btw

Well I knew we had orals and I was pretty sure they started the next week, but I froze for a moment when the guy said that.

Funny, you saying sonny reminded me something that happened today.

I was in a programming class and some student that doesn't look all that much older than me called me 'kid' and kind of made fun of me for writing down code the teacher was showing instead of taking a picture with a phone like he did.

pfft and they're calling you the kid? kids today and their dang fangled technology

u be proud your authentic notes

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